Lost *spoilers*

So, Almost done with season three...

I think I've decided that the biggest reason S3>S2 is Desmond as a main character, not to mention Ben being a ****ing fantastic villain.

I'll give more thoughts when I've caught up.
Ben is the best villain on television. There's no question that he's the most bad *** and well thought out villains right now.
Don't turn this into a Lost vs. Heroes thing.

They are so drastically different shows...

But that's enough about that.

I've just started the two part season three finale... I think i've hit my first Flash-Forward.
Finished the Third Season...

Fourth season remains a combination of Flashbacks and Flashforwards.
Fifth season, however, I bet you will be entirely Flashforwards.

I do think that Ben wasn't lying about the boat wanting them killed... I'm guessing its the remnants of the Dharma Initiative wanting their island back... Probably the parts of the D.I. that ran out of the US or Japan, or wherever... Their eventual rescue will come through Penelope, rather than this boat and the phone call at the end.

I think the funeral that nobody went to was probably Locke's... Why he didn't stay on the island, who knows... That or the obvious guess, Sawyer... But it seemed like Kate was with him.

BUt then again, Maybe Kate got back together with Mr. Fillion, resident town cop.

I dunno. We'll see.

Third Season was awesome... Charlie's Death was probably the best death executed in the entire series so far. Aside from Mr. Arznt's.
Charlie's death would have been better executed if he were killed in the episode that we last saw flashbacks of him. That's my only gripe about that. Other than that, yea, Charlie died valiantly.
So, Almost done with season three...

I think I've decided that the biggest reason S3>S2 is Desmond as a main character, not to mention Ben being a ****ing fantastic villain.

I'll give more thoughts when I've caught up.

So, uh, just where are you watching this? (Please don't say TV Links, I effing hate that site.)

And shouldn't this thread have gotten a reboot 1351 posts ago?
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TV Links, then when I got impatient halfway through the series, I shelled out 20 bucks and downloaded the rest of the episodes from the iTunes store.

Why do you hate TV Links?
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Charlie's death would have been better executed if he were killed in the episode that we last saw flashbacks of him. That's my only gripe about that. Other than that, yea, Charlie died valiantly.

I feel kind of the same way, but its a give an take with when to show the plot twist and such
I think this thread might have to be reborn when Season 4 starts. But I don't want to. I love it so.
TV Links, then when I got impatient halfway through the series, I shelled out 20 bucks and downloaded the rest of the episodes from the iTunes store.

Why do you hate TV Links?

Why would you hate TV Links, Bax? If not for them, I never would have watched the first season of Scrubs, thus knowing that I love it enough to buy every season on DVD, which I did.

I really, really can't stand watching things on my computer. I barely even go to YouTube. Plus all the lost episodes I've tried to watch there are subtitled in either Japaneses or Korean which I find distracting.

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