Victor Von Doom said:
That's what I hear. Are there trades out from his run? I think his run started at issue #25 (or something like that) ....

#16-#19 was a fill in arc he did, then it started properly in #26.
I decided to give Daredevil a little peek at my comic shop, so I read issues #81-82 (that's what was left from the series). Good stuff. Michael Lark's art is great. And Brubaker started off his run with a hell of a bang. I'll try to read the series as much as I can in-store.
Oooooooo.....great issue. That's pretty damn bold of Brubaker. First issue into the run and he kills off a staple character. Wow.....:shock:

But #83 was just heartbreaking. They wouldn't even let the man grieve in peace. So I get why Matt wanted to be placed in Gen-pop.....but what for? A blind man accused of being Daredevil and lasting in gen-pop with the scum he put in there is only gonna solidify their accusations.

Plus who do you think is running around as DD now???

God this book is good.....
wow i can't believe the latest ish - mat just seemed like a broken man, a ***** - then he got his hands on the owl, i swear i got a shiver down my spine - this is sum excellent DD stuff!!

bendis made me see DD as my fave character, i'm so glad brubaker has taken over from him, his tone fits the character so well! :twisted:
Just to segue for a moment - I was reading #80's recap page or whatever and it explains how the "Murdock Papers", the final arc, was Kingpin saying he could prove Murdock was Daredevil to the FBI.

I'm sorry - but I thought we'd already covered this with Silke. It struck me as a progression on something covered and resolved long ago - just a big step back. This would've been good if it was during the Silke stuff, but after the whole Daredevil as Kingpin story, him being 'proven' to be Daredevil kinda seemed... moot.
My mini review -

Daredevil #83 (Brubaker/Lark; Marvel)
. Definitely my pick of the week, an emotionally intense story with great visuals and twists. I remember hearing a Brubaker interview in which he called Matt a "fundamentally selfish man" which I thought at the time was a negative, but I see how that is playing out here and it's very interesting. Good strong character moments, a man pushed past the edge of being rational. What he wants now is payback and to hurt things and the fact that his actions are detrimental to his case in the long-term doesn't interest him in the slightest. Very good Urich POV scenes, especially the last little moment in the courtroom when he sees the smile. Great understated moments, especially the "conversation" between Matt and his father.
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The issue is told with Ben Urich narrating.

Starts off at Foggy's funeral. Matt's in cuffs guarded by sheriffs, Rosalind Sharpe (Foggy's biological mother), Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, Dakota North, Becky Blake, Ben, and Milla off in the background. When the funeral ends and Matt's being lead back to the police car, Jessica tries to talk to him but the cops stop her. In the confusion Rosalind verbally assaults Matt and criticizes him for always putting Foggy's life in danger. Ben thinks about the mental state of Matt.

On Ryker's Island the warden is on the phone with the F.B.I. Director. They argue about the missing guard involved with Foggy's murder. It's clear the warden wants nothing to do with Matt Murdock and hopes that Matt gets out of there so he won't have to deal with any of it anymore.

Matt's back in solitary and he says he can't hear the everyday noises of Ryker's anymore. All he can hear is Foggy's screams and last moments. He begins to punch the wall with his barefists...
...Matt's in his prison garb hitting a punching bag at a gym. His father is behind him and there's a talk with the usual "This is not how I raised you" Matt goes on that it's exactly how he was raised and justifies it by talking about how alone he is now...
... he then finds himself back in his cell alone with blood all over his knuckles.

Soon Mr. Morgan, the former crime lord of Harlem, visits Matt and offers to find out what happened to Foggy in exchange for Matt's services. Matt declines. On his way back to Gen-Pop Morgan, passing Fisk's cell, tells him that Murdock's going to be the appetizer while gen-pop waits for his fat ***.

At the Daily Bugle Urich is telling Jameson that he's not going to cover Murdock's trial. Jameson tells him he's a good lawyer but to "Find objectivity and go do your ****ing job!"

At the trial, we see that Becky Blake is now Matt's lawyer. The prosecutors give the argument that Matt's Daredevil and wouldn't be at a disadantage in gen-pop. Becky argues that Matt hasn't been convicted yet and it can't be held against him. The judge says that Matt has been taking care of himself better than a blind man should and sends him to Gen-Pop. Ben becomes afraid when he sees Matt smiling about the verdict.

