Lost *spoilers*

Alternate scenario: Hurley and Sun are fooled into thinking everyone on the island is dead and that they are actually the only six survivors. Jack, Kate, and Sayid know the truth, and only Sayid knows the REAL truth. Hurley has survivor's guilt issues, and is generally mad at the others because they were in a position to save themselves or try and save the others, and the only people they end up saving are Sun, Hurley, and Aaron.

I don't think so, in Hurley's flash forward he seemed wise to the conspiracy, not telling the "oceanic" guy anything and Jack asking if he did
Not bad ShaggyMarco.

I've been thinking about it today, and you know what I really don't like about last night's episode? About a quarter of the running time(Jin's flashbacks) was for the sole purpose of misleading us before the big twist about him being dead. That's it. No forwarding of plot. No character development. Nothing. Just cheap misdirection for a twist. That's not good writing at all.
so where could walt be? On the boat? still on the island?

And I think its locke in the coffin. Just my speculation or guess...
Not bad ShaggyMarco.

I've been thinking about it today, and you know what I really don't like about last night's episode? About a quarter of the running time(Jin's flashbacks) was for the sole purpose of misleading us before the big twist about him being dead. That's it. No forwarding of plot. No character development. Nothing. Just cheap misdirection for a twist. That's not good writing at all.

That's Eddie and Adam for you.
How is that bad writing? Because it had you guessing? Because it actually made you believe that it was a flash forward?

What would've been bad writing is if you could guess, off the bat, that Jin was flashing back.
How is that bad writing? Because it had you guessing? Because it actually made you believe that it was a flash forward?

What would've been bad writing is if you could guess, off the bat, that Jin was flashing back.

No, it was bad writing because it took up too much time. The misdirection was fine and the panda scenario was funny, but it should've been shorter.

Edit: Er, rather, that's why Planet-man thought it was bad writing. It could've been shorter, but I like this episode a lot and I feel like it continues Lost's streak of A episodes. I finally feel like everything's coming together.
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No, it was bad writing because it took up too much time. The misdirection was fine and the panda scenario was funny, but it should've been shorter.

But it was an enjoyable scene that highlighted what a scumbag Jin used to be and how much he's changed. And that's what the episode should have been about, since it climaxes with the discovery that he's dead.

Personally, I think they did a fine job. Not every episode has to forward the main plot.
OK I know that I'm an unknown here but I had some thoughts I that i wanted to share.

1) the "Ji Yeung" episode was most definitely heart breaking, and Zombiepanda hit the nail on the head about Jin in the beginning being an absolute A- hole and then being one of the most decent people on the island ( He's the only one I can't remember stabbing someone in the back to get what he wanted).

2) I really can't see Locke being in the coffin, mainly because of Jack actually being upset over it- they never saw eye to eye, and Kate asking why she would go to the wake- they weren't close but they did get along better than him and Jack. Plus, wouldn't Helen show up even though they ended on bad terms. The person I thought of first was Michael, but then again I can't see Jack being to upset about him either.

3) I've been watching the DVD's recently and every time I watch the opening "LOST" title screen I can't help to think that it's a metaphor for the show, blurry at the beginning, slowly coming into focus, then seeing everything clearly before it quickly becomes blurry again.
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2) I really can't see Locke being in the coffin, mainly because of Jack actually being upset over it- they never saw eye to eye, and Kate asking why she would go to the wake- they weren't close but they did get along better than him and Jack. Plus, wouldn't Helen show up even though they ended on bad terms. The person I thought of first was Michael, but then again I can't see Jack being to upset about him either.

Well it's probably because he realized Locke was right and you would expect people show up just out of respect, but I don't think it's Locke either
Ok, I'm glad we're getting five more episodes. That ending would've pissed a LOT of fans off if that was what we were left with...

The entire episode was mediocre... It got Michael back into the mix and explained some things... As well as made more questions. That's all good and cool, but nothing absolutely dire.

I mean, how can't Michael commit suicide? I'm guessing this is the same as Jack being unable to jump off the bridge...

Also, how do "certain" Others hop back and forth between island and mainland?

How does Ben know so much, including the number to the freighter?

Oh, and... Friendly being gay. We saw it coming... But it was a funny confirmation.
Least favorite episode of the season so far. Probably because it has nothing following it, and...

Rosseau dying without a flashback? Lame. I hope she isn't really dead at the moment.

Why can't all the episodes be as fantastic as The Constant? Ever since we learned Whidmore was the 'big bad guy', I've started to loose the same interest I once had. LOST has always been about characters first, and the introduction of hardcore antagonists kind of hurts that.
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Harold Perrineau was great in this. I just started to feel SO BAD for Michael being caught up in all of this crap just for having gotten on the wrong plane at the wrong time with Walt.

Speaking of Walt, i wonder if we're ever gonna get any answers about his precognition. The actor's growth spurt makes it difficult to show him fully on screen. I laughed at the shot of him at the window 'cause of that.
I thought Michael's mother was the same woman Miles went to see. That would be nuts.

I don't have much to say about Lost anymore because it hurts thinking about it. It was an alright episode though. I like Michael.
I mean, how can't Michael commit suicide? I'm guessing this is the same as Jack being unable to jump off the bridge...
It seems the Island has a plan and won't let people stray from it, like Desmond traveling back last season trying to chance the future. The island has it's own design it forces on others
Also, how do "certain" Others hop back and forth between island and mainland?
They did have a submarine before Locke blew it up
How does Ben know so much, including the number to the freighter?
Remember the video Ben showed Locke? He has agents off the island doing research
Oh, and... Friendly being gay. We saw it coming... But it was a funny confirmation.
Rosseau dying without a flashback? Lame. I hope she isn't really dead at the moment.
I agree, it was so lame and unneeded specially when they marketed the episode as "someone dies" it was such a secondary thought and really poorly done, I had to remind my sister that someone did die.

The actor's growth spurt makes it difficult to show him fully on screen. I laughed at the shot of him at the window 'cause of that.

I say they just show him without explaining the growth just have people make comments like "you got tall" or "was he always that big" I really enjoyed Locke's and Sawyer's talk about it.
The only thing that I thought detracted from my enjoyment of the episode was how this fit into the timeline... There just seemed to be too much there for the amount of time Michael was supposed to be away. And Friendly coming and going doesn't leave much time, either. I have no idea, it does hurt to think about it.
Why can't all the episodes be as fantastic as The Constant?
I don't expect every episode to be as good like The Constant was. It's all going to be different levels of entertainment (or the lack thereof). Still, I thought it was a enjoyable episode and in a good way explained why/how Michael came back.

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