Dragonball Evolution

Re: Dragonball Z live action !

Famous people do not make a movie good. Plus the dragonball name would sell it enough so there's no need to do it. As for the director The One and Final Destination were great. So I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

No, but they help sell a movie, a movie with a famous person is more likley to do better than one without it.

Plus do really think DBZ can just sell itself to the Ameican public. I doubt its that popular. Show a picture of goku to 50 people America and youwill be lucky if 5 know who he is. Its not that well known in America.

Final destination, really, that's the best he has? What did that get on Rotten tomatoes? Seriously they couldn't have got a proven director?
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

No, but they help sell a movie, a movie with a famous person is more likley to do better than one without it.

Plus do really think DBZ can just sell itself to the Ameican public. I doubt its that popular. Show a picture of goku to 50 people America and youwill be lucky if 5 know who he is. Its not that well known in America.

Final destination, really, that's the best he has? What did that get on Rotten tomatoes? Seriously they couldn't have got a proven director?

But it's obvious they are trying to sell this 2 groups.

1) fans
2) the people who will see a trailer and think "oh that looks good."

It'll sell.

Also as I've mentioned before on here Rotten tomatoes ratings do not = perfect. The fact is Final destination must have done well if it was able to get 2 sequels. Do you think a film like say Catwoman will get a sequel? No so you can't snob it really.

Also the "they couldn't have got a proven director?" thing is complete bull****. Sorry it is. Take Peter Jackson. He had only directed a couple of little films and wasn't a "proven director" and then he did lord of the rings (sure I may not like the movies) which a lot of people love.

While as someone like David Zucker who had directed Naked gun and Airplane turned around and directed Scary movie 3 and 4 which were horrible.

My point is your been way to hard on it based on a poster ,a directors past films not meeting some level on a website (seriously? not judging something yourself?) and lack of big named actors.
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

I can't say I disagree with The Overlord, but I think his logic is completely asinine.
Final destination, really, that's the best he has? What did that get on Rotten tomatoes? Seriously they couldn't have got a proven director?
Just because a director has directed nothing but duds doesn't mean he can't direct.

I won't pretend that I have any positive expectations for this movie, but you have to remember that there are literally hundreds of directors who are literally just studio working men, not rebellious iconoclasts or mavericks or precision skilled artisans and craftsmen.

It is their job to take the projects handed to them and work on them because the upper 15% name directors we know are just wandering around wherever they like with the power of their own career heat, and without them more than half of American films wouldn't get made... for better or worse. I know I could stand to never have ever seen Madagascar or Snakes on a Plane.

The Overlord said:
No, but they help sell a movie, a movie with a famous person is more likley to do better than one without it.
That is true, but you fail to take into consideration how many movies manage by without famous people.

I mean let's face it, The Lord of the Rings was in my suspicion, the project of New Line executive who desperately wanted to be fired:
Unhappily Still Employed New Line Executive said:
Hmmm... A beloved series of fantasy novels almost fifty years old, that is ridiculously difficult in structure!

And it has drawn the attention and fascination of overly-literate highbrow nerds and socially escapist dorks who could possibly nitpick over everything, who exist in numbers so huge as to constitute a significant box office demographic!

I'll approve $280 million dollars for it!

And have it helmed by a guy whose resume includes puppet sex and homicidal lesbians!

I'll approve a cast that includes North, Rudy Ruettiger, who will be led across Middle Earth by a supporting actor from a bunch of late nineties movies that nobody cared about.

And our big star presence? That Nazi neighbor from Bryan Singer's biggest box office bomb and an Australian drag queen!

Oh and Liv Tyler will show up to use a guardian force spell that consists of water horses, rather than showing us her ****.
The Overlord said:
Plus do really think DBZ can just sell itself to the Ameican public. I doubt its that popular. Show a picture of goku to 50 people America and youwill be lucky if 5 know who he is. Its not that well known in America.

