Lost *spoilers*

Thinking about the flashforwards makes my heads (yes, both of them) hurt.
The flashforwards are, for whatever reason, confusing the **** outta people. Or, they are just reading far too into them. I don't mean you guys but at Lostpedia. They are all "this was a flashforward and we didn't know it!" about the Freighter Folk episode. Like, THINK.
People read too much into Lost.

I really don't think the writers are as smart as people are making them.

Remember that Desmond said Claire and Aaron got into the helicopter.

What the **** happened to that?
People read too much into Lost.

I really don't think the writers are as smart as people are making them.

Remember that Desmond said Claire and Aaron got into the helicopter.

What the **** happened to that?

what happened to them? Desmond and Sayid? I guess the helicopter pilot didn't stick ..HEXACTLY to the bearing they came in on.

And why bring back the backgammon...that hasn't featured since like the first episode.

You think John Locke's become a ******? I don't think he's as mean as he makes himself look...e.g. I don't think the grenade he stuck in that guys mouth works...otherwise that's just megaharsh. but my friend I watched it with has really gone off him.

EDIT: the swear filter didn't pick up on the word
? are we allowed to use that word? Am I just spelling it wrong and unintentionally circumventing the filter?
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That hasn't been written out, all Desmond knows is that they got on the copter, never saw what happened to Claire after that point

Nor do we know when in the future thats supposed to happen. The Freighter people haven't interacted with the majority of the survivors at all. Wait until they do and I bet the recent mother and child will be get to da choppa.
The hand grenade in the mouth thing was awesome.

I can't say I've ever seen that as a way to keep someone from talking, but it's brilliant.
Well, we know that at least the baby gets off the island. :-/

Claire didn't go BECAUSE Charlie died, which I thought was pretty ironic. Maybe something go changed in the process of getting the signal off the island turned on.
Well, we know that at least the baby gets off the island. :-/

Claire didn't go BECAUSE Charlie died, which I thought was pretty ironic. Maybe something go changed in the process of getting the signal off the island turned on.

That wouldn't make sense, Desmond saw Charlie Die then saw Claire and Aaron on the helicopter. I telling you, she gets on the copter but then something happens to her before the freighter reaches the island
People read too much into Lost.

I really don't think the writers are as smart as people are making them.

Remember that Desmond said Claire and Aaron got into the helicopter.

What the **** happened to that?

Uh...of all the things to pick on Lost about, this isn't one of them. There's a chopper on the island (or was, its now supposedly on its way to the freighter). Just because Claire is with Locke doesn't mean that Desmond's vision/prophecy won't hold true. Kate now raising Aaron doesn't mean Claire died on the island, etc.

I otherwise agree with you. I love the show, and watch it every week, but some of its fans do read into the show far too much, looking for clues everywhere.

I chose to see that scene as an homage to the original Saw, a film Ken Leung (Miles) was in (along with Michael "Ben" Emerson).

Thats where I knew him from! He played Danny Glover's detective character's partner, right?

By the way, anyone picking up the Lost video game tomorrow (besides me)? After work, I plan on coming home and playing a good 4-6 hours of it. The online reviews for it are all very positive.
I was planning to get the game this week, but aside from the fact that it'll probably rent way fast, I just got an Ocarina of Time ROM for my computer today and am now playing it for the first time in my life.

I didn't have an N64 growing up and this makes me a very happy boy.
That wouldn't make sense, Desmond saw Charlie Die then saw Claire and Aaron on the helicopter. I telling you, she gets on the copter but then something happens to her before the freighter reaches the island

I hope you're not referring to any stupid spoilers here...
I picked up the Lost video game (Via Domus) yesterday and played the first couple of levels. I like it. It does a surprisingly good job of bringing across the feel of the show, and incorporating playable flashbacks and an amnesia storyline that work well together. I recommend fans of the show pick it up, or at least give it a rent.
So i was doing some reading, and apparently the physics behind charlie's death are wrong.

The room would have only filled up with water to the top of the window, since air takes up space that the water wouldn't have displaced. So there would have been plenty of air for charlie to survive in there temporarily.
So i was doing some reading, and apparently the physics behind charlie's death are wrong.

The room would have only filled up with water to the top of the window, since air takes up space that the water wouldn't have displaced. So there would have been plenty of air for charlie to survive in there temporarily.

Oh, I know.

And he could have also opened the door easily enough to get out of the room as well. Before the water sluggishly rushed into the station.

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