Lost *spoilers*

This time displacement **** is so annoying.

It's impossible to speculate on this show now.
I think this episode was the first that fell victim to the rushed season. I would've like to have seen Ben have a little more trouble giving up his position as the leader or the defender of the island... But he uncharacteristically just let John do his thing. I really haven't decided if I liked this episode or not.
I think Ben is a) still in shock over Alex's death, and b) planning something. I -don't- think he's happy with being replaced, but he's going to wait until the time is right.
I think Ben's primary motivation has changed. He's fully given Locke control- he still cares about the Island, but understands now that he isn't the one who can save it.
In essence...his character has grown.
I just want to know what the hell's up with Christian and Claire. That whole scene was disturbing. As for Ben. . .he's definitely up to something, especially as shown by his hiring of Sayid in the flashfowards and his confrontation with Charles.

Also, Matthew Abaddon and Richard Alpert. What. The. ****!?
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I'm just saying I think there should have been more of an arc with Ben and maybe there is, but that's really the thing that didn't sit well with me this episode... His attitude was contradicting itself.
I'm just saying I think there should have been more of an arc with Ben and maybe there is, but that's really the thing that didn't sit well with me this episode... His attitude was contradicting itself.

See, I don't think he was contradicting himself. For the first time, Ben's scheming failed- and his daughter, one of the people he truly cared about, died. His aims have changed.
This makes him so much more human to me. Instead of continuing on with same arc we've had for two seasons, the death of his daughter brought a change in his character. He has a different mission now. His character has developed.
I think he's shown development on par with Locke.
They're the two most well-fleshed out characters in the show.

And one the best scenes was Hurley and Ben sharing a candy bar.

Yes. Ben's look was great.

This time displacement **** is so annoying.

It's impossible to speculate on this show now.

Yes. Although that's not the reason I find it annoying.

I think this episode was the first that fell victim to the rushed season. I would've like to have seen Ben have a little more trouble giving up his position as the leader or the defender of the island... But he uncharacteristically just let John do his thing.

Could be. Such a ****ing pain.

The episode was good, but it wasn't as good as I thought/hoped it was going to be. The freighter stuff.... yawn..... it's so generic and it all could've been done in much less time. It's almost filler. And what's-his-name predictably and idiotically looking away from Keamy and getting immeadiately shot was so painfully stupid.... modern-Smallville-level stupid. They should've found a better way out of that situation.

I was very greatful for a flashBACK episode, though. Both young Locke's were superb, especially the teenage one who looked JUST like him. I hope we see more teenage-Locke flashbacks.
I just want to know what the hell's up with Christian and Claire. That whole scene was disturbing. As for Ben. . .he's definitely up to something, especially as shown by his hiring of Sayid in the flashfowards and his confrontation with Charles.

Also, Matthew Abaddon and Richard Alpert. What. The. ****!?

I'm moving into the "Claire died in the explosion" camp. It seems that Jacob/The Island is using Christian's body as a puppet and Claire's along for the ride now since she's his daughter.
I'm moving into the "Claire died in the explosion" camp. It seems that Jacob/The Island is using Christian's body as a puppet and Claire's along for the ride now since she's his daughter.

Well. . .it'd make a lot more sense then her nonsensically surviving with barely a scratch to show for it. It'd also explains why Kate now has Aaron.
Huh. I would have never guessed that people are considering Claire already being dead. As opposed to getting killed or actually being alive still.
Well. . .it'd make a lot more sense then her nonsensically surviving with barely a scratch to show for it. It'd also explains why Kate now has Aaron.

And why she walked off into the jungle with the definitivly dead Christian Shepard.

Huh. I would have never guessed that people are considering Claire already being dead. As opposed to getting killed or actually being alive still.

Seems to make sense to me. And hell, people consider everything in Lost. We could start the most non-sensical theory possibly and get atleast a few supporters over at Lostpedia.
That's the truth. Lostpedia has some of the stupidest theories ever. I don't think some of them consider that this is primetime television and that not everyone that watches is a sci fi buff.

Anyway, I can see why they wouldn't make a big deal out of Claire's dying either. I mean, she's here in spirit, what's going to be the difference? Right?
2 weeks!?

Jack mets Clarie's mom and finds out she is his sister, Hurley is haunted by the numbers, Sayid reunites with Nadia, Sun owns her father, Richard and the others return and take Kate and Sayid hostage, Sun & Jin have a reunion with Michael, C4 everywhere!, Jack & Sawyer together to save Hurley, THE ORCHARD!

So much awesome.
What pisses me off is how much more impactual most of those moments would've been if the flash-forwards hadn't already given them away. We knew they reunite with their families, we knew Sayid and Nadia found eachother, we suspected Jack knew about Claire.... bleh. Moments like that used to be half of why the show was as great as it was.

But, still a good episode. Especially Ben's look when Locke questioned him. I think it would've been even more effective if he hadn't even followed it up with a line.

Ben giving himself up in that way with the "I believe you're looking for me" line HAD to be an homage to a certain movie, which I won't spoil for those who haven't seen it. It's funny because he's always reminded me of the actor too.

Keamy will be a better villain if we get some background/motivation from him.

My prediction for Ben's plan, though?

Ben: "I believe you're looking for me"

Keamy: "Freeze!"

Ben: "Tell your men not to shoot, Keamy."

Keamy: "They know to stand down."

Ben: "Oh..... really? Okay, I mean, it's just that one really looked like he was going to shoot me."

Keamy: "Who?"

Ben: "To your left."

Keamy: "What do you mean?"

Ben: "Oh he just had this really anxious look, like he wanted to shoot or be the leader of the team or something.... I dunno, don't ask me."

Soldier: "It's not true, Keamy!"

Ben: "Oh, okay. My mistake then, and it's not like you'd have any.... you know.... liars on your team or anything, right?"

*Ben leaves compound, covered in blood and broken cereal bowls*
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Ben giving himself up in that way with the "I believe you're looking for me" line HAD to be an homage to a certain movie, which I won't spoil for those who haven't seen it. It's funny because he's always reminded me of the actor too.

Didn't even notice that.
What pisses me off is how much more impactual most of those moments would've been if the flash-forwards hadn't already given them away. We knew they reunite with their families, we knew Sayid and Nadia found eachother, we suspected Jack knew about Claire.... bleh. Moments like that used to be half of why the show was as great as it was.

I agree. I think the flashfowards should have been shown in order. But, I think they were trying to keep the Oceanic 6 a big mystery.

As far as the rest of the episode goes, it was good, but felt a lot like set-up for the finale. The C4, Ben's diversion, Jack and Sawyer going to rescue Hurley, Richard and the Others taking Kate and Sayid. . .it was still good, though.

And, finally, they're going to deal with the Orchid. To move the island, I guess they're going to teleport it? And the reason Jack and co can't just go back is because its location is different.
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There's too much stuff going on and I don't know how it all fits! MY MIND!


Didn't even notice that.

It took me a while to remember where it was from but that's pretty neat, even if the line is pretty generic.
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And, finally, they're going to deal with the Orchid. To move the island, I guess they're going to teleport it? And the reason Jack and co can't just go back is because its location is different.

or they're going to rotate it through four dimensional space.

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