Lost *spoilers*

Rosseau dying without a flashback? Lame. I hope she isn't really dead at the moment.

I don't buy that she's dead. People get shot on the island and if its not their time then they get better. Quickly. Especially not a character thats got as much mystery behind them as Rousseau. Nothing she's said lines up with what we know to be true, to kill her off without a flashback just doesn't work.

I agree, it was so lame and unneeded specially when they marketed the episode as "someone dies" it was such a secondary thought and really poorly done, I had to remind my sister that someone did die.

Karl's gone man. He's gone.
Carl's an idiot though.... he'd know what bullets sound like, and not only did he get two chances to pick up on that, he continued to stare at the water bottle after it got punctured by a third shot. Come on.

It's not like he's just some teenager, either. He's the extremely scrappy and resourceful island pro.
Carl's an idiot though.... he'd know what bullets sound like, and not only did he get two chances to pick up on that, he continued to stare at the water bottle after it got punctured by a third shot. Come on.

It's not like he's just some teenager, either. He's the extremely scrappy and resourceful island pro.

Exactly! I was like "MOVE, DUMBASS!!" after the first bullet. Watching him continue to stare stupidly at the bottle for another couple seconds was just painful. Had I been there, I'd have smacked him after the first bullet hit the bottle, called him a moron, then ducked for cover while he was shot. Then I'd have hit on Alex (she's gotten progressively hotter since her first appearance).

Whatever, I never liked Karl anyway.
Some real, REAL cool **** coming up in the final five episodes, guys. This is going to be the first season people will be satisfied with the amount revealed, I feel.
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What "cool ****" are you referring to? I love spoilers. :)

Just put it in spoiler tags or DJF may castrate you. ;)

SRSLY! I want to know! I'm slowly catching up with this series. I'm four episodes into Season 3. I should be caught up by the time the next episode airs.
Here's some spoilers for ya'll to gnaw on... Read at your own risk they vary from minor to major, so don't say I didn't tell you so.

Episode 9, "The Shape of Things to Come", will follow Sayid and Ben. Allegedly, this is the episode where we see how Sayid begins working for Ben in the future. There's a scene that has been filmed where Sayid is a pallbearer at a funeral. Who's funeral? Nadia's.

Next, Episode 10 is called "Something Nice Back Home" which is evidently following Jack. It's a flashforward, but somehow Christian Shepard will be making an appearance. Does his father's ghost have something to do with emo Jack? Only time will tell.

Then, Episode 11 - "Cabin Fever". A Locke centric flashback. Another incredibly peculiar guest star appearance... Well, there's a scene that will show us little Locke being born (I wonder if he had more hair as a baby than he does now?) which will include his mother, himself, and a one Richard Alpert. Woah. Anyway, the title also suggests a Jacob sighting... But who knows.

The rest is kind of dodgy in terms of what happens in what episode, however, there are a couple of cool things that have been said.

1.) The freighters AREN'T the people who rescue the O 6.
2.) There's a kiss, between a boy and a girl, off island that is supposed to be one of the best of the series. Carlton and Damon say so.
3.) There is going to be a cliffhanger at the end of the season that will leave us in a great amount of despair.

Also, in non-spoiler news... Damon and Carlton are urging ABC to give them ANOTHER hour to this season 4. What does this mean for the current schedule? Who knows... But more Lost is never a bad thing.
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Best. News. Evar. (Yes, Goodwill, I saw you mention this in the previous post, but that was all I saw. You know me.)

Now, if you, like me, opted not to read Goodwill's spoilers but would still like some Damon & Carlton-approved ones -- I call 'em "teasers" -- check out EW's report from Doc Jensen's 3-day set visit.

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