Lost *spoilers*

Called it in the beginning.

This one was boring.

Same here. I didn't think it was boring at the time, but in retrospect it didn't really move the story much.

I'm usually oblivious when it comes to watching tv and movie, I like to enjoy the ride rather than try to actively figure it out.

Same here, however, this just seemed too obvious.

Poor Daniel... does he suffer from "Dory Syndrome"? :(

Heh. I get it.:)

WTF!? What happened to Claire? She was one for my favorites. I would be pissed if she gets killed off.


I'm starting to worry about the mortality of everyone on the Island, because Jack would have to be pretty sure that no one from that crash would EVER surface publically within his lifetime, or he'd be jailed for perjury.
Yeah, I predicted the Aaron thing from the start......because I read the theory on Lostpedia like two weeks ago.
Moonmaster, there was a guest actor on LOST tonight by the name of Shawn Doyle. Ever heard of him?

I noticed that too, and forgot to mention this a minute ago.

He's the bad guy from one of my(and Ice's, I believe) all-time favourite movies, Frequency, which also stars Elizabeth Mitchell/Juliet from LOST.

The name of Shawn Doyle's character in Frequency? Jack Shepard.

I DON'T make this stuff up!

Yeah, I predicted the Aaron thing from the start......because I read the theory on Lostpedia like two weeks ago.

The theory that Kate would not have a baby after claiming to be pregnant, but steal Aaron?

Also Moony, did VALIS tie into anything that's happened this season so far?
Yeah, I noticed the Shawn Doyle thing.

Funny, though he spells it differently.
The theory that Kate would not have a baby after claiming to be pregnant, but steal Aaron?
"He" will be wondering where I (Kate) am

* "He" is Aaron.

And I don't think she stole him.

If only a limited number of people are rescued from the terrifying island, I would think someone would consider bringing the baby. Even if Claire couldn't go for some reason.
Also Moony, did VALIS tie into anything that's happened this season so far?
Ugh, seeing that book on LOST gave me a spontaneous headache. I love it but it's very...complicated. Suffice it to say, if LOST somehow ties into the themes in VALIS...LOST is gonna get a lot more complex.
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I predicted Aaron, though I've managed to keep my eyes away from spoilers for this season so far (and will continue to. It's just better that way, I find).

That said, I still liked the episode despite Kate's centrality to it. I can't think of a good Kate episode since season 1. She's never interested me one bit.
I like seeing Dr. Jack though.
And Hugo/ Sawyer as roomates is the best idea the writers have ever had. I'm sure of it.
I surprised no one has brought this up. Is Aaron part of the Oceanic Six?

Yeah, I'm certain they said last week the final member of the Oceanic Six will be reveal. Also I recall Jack saying Kate saving 8 people from the crash, so I think they're story is that Claire was one of those 8 but died later after child birth and Kate became a surrogate mother.
Yeah, I'm certain they said last week the final member of the Oceanic Six will be reveal. Also I recall Jack saying Kate saving 8 people from the crash, so I think they're story is that Claire was one of those 8 but died later after child birth and Kate became a surrogate mother.

Aaron being one of the Six would be retarded. He wasn't on the plane - not in the sense that he bought a ticket and was on the manifest, at least. Therefore - not one of the Six. However, your idea about Claire dying (I'm going to guess at childbirth on the island is the story they will come up with) and being one of the eight is spot on.

And even if Aaron WAS one of the Six (which, again, would be retarded), he wouldn't be the last one. We've only gotten four so far: Jack, Kate, Hugo, Sayid.

Unless you want to count Ben as one of the Six, as he could probably just forge a passport and become Joe Schmoe from Bum****, Nebraska.

This show is so irritating.
Aaron being one of the Six would be retarded. He wasn't on the plane - not in the sense that he bought a ticket and was on the manifest, at least. Therefore - not one of the Six. However, your idea about Claire dying (I'm going to guess at childbirth on the island is the story they will come up with) and being one of the eight is spot on.

And even if Aaron WAS one of the Six (which, again, would be retarded), he wouldn't be the last one. We've only gotten four so far: Jack, Kate, Hugo, Sayid.

You're right. The media would never consider a baby born right after the crash a survivor of it. Its obviously retarded.:shifty:

I could see Aaron going either way. Did he see kinda... not right to anyone? Like needs a helmet not right?
Called it in the beginning.

This one was boring.

No you didn't. You probably read or heard of the spoilers concerning tis episode and its ending that've been online for two months. Liar.

Yeah, I predicted the Aaron thing from the start......because I read the theory on Lostpedia like two weeks ago.


It was the least exciting episode of the season so far. The first three were much better, or maybe its just hard for me to find Kate and her story interesting.
Aaron being one of the Six would be retarded. He wasn't on the plane - not in the sense that he bought a ticket and was on the manifest, at least. Therefore - not one of the Six. However, your idea about Claire dying (I'm going to guess at childbirth on the island is the story they will come up with) and being one of the eight is spot on.

And even if Aaron WAS one of the Six (which, again, would be retarded), he wouldn't be the last one. We've only gotten four so far: Jack, Kate, Hugo, Sayid.
Hmm, I miss counted then, but they still said another oceanic six would be revealed and there's nothing stupid of Aaron being an Oceanic six
I think Jack would've noticed Kate carrying a child off the island, though.

Perhaps Kate just liked the name and it IS Sawyer's.
I pretty much only liked the episode for the future flashes.

Aaron being her son was pretty shocking.
Jack said Kate saved 8 people. So, they need to consider the Marshal, Claire, Jack,
Hugo, Sayid, and... Who else? Ben? In that interview it said he could've been considered a member of the 6 because he could've taken a passport and changed his identity. As he did with Henry Gale.
Anyone who regularly goes back and watches old episodes of Lost - the episode with hurley in the mental institute was that actually a flash-forward we just didn't realise. Now that we know he ends up in a mental institute is it the same place?
Anyone who regularly goes back and watches old episodes of Lost - the episode with hurley in the mental institute was that actually a flash-forward we just didn't realise. Now that we know he ends up in a mental institute is it the same place?

It's the same institution, but that was a flashback in the episode you're talking about("Dave"), because of Libby being there.

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