Lost *spoilers*

So i was doing some reading, and apparently the physics behind charlie's death are wrong.

The room would have only filled up with water to the top of the window, since air takes up space that the water wouldn't have displaced. So there would have been plenty of air for charlie to survive in there temporarily.

The physics and everything else about that whole fiasco.

So i was doing some reading, and apparently the physics behind charlie's death are wrong.

The room would have only filled up with water to the top of the window, since air takes up space that the water wouldn't have displaced. So there would have been plenty of air for charlie to survive in there temporarily.

Well like I said earlier, it was something they wanted to do for the story, but the set design didn't help. It just one of those moments where you have to suspend physics for sake of the story. The funny thing is Steven Spielberg does this all the time, but not for the story just for more exciting action scenes and I've never heard anyone complain about it as much as this
Well like I said earlier, it was something they wanted to do for the story, but the set design didn't help. It just one of those moments where you have to suspend physics for sake of the story. The funny thing is Steven Spielberg does this all the time, but not for the story just for more exciting action scenes and I've never heard anyone complain about it as much as this

Because when Spielberg does it, the motivations at least make sense.
Because when Spielberg does it, the motivations at least make sense.

Not really, I mean it doesn't make anymore sense than how Charlie died. In Jurassic Park a cliff appears out of no where for one shot only to make it more exciting, here with have a simple misplacement of logic to get a dramatic scene essential to the plot. I mean to do some thing because it is inherently essential to the story makes more sense than just to make one scene slightly more exciting.
Regardless of how unbelievably confusing "The Constant" episode was...

The end nearly caused me to shed man-tears.
I really enjoyed this episode, Lost is one of those few shows that are filled with characters I love to see. Desmond is one of my favorites and I really like the time travel aspect. It was pretty interesting.
Regardless of how unbelievably confusing "The Constant" episode was...
Think of it this way, his mind can't handle time travel and will burn out. Focusing on a constant helps him cope with the idea and get through it
The end nearly caused me to shed man-tears.

Same here, Desmond and Penny always does that to me

I look forward to see what Dan with be doing in the Dharma hatch
Okay, so Time Travel. And I think I kind of basically understand what the deal is, but maybe not, so I guess we'll see. Basically I think the jist is that time travel is based on the fact that Time is a matter of human perspective, or more of a metaphysical field than a purely physical one.

Desmond got knocked out of his current time into his own past. I don't think its possible to send someone into the past physically, but I think the idea is that the mind from the future can inhabit the mind from the past. This is particularly good in the sense that it rules out weird Dinosaur stuff, and actually seems based on current theories on time (my roommate, who doesn't like lost, liked this episode, because he studied some of these theories last year).

More Twitchy Dan = Good.

The Widmore Corporation is a) aware of the Island, because of Hanso's diary, b) funding the Dharma Initiative alongside the Hanso Foundation, or c) is taken over by Penny and she now has the book which she is using to find Desmond... I think this is secretly the most important thing to happen this episode.
The Constant was the best episode since Live Together, Die Alone. That's not to say nothing in season 3 was excellent, because most of it was, as has been this season. The Constant was just better than all the rest.
Desmond-centric episodes are the best.
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It would have been cool if the rat's name was "Pilgrim".

The Blackrock Diary auction stole the show.

Desmond and Penny was excellent, but some of the impact was lost for me because I was thinking "but it's still past Desmond, who just saw her", until I caught on that the leaps had stopped, but then wouldn't Desmond not remember how he got on the boat or why he was holding a phone? But the scene was well done enough that I forgot about that for the moment and enjoyed it.

Overall, one of the better episodes in a while, but I still think the second episode of this season has been its best so far.
ROFL! I've been gone for a long time, but I had to come back momentarily for this Desmond-centric episode to rub your noses in it again. As I found the last time I did this, those who decided to comment fell into two camps : Those who continued to be in denial about Desmond and those who started trying to weasel out of what they said before. I could see that few got the point. This has never been about who was right or wrong. Hey, we all just do our best to come up with theories and see how it goes, eh? No, this is about the VIRULENT attack on my time-travelling Desmond idea, as if I had come up with an absolutely far-fetched idea and I was an absolute fool for thinking I might be right. Disagreeing with someone else's opinion is the stuff of life. Shouting them down when you really don't know any better... well that's a good way to set yourself up for something like this. Those of you on the list... I expect nothing less than name-calling and/or backpedalling. That's cool. Whatever gets you through the day. These excerpts (feel free to go back and read this chunk of thread if you like) are really for the enjoyment of others because at least one person on this list (definitely not ALL of these people) is a major big-mouthed a$$ and it is SO rich to see him so wrong.

