Lost *spoilers*

Don't mind. I'd rather watch Lost than Heroes... And Prison Break? Isn't that on FOX? :lol:... Wish it'd be on at 9, though. They could get away with a little more with it being on an hour later.
Congratulations Terry O'Quinn!

Thank goodness he won. I mean I would've been even more excited if it was Emerson, but at least one LOST actor finally has an Emmy.

But oh my God, did you see his wife? :shock: Reminded me of Madame Maxine.

Oh and Ice, wouldn't this be on during, oh, say, HIMYM?
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I still think the flash-forwards are a stupid and potentially show-ruining idea.... pure speculation, since we've seen almost nothing from them and they could actually be brilliant, but by default right now I'm worried and pissed about the whole thing.
I still think the flash-forwards are a stupid and potentially show-ruining idea.... pure speculation, since we've seen almost nothing from them and they could actually be brilliant, but by default right now I'm worried and pissed about the whole thing.

Well how long could they keep up the flashbacks before the audience gave up? I agree this could turnout horrible, but at least not all the episodes will be flashforwards
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I still think the flash-forwards are a stupid and potentially show-ruining idea.... pure speculation, since we've seen almost nothing from them and they could actually be brilliant, but by default right now I'm worried and pissed about the whole thing.

As I said before, I think it was the right avenue to take. Sure, it spoils that they get off the island, but it also opens up new plot threads for why they should go back. Its a full-circle type of thing, and Lost itself is all about such things. It also helps keep the show somewhat current with present day (the flash-forwards, anyway). The flashbacks will still be present, but you have to admit, they were really running out of stories to fill these characters' pasts. Now we have a new dimension of that mystery element the show has, by raising questions about not only how they got off the island in the first place, but why the characters are at the current points in their life off the island, and why they should or shouldn't go back. Its new, fresh story-telling material. I really believe it was the perfect "next step" for the show to take. Besides, there are still many mysteries about the island itself, and some of the characters' pasts still have unanswered questions (Libby most glaringly). Point is, there's a fair amount of flashback material still to be covered, so its not a complete change in terms of the way the show is approached. Its merely a new aspect, and one I think will work out well.

Now that the seasons are only 16 episodes long, I think the show's pace and doling out of answers will increase. The writer's will have a greater ability to focus on the mythology portion of the show, and probably less character back-stories, therefore answering more questions. Supposedly we'll learn more about the four-toed statue and the previous inhabitants of the island (the ones who supplanted and took over the DHARMA operation on the island), and I think the plans for Libby's story might still be intended for this season--but I haven't been keeping up with the news and rumors so I'm unsure. Michael's return (and theoretically Walt's) will surely be interesting. In the end, I think Lost still has a lot to offer viewers/fans.
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Big casting news! Somewhat Spoilery - to very Spoilery, depending on how much you want to know about next season. On a related note, I'm almost positive Damon and Carlton will talk about it on tomorrow's podcast, so if they want us knowing it, I'm fine with that.

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