Lost *spoilers*

I think it would've been better if instead of threatening Daniel(who for all Jin knows could be a lethal combat expert), Jin had said "okay, then I guess you don't want to know about the golden statues" and then caught her expression.

Also, "what are you, her big brother?" would have been so much better if they'd found a way for him to say it to Jack instead.

The camerawork was kind of annoying at times. Some of the closeups of Kate were unflattering and I think the last shot of Hurley during that great, creepy scene would've been more effective and disturbing had they shot him from Jack's distance in the hallway rather than another closeup.

Overall, though it was a pretty good episode. The only problem is that the appendicitis thing is really just a way of stalling the Beach storyline.
This was probably the weakest of the new episodes, but then, I hate, hate, HATE the love triangle. I hate Jack, think Kate is sometimes okay without it, and think Sawyer is great on his own. It's an anchor around the neck of the show.
No discussion? It was an average episode... some good bits hidden in it though.

My general feeling of the episode as well.

Sawyer is mentioned in the flashforwards... I wonder what Kate is doing for him. Probably something to do with his daughter.

I'd almost forgotten about his daughter. I need to rewatch Season 3. I bought the DVD, but haven't seen the episodes since they aired.

Christian Shepherd is everywhere. Where is he taking Claire?

We'll probably find out (a teeny bit) in the finale. Next weeks is the Locke flashback (and the previews for next week's look spooky!), then the first part of the series finale airs after that...then we have to wait two weeks for the second part of the finale--DAMN YOU GREY'S ANATOMY!!!!

This Keamy guy is freaking scary. I want Sawyer to kill him.

There's gonna definitly be a showdown over the chopper. Lapidus seems sympathetic to the 815ers, since he knew the pilot (played by Greg Grunberg). He also plays Parkman on Heroes and played the pilot in the Pilot *wink* of Lost.
The Pilot of Flight 815 will reportedly return in the finale...I assume in a flashback

Danielle and Karl are in the dirt. Literally.

Sucks. I'm glad they got rid of Karl, but I wanted Danielle to stick around in a minor role. I liked her rabidly crazy *** and smoky French accent. Oh well. I hope we still get her flashback episode in the future that we've been promised since Season 1.

The island (or maybe Christian?) doesn't want Jack to leave.

Seems that way. Christian could be just a manifestation of the island, but then again (especially after this season's revelations) he could be trying to help. Or he could be trying to hinder.

The whole "Raised By Another" episode in Season 1 showed that Claire couldn't let anyone else raise Aaron or else bad **** was gonna go down. Now, she's disappeared on the island, and Kate is raising Aaron in the flash-forwards. I assume this means Claire is alive on the island in the future (no reason at this point to think otherwise, course this can change).

This is probably will play a role in motivating Kate to return to the island with Jack towards the end of next season.

I think it would've been better if instead of threatening Daniel(who for all Jin knows could be a lethal combat expert), Jin had said "okay, then I guess you don't want to know about the golden statues" and then caught her expression.

Yes, but that wouldn't have played on the apparent attraction between Daniel and her. They're setting up plot-lines for those characters, since they'll be regulars next season.

And as for Daniel potentially being a lethal combat expert, while its generally best not to judge a book by its cover, sometimes you just have to. Besides, Daniel has continually allowed himself to be pushed around by other characters on the island, which Jin has probably noticed. And Daniel has cowed to said pressures every time.

Also, "what are you, her big brother?" would have been so much better if they'd found a way for him to say it to Jack instead.


This was probably the weakest of the new episodes, but then, I hate, hate, HATE the love triangle. I hate Jack, think Kate is sometimes okay without it, and think Sawyer is great on his own. It's an anchor around the neck of the show.

And have to completely agree here on all points, but in reality, there are a lot of freaks who enjoy the love triangle. All those friggin' Jackater or KateSawyer "'shipper" people (or whatever they call themselves) annoy the hell out of me.
Jack's character arc, i think, is the show's most interesting... But episode to episode he can be so bland. This was one of those episodes, at least the bits with Jack on the Island.
On the contrary, I thought this episode was one of the best. There were so many great scenes (my favorite, personally, was the exchange between Jack and Hurley... That was awesome) that you can't say that it was only average. I will admit parts were sappy in terms of the relationship dealy, but it's paying off you can't deny that.
Also, on Lostpedia they opened a discussion about Danielle. The actress asked to be killed off, however stipulated that she may be back in season 5 so she can do a flashback.
How'd they fit them all in there?

Space-time distortion. See everyhting is really happening inside Hurly's head. And I don't mean he's hallucinating, i mean its inside his head. Thats why its so hard to go to and from the island. The ear canal's a *****.

And smokey? Thats just the mental scar from when he walked in on his parents.
Space-time distortion. See everyhting is really happening inside Hurly's head. And I don't mean he's hallucinating, i mean its inside his head. Thats why its so hard to go to and from the island. The ear canal's a *****.

And smokey? Thats just the mental scar from when he walked in on his parents.

Is this an allusion on the producer's part to the roles Cheech Marin played in his early comedy career (since he played Hurley's father)?
Is this an allusion on the producer's part to the roles Cheech Marin played in his early comedy career (since he played Hurley's father)?

Of course. Everything ties together. Just wait until Don Johnson's guest appearance in a Hurly centric.
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Now THAT'S what I call good television.

Matthew Abaddon and Richard Alpert had interest in John while he was growing up.

Christian is working for Jacob, with Claire... John had taken Ben's place as the leader of the island... I'm starting to think that it was Richard Alpert before Ben.

And Kevin Durand is gonna kill everybody.
Continuity is no longer an issue, I guess.

This episode, as bizarre as it was, was good. I'll say that. But for the life of me I can't stop scratching my head. The hugest "what the ****" episode in a while... Not because of shockers or anything like that, but because it reached furthest into the magical properties of the island than ever before.

There were so many little things in this episode. I remember seeing that exact same scene of Locke and Alpert in the Dalai Lama movie I watched in history class. Abbadon didn't seem all that bad. The doctor dies before he dies on the boat... What? I don't know... Weird.

Also, my new theory about Richard Alpert. He's essentially the island's Johnny Appleseed. He's Locke's father. Knocked up Emily Locke to see if he could create the next leader.
Now THAT'S what I call good television.

Matthew Abaddon and Richard Alpert had interest in John while he was growing up.

Christian is working for Jacob, with Claire... John had taken Ben's place as the leader of the island... I'm starting to think that it was Richard Alpert before Ben.

And Kevin Durand is gonna kill everybody.

I agree with all this.

My jaw dropped when Richard appeared at the hospital. One of the best Lost scenes ever.

That half-smile smirk thing Claire had on her face when Christian was talking...it was scary.

I was even more shocked that Abaddon was around before the crash.

And one the best scenes was Hurley and Ben sharing a candy bar.

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