Lost *spoilers*

Just a thought...

(Spoiler pertaining to the title of 4.07):

I bet Ji Yeon is the name of Sun and Jin's child.

Granted, I know nothing of the Korean language, but it sounds like it to me.
Anyone listening to the podcasts this season?

The most recent one was interesting...

I thought it was cool how Damon and Carlton confirmed that Harper was, indeed, still alive and not an illusion created by Jacob or the Black Smoke. We'll have to see what this means... I still can't get my head around how she knew what Ben wanted and how she knew that he wanted Juliet to go to the Tempest to stop the two Freighter folk...

Also, there was a good bit about Christian Shepard, too. Nothing revealing, persay, but it was interesting... They said that it was a good observation that Christian was chilling in Jacob's cabin and that he's important to Jack AND the rest of the survivors. Very ominous response... And not necessarily saying that he is (or isn't) Jacob.
Anyone listening to the podcasts this season?

The most recent one was interesting...

I thought it was cool how Damon and Carlton confirmed that Harper was, indeed, still alive and not an illusion created by Jacob or the Black Smoke. We'll have to see what this means... I still can't get my head around how she knew what Ben wanted and how she knew that he wanted Juliet to go to the Tempest to stop the two Freighter folk...

Also, there was a good bit about Christian Shepard, too. Nothing revealing, persay, but it was interesting... They said that it was a good observation that Christian was chilling in Jacob's cabin and that he's important to Jack AND the rest of the survivors. Very ominous response... And not necessarily saying that he is (or isn't) Jacob.

Love the podcasts. (Damon and Carlton are my heroes.) But I'm still guessing that Harper's been at The Temple the whole time, and that may have just been an astral projection of herself or something.
Love the podcasts. (Damon and Carlton are my heroes.) But I'm still guessing that Harper's been at The Temple the whole time, and that may have just been an astral projection of herself or something.

Or it could really have just been her in the jungle (when meeting Juliet). Occam's Razor and all...with Lindelof and Cuse saying she wasn't an illusion (or the black smoke) in the Podcast, it seems she was really there.

Come on man, I know you listen to the Podcasts, pay attention!!

Or it could really have just been her in the jungle (when meeting Juliet). Occam's Razor and all...with Lindelof and Cuse saying she wasn't an illusion (or the black smoke) in the Podcast, it seems she was really there.

I agree, but if it was just her, no Island magics attached, then you can't really explain her sudden disappearance into thin air, can you?
Jin, NOOOO!!!

I is sad now :(

Also I just thought of something, Ben is crazy over Juliet because she looks like "her", assuming its the girl from Ben's flashback. Now in season 3 Juliet was chosen to talk to Jack because she was similar to his wife. What if Jack's ex-wife was on the island during the Dharma initiative?
Crazy twist in the end. Michael's come-back didn't seem as shocking. And not because I knew; I just mean story-wise it didn't have that OMGWTFBBQKTHXBYE feeling.

Still, a very good episode.
I agree, but if it was just her, no Island magics attached, then you can't really explain her sudden disappearance into thin air, can you?

Trying to apply real-world physics and logic to Lost? Amateur. :roll:

Juliet, Ethan, Goodwin, and other, er, Others, have all pulled similar stunts (appearing out of nowhere). None of them are Cerebus (The Black Smoke), illusions, etcetera. Why does that logic apply now, then?

(I'm yanking your chaing here, DJF, but only sort of.)

As for tonight's episode, pretty good. Not as good as The Constant or some of the Season 1 episodes, but it had some pretty big shockers.

First, Michael showing up, no big surprise. We all knew it was gonna happen, now here it is.

Second, the reveal of Sun as one of the Oceanic 6 and her having the kid were cool, but the ending reveal of Jin being dead was a shocker. However, I don't think that means he was in the coffin Jack went to the funeral parlor to visit in the season 3 finale (for obvious reasons--it was in LA, no Sun, the fact it takes place in April, 2007, and Jin dying before the baby is born means he died sometime before July, 2005).

Third, Juliet outing Sun's affair to Jin was pretty out of the blue. My mouth dropped at that.

The little bit of info we got from the Captain of the freighter about Widmore and Ben was nothing shocking, but I still found it interesting.

As for the previews for next weeks episode (marked in spoiler tags for DJF):

So its revealed someone will die on next week's episode. The obvious choice is Jin, given the ending of this week's show. However, I think its far too obvious to be the case. Instead, I think Michael will die at the end of next episode. One, it would be unexpected since he just returned, and the little that was said about Harold Perrineau returning to Lost never mentioned it being a long stay. I figure next week's episode will feature flashbacks to Michael and Walt getting off the island at the end of Season 2, the set-up for Michael spying for Ben (no doubt motivated by Ben threatening Walt or something) right up to the present. Much like Michael's last flashback episode "Three Minutes" (2x22). The present day events will obviously pick up and play out from where this episode left us. And guaranteed, Michael will most likely redeem himself through a heroic death, etc, to somehow save Walt and the survivors, yadda yadda yadda. He comes back and dies, and his entire story is wrapped up in one episode...almost unheard of on Lost. Still, I'm betting this will be how things work out, amongst the usual island hijinks.
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Jin's date of death was the day the Oceanic flight took off, so we can't say for sure whether or not he's dead. Whatever happened to get the Oceanic Six off the island, it was big. If they're alive, then separating Jin from Sun and Claire from Aaron, would take something massive.