When you take into account that we are talking about an AMERICAN movie based on a JAPANESE property, that has seen modest success INTERNATIONALLY, and the fact that it is being discussed on a message board by a BRETON (although I am still suspicious of the True Britannianess of Mole) and a PHILIPPINOE, you'd realize that regardless of whether your claim is true or not, the brand recognition of the property in America would not be sole determinant of the film's profit.

* (I suspect the film will be financially successful in Japan, which actually relishes in foreign adaptations of their own home-grown icons).

** (I also suspect that whoever put his money on the domestic box office rights is taking a greater investment risk than whoever put their money on the international box office rights.)
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Re: Dragonball Z live action !

I can't say I disagree with The Overlord, but I think his logic is completely asinine.
Just because a director has directed nothing but duds doesn't mean he can't direct..)

No need for name calling. I think your logic is asine sometimes, but I don't mention it. :wink:

That's like saying just because Freddie Prinze Jr. has never given a good performance, ever, isn't evidence he is a bad actor.

If we can't judge people on their track records, what can we judge them on? Let me put to you this way, Tim story was an unproven director beofre they allowed him to direct the FF movies and it was mess.

The director is the key to making a good movie and hiring someone without a good track record is pretty risky.

I won't pretend that I have any positive expectations for this movie, but you have to remember that there are literally hundreds of directors who are literally just studio working men, not rebellious iconoclasts or mavericks or precision skilled artisans and craftsmen.

It is their job to take the projects handed to them and work on them because the upper 15% name directors we know are just wandering around wherever they like with the power of their own career heat, and without them more than half of American films wouldn't get made... for better or worse. I know I could stand to never have ever seen Madagascar or Snakes on a Plane...)

Yes that's their job, but often they don't pull it off.

Seriously I didn't expect Spielberg, but give me someone who had a few moderate sucesses or something.

That is true, but you fail to take into consideration how many movies manage by without famous people.

True, but sometimes when your trying sell something to the general public, you need some star power. LOTR had name recognition this does not.

When you take into account that we are talking about an AMERICAN movie based on a JAPANESE property, that has seen modest success INTERNATIONALLY, and the fact that it is being discussed on a message board by a BRETON (although I am still suspicious of the True Britannianess of Mole) and a PHILIPPINOE, you'd realize that regardless of whether your claim is true or not, the brand recognition of the property in America would not be sole determinant of the film's profit.

* (I suspect the film will be financially successful in Japan, which actually relishes in foreign adaptations of their own home-grown icons).

** (I also suspect that whoever put his money on the domestic box office rights is taking a greater investment risk than whoever put their money on the international box office rights.)

Quick question, how many Hollywood movies have survived on Foreign Box Offices results alone?
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

New photo of one of the "Fullum Assassins"

Re: Dragonball Z live action !

the first official Dragonball Banner/Theater Standee!

Am I the only one to notice that everyone is asian except the main character? I hate how it's going to be "white guy playing super martial artist better than the asians"
Looks like a recycled monster from the Guyver movies.
Seriously, though I can picture this turning out as a "so bad its good film"
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

New photo of one of the "Fullum Assassins"

That looks like Sucker from Wanted. But also, in the shoulder area with the spikes, it looks like Cooler (Frieza's brother).

I dunno, it looks pretty cool IMO.

Am I the only one to notice that everyone is asian except the main character? I hate how it's going to be "white guy playing super martial artist better than the asians"
Seriously, though I can picture this turning out as a "so bad its good film"

Maybe....it's a metaphor....American audiences are being introduced to it (even though pretty much 75-80% of young audiences from ten years ago are already extremely familiar with it), so of course they're going to have a white dude to sort of "guide" the audience through this unfamiliar land. Or something. Like Agent Meyers from the Hellboy movie, they only added it so that you could have the point of view of someone who's not familiar with it. Or something. I dunno.

The biggest problem I have with it is Goku's hair.
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

Maybe....it's a metaphor....American audiences are being introduced to it (even though pretty much 75-80% of young audiences from ten years ago are already extremely familiar with it), so of course they're going to have a white dude to sort of "guide" the audience through this unfamiliar land. Or something. Like Agent Meyers from the Hellboy movie, they only added it so that you could have the point of view of someone who's not familiar with it. Or something. I dunno.

