Lost *spoilers*

...the internet has become a snake eating its own tail!


Specifically this

Mastad_on said:
It may not be reliable, however I got it from www.ultimatecentral.com. They've got a thread going there for Lost. I'll check up on the validity... But I just thought this might be cool to share.

I'm trying to find exactly where I read that so we don't get a bad reputation.

Oh, and here.



I doubt its true but I like the idea that its a bracelet given to people tortured by the Republican Guard. :twisted:
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Could be. We don't know Goodwin's first name or if he was an Original Other or a Recruited Other.

And I found where I saw the quote. Sort of. It was on Lostpedia under the option of Jacob being Coyote (The recap guy), a theory that has since been taken down in a site cleanup. I did get the relevant bit from a google search of "Lost Jacob seen but not heard" result number 28 posted here.

Google? Wiki? Hell if I know at this point. said:
The producers have said though that Jacob has been cast and is someone who has been seen before, but not heard. Coyote is exactly the opposite, heard but ...
I don't know if I like the idea of him being someone we've seen.

I would prefer him as a totally new character. It helps maintain his mystery.
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I don't know if I like the idea of him being someone we've seen.

I would prefer him as a totally new character.

I like the idea that he's a time displaced Aaron who's pulling all the right strings in peoples lives to bring him to the island and accomplish his goals. But hey, thats just me.
I like the idea that he's a time displaced Aaron who's pulling all the right strings in peoples lives to bring him to the island and accomplish his goals. But hey, thats just me.

Aaron definitely has a larger role in all of this... I'm not sure that's what I'd want it to be, but that's a good theory.

Time Travel or something like it is clearly a part of all this.
Aaron definitely has a larger role in all of this... I'm not sure that's what I'd want it to be, but that's a good theory.

Time Travel or something like it is clearly a part of all this.

Things just seem a bit too tight in all the various characters lives for there to not be something pulling the strings. And don't tell me Fate. You can't have any kind of satisfying resolution to the series with Fate. Its just a cop out at this point.
I like the idea that he's a time displaced Aaron who's pulling all the right strings in peoples lives to bring him to the island and accomplish his goals. But hey, thats just me.
That's not a bad theory.

I would really like them to explain or elaborate how the island is displaced in time and space. I've long assumed it, but I don't know if I could accept the idea that the island can be used as a time portal.
Could be. We don't know Goodwin's first name or if he was an Original Other or a Recruited Other.

And I found where I saw the quote. Sort of. It was on Lostpedia under the option of Jacob being Coyote (The recap guy), a theory that has since been taken down in a site cleanup. I did get the relevant bit from a google search of "Lost Jacob seen but not heard" result number 28 posted here.
Was that guy who got sucked into the plane turbine ever "heard"
I like the idea that he's a time displaced Aaron who's pulling all the right strings in peoples lives to bring him to the island and accomplish his goals. But hey, thats just me.
This is the best theory to the "seen not heard" thing so far
...the internet has become a snake eating its own tail!


Specifically this

I'm trying to find exactly where I read that so we don't get a bad reputation.

Oh, and here.



I doubt its true but I like the idea that its a bracelet given to people tortured by the Republican Guard. :twisted:


Dude, I'm Mastad_on! Where'd you get the news, anyway? ;-)

Dude, I'm Mastad_on! Where'd you get the news, anyway? ;-)

Like I posted above, it was a quote in the Theories section on Jacob in Lostpedia which has since been taken down, making me wonder if it wasn't something someone made up or atleast unconformable.
I go to DeviantArt this morning and this is in my watch box.... I choked on my tea.


It's titled "Sayid and his Magical Hair".
Hey guys, I know I'm not a regular poster but I just thought I'd let you all know.
I found this new forum that has been set up called "Not Penny's Boat". It has almost no members and has had almost no activity at all so I thought maybe if anyone was interested they could go give it a look and maybe join up.

Here's the link:

Hey guys, I know I'm not a regular poster but I just thought I'd let you all know.
I found this new forum that has been set up called "Not Penny's Boat". It has almost no members and has had almost no activity at all so I thought maybe if anyone was interested they could go give it a look and maybe join up.

Here's the link:


This is your forum, isn't it?


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