Originally Posted by ProjectX2
Desmond... I hope he's not a time traveller. That would just be stupid.

Originally Posted by Planet-man
Still stupid, IMHO. I still don't think Desmond is a time-traveler. It's too convoluted.

Originally Posted by thee great one
Are you guys still on this time travel nonsense!? There is no time travel, none of that nonsense. There is no hints to it and wouldn't fit the feel of the series. You make too much of it.

Originally Posted by leather_w0lf
OK, let's clear some things up: Desmond is only precognative. He's not a time traveller.

Originally Posted by Ultimate Houde


Two different things, Desmond is now a precog

Oh, and before I forget, thanks for the kind messages that I received before I left last time. I know you're good people and I know YOU know exactly who we're talking about here. I admire your tenacity to keep good conversations going on this site, but there are just too many other places to chat that DON'T let the children run rampant.
Jack of Hearts? You realize your original account wasn't banned or anything, there was no need to create a new account for gloating.

Also: no need to be a jackass.
You know at that moment in time he was only a precognative.

You must be some kind of genius to guess that would led to time-traveller.

The episode was epic badass.
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ROFL! I've been gone for a long time, but I had to come back momentarily for this Desmond-centric episode to rub your noses in it again. As I found the last time I did this, those who decided to comment fell into two camps : Those who continued to be in denial about Desmond and those who started trying to weasel out of what they said before. I could see that few got the point. This has never been about who was right or wrong. Hey, we all just do our best to come up with theories and see how it goes, eh? No, this is about the VIRULENT attack on my time-travelling Desmond idea, as if I had come up with an absolutely far-fetched idea and I was an absolute fool for thinking I might be right. Disagreeing with someone else's opinion is the stuff of life. Shouting them down when you really don't know any better... well that's a good way to set yourself up for something like this.

The Internet
September 22nd, 2004
10:23pm, EST

TVluver99: "Hey, did anybody see the premire of that new show LOST tonight? That was a pretty great opener, I hear it was the most expensive pilot in history and it showed. Charlie is my favourite character(I :heart: Dom Monaghan sooooooooo much!!!), and WTF is up with the monster?"

Jack Of Hearts: "Charlie's dead."

TVluver99: "I... what? How could he be dead?"

Jack Of Hearts: "When he came out of the bathroom on the plane, didn't you see how he was all nervous, like something wasn't quite right? He's dead. He died in the plane crash and is now a ghost haunting the other castaways, but doesn't know it. Face it. That's the only explaination."

TVluver99: "Uh, my guess was that he was doing drugs in there or something. It seems to go with his character and explains why he was embarassed when Kate caught almost him."

Jack Of Hearts: "No, he's dead. He's a ghost. That's gotta be it. It's the only explaination."

TVluver99: "Sorry, that's ridiculous."

MetsFan37: "Completely agree. He's a druggie."

The Internet
January 31st, 2008
10:09pm, EST

j0hnl0ck315MYg0d!!1: "Wow, what a crazy premire. Who do you think that black guy was?"

TVluver99: "What I want to know is how Hurley's friend could also see Charlie when they were outside the institution--"

Jack Is Back: "ZOMG I TOLD YOU GUYS LMAO!!!!!!!!!"
ROFL! I've been gone for a long time, but I had to come back momentarily for this Desmond-centric episode to rub your noses in it again. As I found the last time I did this, those who decided to comment fell into two camps : Those who continued to be in denial about Desmond and those who started trying to weasel out of what they said before. I could see that few got the point. This has never been about who was right or wrong. Hey, we all just do our best to come up with theories and see how it goes, eh? No, this is about the VIRULENT attack on my time-travelling Desmond idea, as if I had come up with an absolutely far-fetched idea and I was an absolute fool for thinking I might be right. Disagreeing with someone else's opinion is the stuff of life. Shouting them down when you really don't know any better... well that's a good way to set yourself up for something like this. Those of you on the list... I expect nothing less than name-calling and/or backpedalling. That's cool. Whatever gets you through the day. These excerpts (feel free to go back and read this chunk of thread if you like) are really for the enjoyment of others because at least one person on this list (definitely not ALL of these people) is a major big-mouthed a$$ and it is SO rich to see him so wrong.