In Gen-Pop Matt sits in his cell and recieves a visit from The Owl. Matt reminds him there are no cameras and gives him one the biggest badass beatings ever demanding to know who ordered the hit on Foggy. Owl's so scared and his heart is beating so fast that Matt can't tell if he's lying or not.

Meanwhile the fake Daredevil interrupts a drug handoff where he discovers the body of the dead prison guard.

Ben meets Dakota North in a bar where he tells her that someone claiming to be Daredevil has found the dead prison guard and The Owl was found with arms and legs broken and several teeth missing. They both think that Matt is hurting himself through his actions. Dakota mentions that she could've saved Foggy and he was "stabilizing" in the ambulence on the way to the hospital. They then agree to go after this fake Daredevil.


When I read the reviews, it didn't sound as good as it was. Brubaker is working an amazing angle here and it's not just "Matt's crazy cause he lost another loved one". It's Matt Murdock is finally out for blood and willing to kill whoever did it this time.

I have a big problem with Ben Urich. Still it was never explained why he gave up Murdock's identity and now he's back to his usual caring character. I don't like what Bendis did to him in the Murdock Papers. It was out of character and never fully explained. I like how Bru is useing him now though.

The warden's scene was one of my favorite's of the entire issue. He's the level-headed guy being pushed around by forces out of his control.

Who this fake Daredevil is? I don't know but when there's enough options the poll will be up in a few days. Some people took the word "target" to heart. Not achance that it's Bullseye, sorry.

Matt's not doing much to keep his identity a secret. I hope they keep him outed once and for all. Going back now is too impossible to explain.

Can't wait to see where Matt's appetite for revenge takes us. And when Bullseye, Punisher, and Kingpin make it to Gen-Pop.

Is Foggy dead? I think the story will be good either way.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I have a big problem with Ben Urich. Still it was never explained why he gave up Murdock's identity and now he's back to his usual caring character. I don't like what Bendis did to him in the Murdock Papers. It was out of character and never fully explained. I like how Bru is useing him now though.

wasn't be blackmailed and was gonna be charged with obstruction of justice?!?!? damn i don't care if it was my best friend in the firing line, my family would come first mon frere!
Jackie Estacado said:
wasn't be blackmailed and was gonna be charged with obstruction of justice?!?!? damn i don't care if it was my best friend in the firing line, my family would come first mon frere!

I don't have the trade with me yet but wasn't the obstruction of justice excuse after the fact the Bugle printed it. Wasn't that F.B.I. trying to get Ben to reveal the position of the Night Nurse?
he's a journalist? story of a lifetime?

i'd have to go back and read it from beginning as we're talking half a yr ago when it started but im sure the kingpin doesnt reveal his DD card to urich straight away. those who've read more recently then do feel free to contradict that :wink:
Jackie Estacado said:
he's a journalist? story of a lifetime?

i'd have to go back and read it from beginning as we're talking half a yr ago when it started but im sure the kingpin doesnt reveal his DD card to urich straight away. those who've read more recently then do feel free to contradict that :wink:

I can buy that but he's had this card for a long time. Why now? I mean this was probably the worst time to use it.
darn, i should really go back and re-read the whole arc again, but...

the way i see it, fisk is in jail, he's been there for some time and lots of people are trying to kill him even when in jail. he was gonna get immunity from FBI for giving up matt, seemed like the right time then.

he's known about matts identity for years (i first discovered this in the parts of a hole arc as only started reading DD then), so the bigger question is why not reveal it before hand? fisk was ontop of the world, had an empire and then DD brought him crashing down to earth, had him incarcerated - fisk thinks, its time to use the get out of jail free 'daredevil's identity' card - cool plotting from what i can see :)
Jackie Estacado said:
darn, i should really go back and re-read the whole arc again, but...

the way i see it, fisk is in jail, he's been there for some time and lots of people are trying to kill him even when in jail. he was gonna get immunity from FBI for giving up matt, seemed like the right time then.

he's known about matts identity for years (i first discovered this in the parts of a hole arc as only started reading DD then), so the bigger question is why not reveal it before hand? fisk was ontop of the world, had an empire and then DD brought him crashing down to earth, had him incarcerated - fisk thinks, its time to use the get out of jail free 'daredevil's identity' card - cool plotting from what i can see :)

Yeah, that's all good for Fisk but why would Urich give up his best friend?
I read #83 in-store today.

Awesome issue. I love how Brubaker is writing Daredevil and how he's dealing with Foggy's death. The funeral scene was awesome, but the best part was when Matt beat the **** out of Owl. Pure greatness.