The biggest problem I have with it is Goku's hair.
So the only way American audience can understand a movie is if the main character is white?
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

That monster looks like something out of Hellboy. What is it doing in the movie?
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

That monster looks like something out of Hellboy. What is it doing in the movie?

It's going to be one of piccolo's minions. Kind of like in the King Piccolo Saga when he creates a bunch of bad guys e.g Tambourine.
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

the first official Dragonball Banner/Theater Standee!

I'm reminded of the live action movie versions of Street Fighter (the 90's version with Van Damme) and Double Dragon (with that kid from Party of Five).
I've been saying it since the beginning.
That is true, but you fail to take into consideration how many movies manage by without famous people.

I mean let's face it, The Lord of the Rings was in my suspicion, the project of New Line executive who desperately wanted to be fired:

Unhappily Still Employed New Line Executive said:
Hmmm... A beloved series of fantasy novels almost fifty years old, that is ridiculously difficult in structure!

And it has drawn the attention and fascination of overly-literate highbrow nerds and socially escapist dorks who could possibly nitpick over everything, who exist in numbers so huge as to constitute a significant box office demographic!

I'll approve $280 million dollars for it!

And have it helmed by a guy whose resume includes puppet sex and homicidal lesbians!

I'll approve a cast that includes North, Rudy Ruettiger, who will be led across Middle Earth by a supporting actor from a bunch of late nineties movies that nobody cared about.

And our big star presence? That Nazi neighbor from Bryan Singer's biggest box office bomb and an Australian drag queen!

Oh and Liv Tyler will show up to use a guardian force spell that consists of water horses, rather than showing us her ****.
So true.
When you take into account that we are talking about an AMERICAN movie based on a JAPANESE property, that has seen modest success INTERNATIONALLY, and the fact that it is being discussed on a message board by a BRETON (although I am still suspicious of the True Britannianess of Mole) and a PHILIPPINOE, you'd realize that regardless of whether your claim is true or not, the brand recognition of the property in America would not be sole determinant of the film's profit.

* (I suspect the film will be financially successful in Japan, which actually relishes in foreign adaptations of their own home-grown icons).

** (I also suspect that whoever put his money on the domestic box office rights is taking a greater investment risk than whoever put their money on the international box office rights.)
Yeah, I can totally see this being the kind of movie that bombs in the US but does pretty well in countries where people have weird taste in movies.

Isn't that what happened with "10,000 B.C."?
Am I the only one to notice that everyone is asian except the main character?
It is quite hilarious.
I am shocked....SHOCKED that Langsta would even say that. This is the guy who gets strokes when races are changed!
:lol: I KNOW!
Re: Dragonball Z live action !

It gets worst when you realize this film cost 100 million dollars to make! Seriously for a 100 million dollar budget, I would have hoped the film didn't look like a cheap 90s movie.


100 million...? Are you ****ing kidding me? Seriously, that poster alone looks like it belongs on the cover of a direct to DVD movie on the bottom shelf at Blockbuster.

Seriously, this movie is going to bomb in America (though its foreign numbers might actually be pretty good).

I don't think this will be bad as them at all.

Still not seen a teaser or anything yet to truly judge it one way or the other. The poster looks cool and gives the feel of how Transformers was made live action to me. I'm still exited for it.

Seriously, that poster is terrible (in my opinion). It seems to me, looking at that poster, that the makers of this movie not only aren't taking the Dragonball franchise seriously (which they probably shouldn't given the nature of the show/manga itself), but they don't even respect the franchise. I'm not a Dragonball fan by any means, but several friends of mine are and I've picked up a fair amount of knowledge of the show over the years. I asked them about their thoughts on it and from the little they've seen, they didn't like it. Basically for the reasons I listed above. It just seems like this movie is being made by a bunch of amateurish children who have no concept of the material and instead are carbon-copying a bad 90's martial arts movie.

Not saying this is the definitive case, but it certainly appears that way.

Looks like a recycled monster from the Guyver movies.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I've been saying it since the beginning.

Then I can't wait to see what you'll say at the end!

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