Oh, and before I forget, thanks for the kind messages that I received before I left last time. I know you're good people and I know YOU know exactly who we're talking about here. I admire your tenacity to keep good conversations going on this site, but there are just too many other places to chat that DON'T let the children run rampant.



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Jack of Hearts? You realize your original account wasn't banned or anything, there was no need to create a new account for gloating.

Also: no need to be a jackass.

Oh, I didn't keep any of my old logon info. Didn't really plan to be back and I'll leave again after this message. And you're right that I don't need to be a jackass, but it's just TOO tasty to dish it back to the original jackasses. And two of my quotee's have already replied... and utterly missed the point. Planet-Man's reply is especially humorous because he appears to be accusing me of EXACTLY what I'm accusing the quotee's of doing. The difference? He's created a fictitious dialogue where I say that I am always right and others are wrong whereas I only have to point at the ACTUAL dialogue to show that quite the opposite is true. Anyone who thinks this is all about who was right and who was wrong though just doesn't get it. If one person says "I think she did it" and the other person says "I don't know, I think he did it" then eventually one of them will end up right and the two of them will just move on. But when that second person goes so far as to say, "She couldn't possibly have done it and you're a crazed idiot for thinking so." well I think that second person needs to eat their words. These people didn't simply disagree with my opinion back then. They said that it couldn't be and that I should stop talking about it.

They won't learn though. They'll read what I've put up tonight and respond with personal attacks and/or sarcastic comments in an attempt to cover up the fact that they know they made these over-stated opinions in the past. I'd like to think that they'll phrase their future opinions more sensibly, but we know that won't be the case. I'll leave them now to stew in their own anger and self-hate.
Oh, I didn't keep any of my old logon info. Didn't really plan to be back and I'll leave again after this message. And you're right that I don't need to be a jackass, but it's just TOO tasty to dish it back to the original jackasses. And two of my quotee's have already replied... and utterly missed the point. Planet-Man's reply is especially humorous because he appears to be accusing me of EXACTLY what I'm accusing the quotee's of doing. The difference? He's created a fictitious dialogue where I say that I am always right and others are wrong whereas I only have to point at the ACTUAL dialogue to show that quite the opposite is true. Anyone who thinks this is all about who was right and who was wrong though just doesn't get it. If one person says "I think she did it" and the other person says "I don't know, I think he did it" then eventually one of them will end up right and the two of them will just move on. But when that second person goes so far as to say, "She couldn't possibly have done it and you're a crazed idiot for thinking so." well I think that second person needs to eat their words. These people didn't simply disagree with my opinion back then. They said that it couldn't be and that I should stop talking about it.

They won't learn though. They'll read what I've put up tonight and respond with personal attacks and/or sarcastic comments in an attempt to cover up the fact that they know they made these over-stated opinions in the past. I'd like to think that they'll phrase their future opinions more sensibly, but we know that won't be the case. I'll leave them now to stew in their own anger and self-hate.

Excuse me. I was wrong. Here we go.


You are the man.

And let's be honest. Calling it "time travel" is stupid anyway. "Time travel" should be reserved for excursions of a Marty McFlyish nature.
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Planet-Man's reply is especially humorous because he appears to be accusing me of EXACTLY what I'm accusing the quotee's of doing.


The difference? He's created a fictitious dialogue where I say that I am always right and others are wrong whereas I only have to point at the ACTUAL dialogue to show that quite the opposite is true.

Warning: "Actual dialouge" may not appear exactly as advertised.

And something you said was happening a over year ago ending up happening now under different circumstances does not make you right. You said Desmond's knowledge of the future was because he was a time traveller. We said he wasn't, and that it came from a vision of the future. Desmond did not become a time traveller until tonight. You were wrong.

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