I know what the Captain revealed doesn't seem so big to us, but it is. It's a huge. The fact that he knew the information in the first place, much less was willing to reveal it so calmly, means that he must be ridiculously high on the chain of command--possibly even one of Widmore's right-hand men. I think what he told them was true and the "Don't trust the captain" message was less of a "he lies" message and more of a "he's gonna kill you" message.

Desmond, Michael, Sayid, you all get an A+ in "hiding your 'oh ****' reaction".
Third, Juliet outing Sun's affair to Jin was pretty out of the blue. My mouth dropped at that.
I pretty much shouted, "you ****ing *****!
Jin's date of death was the day the Oceanic flight took off, so we can't say for sure whether or not he's dead. Whatever happened to get the Oceanic Six off the island, it was big. If they're alive, then separating Jin from Sun and Claire from Aaron, would take something massive.
That's what I really want to find out this story arc
Desmond, Michael, Sayid, you all get an A+ in "hiding your 'oh ****' reaction".
Jin's date of death was the day the Oceanic flight took off, so we can't say for sure whether or not he's dead. Whatever happened to get the Oceanic Six off the island, it was big. If they're alive, then separating Jin from Sun and Claire from Aaron, would take something massive.

I think we're supposed to get from the 9/22 date that the world at large believes Jin died in the crash, but in reality, he died (dies) sometime on the island or on the freighter (maybe even next episode as the preview suggests). I also think that since Damon and Carlton said they would reveal who the 6 are after tonight's episode aired, it's only logical that Aaron - even though he wasn't even born on September 22nd - is the 6th (well, 5th), not Jin.

Plus Michael Ausiello, the teaser/spoiler king of TVGuide.com (who only lets slip info that Darlton okays) revealed a few weeks ago that sometime before the end of the eight-episode pod, someone who was on 815 would be revealed to be dead, but the viewer wouldn't understand how. I think it's undeniable then that Jin is dead, hence the fact that I even allowed myself to cry in the first place.

Great episode, though. :D

So sad. :cry: After Eko died I cried for 4 minutes. After this episode, I cried for twice that.
Also I just thought of something, Ben is crazy over Juliet because she looks like "her", assuming its the girl from Ben's flashback. Now in season 3 Juliet was chosen to talk to Jack because she was similar to his wife. What if Jack's ex-wife was on the island during the Dharma initiative?


But I'm assuming she meant Ben's mother.
The look on Sayid's face when he seen Michael made the entire show for me.

Anything that has happened or will happen.

I don't care.

That was perfect.
Who's Harper?

Anyway, I love Jin and Sun. This episode broke my heart. My guess is, the Oceanic Six were picked for some reason, that their friends are back on the island, but the world at large believes they're dead, and they're still back there, on the island. Maybe Jin's dead, or maybe he's just publicly dead. For whatever reason, these six got "voted off", and this season will be building towards why they got picked.
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Who's Harper?

Goodwin's ex-wife.

Anyway, I love Jin and Sun. This episode broke my heart. My guess is, the Oceanic Six were picked for some reason, that their friends are back on the island, but the world at large believes they're dead,

Until they find a way to quell the raging spirit that lives with in!


Dun dun dun DUNNNNN duhn...
Goodwin's ex-wife.

Until they find a way to quell the raging spirit that lives with in!


Dun dun dun DUNNNNN duhn...


You get a Zombipanda ***-slap!

It's like ourchair points, or Post-of-the-Day, except more violating, and no matter how much you wash, you can't get the shame smell off.

Let's see how it does in the market.
Good episode. Jin/Sun being the last two members of the Oceanic Six and Michael showing up on the freighter weren't surprising, but the fact that Jin is now dead was. Holy ****. I presume Sun's father had Jin killed... or someone else did.

And Nikki returned: http://the-odi.blogspot.com/2008/03/episode-4x07-nikki-appears-on-suns-tv.html

Actually, seeing the information on the headstone... I'm guessing they're saying Jin was one of the other two of the "eight" survivors, who ended up "dying".

Too much stuff to think about!
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I get the impression that most everyone is still on the Island, but that Jin is probably genuinely dead.

When the six are leaving the island, I think they all leave for different reasons.

Sayid is convinced by Ben that only by leaving the Island can he protect the people still on the Island. Jin probably does everything he can, up unto sacrificing himself to see to it that Sun makes it off the Island to save her life. Hurley is tricked...or forced into abandoning everyone else and going back. Jack does it because he's tired of having to babysit everyone, hates lock, and is a general ***-hole, and Kate goes because she's a selfish ***** who convinces herself that Jack will love her if she goes with him, talks Jack into abandoning everyone and cutting the deal that will get them off the island, and makes herself feel better by getting Aaron to safety.

Hurley starts feeling guilty they left the Island with the others still alive, and the only one he doesn't blame is Sun. Jack eventually also becomes consumed with guilt. Only Sayid knows why they HAD to do it, and Kate compartmentalizes so well, the guilt doesn't touch her.

Alternate scenario: Hurley and Sun are fooled into thinking everyone on the island is dead and that they are actually the only six survivors. Jack, Kate, and Sayid know the truth, and only Sayid knows the REAL truth. Hurley has survivor's guilt issues, and is generally mad at the others because they were in a position to save themselves or try and save the others, and the only people they end up saving are Sun, Hurley, and Aaron.

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