Lost *spoilers*

What pisses me off is how much more impactual most of those moments would've been if the flash-forwards hadn't already given them away. We knew they reunite with their families, we knew Sayid and Nadia found eachother, we suspected Jack knew about Claire.... bleh. Moments like that used to be half of why the show was as great as it was.

I thought the Nadia moments were even more tragic knowing ahead of time what is going to happen.

Personally...I'd rather them not go killing off characters next episode. Not even Jin. I like the cast just the way it is.
I think I know which movie you guys are referring to. One of my favorite movies. A David Fincher film, no?

Also, despite the fact that it was obviously a filler episode to amount to the actual two hour finale, I think there were a lot of interesting things going on.

Surprisingly, one of the most intriguing moments came out of Sun. She holds her father and his company responsible for the crash? Hmm... Yet another homage to Mr. Steven King and the Dark Tower, I think. Especially how she's taking over a bit of his company to right his wrongs. It'll be interesting to see Sun in such a powerful position. And another thing outta this scene was that she blames two people for Jin's death (if that's really what it is... I'm still holding on to the fact that he may still be alive on the island). My guess? She'll blame either Sayid or Jack for being the two *******s who say "let's roll... Forget Jin if you and your baby want off this island".

Another cool thing was to see the Others take Kate and Sayid. I wonder what this'll mean for the two hour finale. There are a lot of things to tie up on the island before they all leave...

And let's not forget the things the producers promised us before the end of the season - including the identity of the person in the coffin. I've heard so many things and so many possibilities that I don't know what to think. For a while, I DID think it was Christian, however we know now that it's not. Bummer... It would have been cool. Anyway, now that that's outta the who do I think it is? Hell, I don't even have a guess.
And, finally, they're going to deal with the Orchid. To move the island, I guess they're going to teleport it? And the reason Jack and co can't just go back is because its location is different.

They have confirmed that there is no 100% solid location for the island, its off the maps, so I don't think they are going to move it in a three-dimensional sense... I think the island is going to be moved in time.

Also: Sun kicks soooo much ***. This is how we are going to unwravel the connection between Paik, Hanso, and the Widmore corporation... I am very excited.

****ing Two Weeks. I don't want to wait two weeks. At least at that point we'll have a two hour finale, but still.
Concerning the non-Oceanic Six...
I believe Lindelof has confirmed that Locke, Sawyer and Jin are still alive on the island in the future.
or they're going to rotate it through four dimensional space.

They have confirmed that there is no 100% solid location for the island, its off the maps, so I don't think they are going to move it in a three-dimensional sense... I think the island is going to be moved in time.

So. . .they shift the island into the future? That'd be interesting. . .

I'm wondering if that's what happens to Ben. He shifts into September 2005 and into the Sahara Desert. The Island basically throwing him off.
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Well... Don't read this if you don't wanna know about some KEY details to the finale.

First of all, DarkUFO was the source... They were given information about the second and third parts of the finale from the same guy (or at least the same user name) who spoiled the Season Three finale, so it could be entirely accurate. It could be a big pile of ****. According to what else I've read about the finale, I'm all for the latter... Because there is some stupid **** that this guy said would happen...

Including the scene where we find out that Locke is indeed the person occupying the coffin. The scene is an extension of what we've seen already - Jack comes in to the funeral home, sees that it's our boy John, and is approached by Ben. He said that, somehow, Locke made it back to the mainland. Jack tells Ben that he's gotta go back and Ben agrees... And also tells Jack that they've gotta bring Locke back to the island, too. To resurrect him.

Throughout the flashforwards, Locke (allegedly... This is all subject to fraud, although this is from the same source as the one that foretold flashforwards) is evidently visiting the O6 in an attempt to get them all to come back to the island. Kate tells Jack (in an extended scene from the last season finale) at the airport parking lot that he's pretty much gone crazy and that "he" (referring to Locke) said that they had to go back, too. Sayid visits the mental institution to see if Hurley's been visited by Locke, too. Apparently, our Chosen One is making house calls to the O6 to get them to come back to the island.

And you guys heard about the "Frozen Donkey Wheel"? The codename for this season's finale? Like "Snake in the Mailbox" was for last season? Apparently, there's a frozen wheel at the bottom of the Orchid station that Ben must thaw to set the island in motion... Both in space and time. Stupid? I'd say so.

Anyway, there are a lot of holes in this and DarkUFO has taken them down and reposted them since they turned up yesterday, so... Who knows what to think? For instance, if Locke is the chosen one, why would he be able to die while the island protects Michael from certain death? If Penny is guest starring why wasn't she mentioned in the synopsis?

Oh, yeah... And the kiss is shared between Kate and Sawyer. Apparently, there's too much weight on the chopper for Sawyer (God knows why the discriminate his weight if they're carrying Hurley) so before jumping out he puts one to Kate and peaces out.

Oh, yeah... Apparently Michael dies. Jin is questionable, as is Sawyer who jumps off the chopper. I don't know.

This is what I've read. Do I believe it? I don't want to, let's put it that way...

If you read this, you let me know what you think.
I accidentally read that
John Locke
thing, but I don't believe it. Didn't I already post that Lindelof has confirmed that
Sawyer, Jin and Locke are still alive in the future?
There's 6 previews of tonight's episode that ABC released... One of which has a pretty interesting spoiler about one of the Freighters.

Charlotte has been on the island before.
I won't be able to see the episode tonight on TV since I'll be having my graduation celebration dinner, but I'll get it off of iTunes tomorrow.
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