Lost *spoilers*

I don't think this is actually spoiler... At least, we should have at least expected it. Right?

Anyway, about the flash forwards.

I was the person who bet his subnic that a flash forward would not happen. I thought before even seeing the finale that the idea would be the point where Lost would jump the shark... After all of the bizarre things I let slide - a flash forward would have been the icing on the cake. That was until I actually saw it, though. The characterization of Jack in that flashforward made him a compelling character again... To the point where I was like - "Wow! Season 1 quality here..." I am looking at it like we'll get to see more of these characters and will have much more to kick around in the three remaining seasons. The flashbacks would have never been able to hold up as an entertaining aspect of the show... It would and essentially did become only filler at times. Now, we've got something brand new to speculate about... Which is awesome.
Big casting news! Somewhat Spoilery - to very Spoilery, depending on how much you want to know about next season. On a related note, I'm almost positive Damon and Carlton will talk about it on tomorrow's podcast, so if they want us knowing it, I'm fine with that.

HELLZ YES. I am Psyched.

I was the person who bet his subnic that a flash forward would not happen. I thought before even seeing the finale that the idea would be the point where Lost would jump the shark... After all of the bizarre things I let slide - a flash forward would have been the icing on the cake. That was until I actually saw it, though. The characterization of Jack in that flashforward made him a compelling character again... To the point where I was like - "Wow! Season 1 quality here..." I am looking at it like we'll get to see more of these characters and will have much more to kick around in the three remaining seasons. The flashbacks would have never been able to hold up as an entertaining aspect of the show... It would and essentially did become only filler at times. Now, we've got something brand new to speculate about... Which is awesome.

I completely, 100% agree. Especially about making Jack a much more interesting character again.
I haven't looked and am not going to, but you can answer "yes" if I guess right:

David Bowie as Jacob?


It's not that big of a spoiler, its not the casting of jacob, it merely infers that somebody who they've said they'd cover the backstory of more thoroughly will have their backstory explored.

That wouldn't make Jacob Locke then...

No. No. I wasn't a person who actually thought that. Just saying.

And now that you mention it... The casting of Jacob will be very interesting. We've already got Michael Emerson who is by far the most interesting villain on television right now... Now we'll have to see whoever play Jacob vye for more vileness.
Well what I'm wondering is this: Who was the actor that "played" Jacob for the split-second that we saw him in Man Behind the Curtain? Because LOST usually likes to keep their actors the same for every part (Andrew Divoff was Patchy for about 2 seconds about 8 episodes before his character debut). So if no one can find that out, I'm going to have to guess that it was Terry O'Quinn. But I really hope it's not.
I've looked at some of the leaked pictures and read some of the spoilers... I am more interested now.
I've looked at some of the leaked pictures and read some of the spoilers... I am more interested now.

Please don't post 'em here, even though this is a Spoiler thread. If someone expresses interest, I'd like you to PM them rather than make this a super-spoiler thread. Thanks.

On the subject of spoilers, here is something that I feel is safe to post, seeing as how Damon and Carlton (Co-creator / exec-producers) themselves revealed it on The Official LOST Podcast: the status of Mikhail?
Finally dead. For real this time. But, they added, you can expect to see him at least once more, in flashback, if only to find out how he lost his eye.
The Season 3 finale has some absolute brilliant scenes. One being the Jack/Ben confrontation where Ben threatens to kill Sayid, Bernard and Jin if Jack doesn't get the phone. And then he does. It's so powerful and so intense, you actually think the three are dead. Then Jack goes nuts and beats the **** out of Ben. Jack is always a badass in the finales. This is why he's a great character. It shows he'll stop at nothing to get them off the island, and Ben will do the same to keep them all there.

The other is after Locke has killed Naomi and Jack uses the phone and talks to the freighter. The survivors are all happy to be saved, but we know Naomi isn't who she says she is and everything is going to get a lot worse... it makes me sad. Jack thinks he's finally saved them all, but he's probably ruined everything... it's a very good scene.

I love Lost.
Why would I delete discussion about something that aired 4 months ago?

Also, people can post spoilers about events not yet that occured, but those must be spoiler marked because they haven't appeared yet.

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