haha, i love how marvel totally dropped the bomb on foggy's death.

i think him in prison would be interesting. especially if he pulls a rorschach.

"i'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me."
TheManWithoutFear said:
It's definitely gonna be the case in most instances. I'd love to see Melvin step up and haul some *** for redemption.

That is why I would like to see most DD's villains in prison with him, a good prison drama needs colourful characters to work and they could fit the bill used correctly, it could be like a tone downed OZ with super characters.
Don't read it if you don't want to know until Wednesday. A lot of people got their hands on the advanced copy. So here's DD #81...

CyberGhostFace said:
Matt's in the court and suddenly leaps out and escapes. Its pretty much like the White Tiger scene.

He meets up with either Elektra or Black Widow (I forget who) and he and Milla assume different identities and all seems happy.

But Bullseye (in his classic costume no less) tracks them down. Matt wakes up to find Milla dead with a card in her throat. Bullseye's there, laughing, when Matt wrestles him and SNAPS HIS NECK. Holy Sh*t.

It turns out to be a daydream of sorts as we see Matt back in the courtroom. Kind've disappointing, but still cool. Matt pleads 'not guilty' but is arrested.

Meanwhile, Kingpin is greeting the public when he gets arrested for the murder of one of his men. Apparently the FBI director was working against him. Kingpin is furious.

The next scene is Kingpin in jail. We see Owl, Gladiator and Hammerhead. I think its implied Owl was working against him. So anyway, Owl's taunting him. ("Payback's a *****.") Gladiator warns Owl not get KP mad because it'll get himself killed but Hammerhead says he'll beat Owl to death before anything happens.

The next scene has Matt walking into jail.

The last scene had the FBI director saying that with all the trouble that Matt and Fisk have caused the city, it'll be best for the two of them to kill each other in prison.


Not commenting until I read it myself.
Hey, it's me again. I got my DD #81 in the mail today ( :twisted: thanks) so I'll share it again with you guys. :twisted:

Matt and Foggy are in court. Reed Richards asks if he could address the court. The judge denies him and the other handful of requests, saying that they can only approach the stand as witnesses. Matt is asked if he pleads guilty or non guilty...

Matt flips and starts kicking ***. Foggy is screaming at him "Don't do this." He escapes the courts, the media outside, and the cops. He ends up on a rooftop where he meets up with Black Widow. Natasha removes the handcuffs and takes Matt to Milla.

Milla and Matt reunite in Paris and thank Natasha, who refers to them as "Mr. and Mrs. Faversham".

Matt wakes up in the middle of the night and finds an ace of spades sticking out of Milla's bloody throught. "Bullseye" says the voice in the doorway. Bullseye is standing there in his classic blue costume taunting Matt about how he's 3 for 3 and loves to see the look on his face when he does it [kills the women he loves]. Matt snaps and tackles Bullseye out into the street below. He snaps his neck, killing Bullseye once and for all. Two civilians come out and make a fuss saying "Il Y A De Sang!" (Translation? I get something about blood).

Next Matt is walking through Japan. He's attacked in the street by some thugs. They scream something that I have no idea what it means. Matt easily takes them out and it's revealed that he's a little more unkept, revealing a beard and an unorthodox (for Matt) longer hair style that hangs over his eyes.

Matt meets up with Elektra. They pretty much get right into sexual relations. Matt delves into their past relationship and asks why she helped him with the Murdock Paper incident. She goes on on about how in college he was a good man and became a better man with his gifts and she turned into something different entirely. Matt says he has no where else to run and Elektra says, "Then what good would running do"...

... Matt snaps back to reality after the judge asks him another time if he pleads innocent or guilty. He pleads not guilty. The judge says Murdock will be helf without bail in Ryker's island in a special section that the F.B.I. Director has set up. Luke Cage and Reed Richards start shouting out and they show Luke being held back by Jessica, Captain America standing with an almost disgusted/confused face, and Peter Parker concerned sitting there and scratching the back of his neck. Murdock doesn't say a word and just looks over his shoulder at them.

Wilson Fisk is being cocky at a press conference talking about his deal and how happy he is now that he's a free man. Suddenly the F.B.I. Director says there's new evidence that he killed a former employee and is being sent to prison. FIsk shouts out and wants to know who did this to him.

The Owl's cell is right across from Fisk and he taunts Fisk about payback. The Gladiator's cell's next too Owl's. He tells Owl to shut up or Kingpin will kill him. Hammerhead chimes in from his cell and says that he'll end up killing Owl himself. Matt Murdock with his head down is being escorted to his cell.

In the Warden's office, The Warden has his doubts about Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk being in jail together. He adds in that they're likely to kill each other. The F.B.I. director doesn't seem to have a problem with that.

Some thoughts....

The F.B.I. Director is now one of my favorite Matt Murdock antagonists. What a jackass.

Still no explanation of Ben Urich's betraying Matt. Although when it comes down to a guy wearing a red subber suit and your family... what are you gonna do?

This issue definitely did not have a conclusive feel to it. If I'm right I think Bendis' run is going to run brilliantly into Brubaker's. I'm not the only guy who feels this way either.

:cry: Bye Bendis/Maleev. Thank you.

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What villains do you want Brubaker to use in DD? I was thinking a new version of the Masked Marauder, sounds goofy but here me out.

First update his look, get rid of the purple jumpsuit, give him a black business suit, a red tie and a white shirt. Make the mask a black version of the old MM mask.

The Masked Marauder believes that with Fisk and Murdock in prison, there is nothing to stop him from taking over the NYC underworld. The Masked Marauder calls to gether a meeting of what's left of the NYC mafia in Hell's Kitchen. Because of the MM's name and his mask, the crime lords do not take the Masked Marauder very seriously. One of the crime lords says that Frank Farnum is a loser and does not deserve to run NYC's crime scene. The MM declares that he is not Farnum and that in fact he had Farnum killed in prison about two hours ago. MM then pushes a button on his watch that releases a deadly nerve gas which is ordorless, tastleless and invisible, into the room. The crime lords are killed, but MM's mask acts as a gas mask.

Then MM then hires the Taskmaster to train some B list super villains he hired and turn them into deadly assassins, thus giving him his own private death squad. That should give DD's stand some trouble.
I read issue 81. Amazing. I was hoping he was on the run. But alas I knew it was in his mind. I loved the double cross on Fisk. Man that was awesome. And that him, Hammerhead, and Owl are all next to each other was priceless. Some of the greatest to ever go down.

thee great one said:
I read issue 81. Amazing. I was hoping he was on the run. But alas I knew it was in his mind. I loved the double cross on Fisk. Man that was awesome. And that him, Hammerhead, and Owl are all next to each other was priceless. Some of the greatest to ever go down.


Owl's more clever than people give him credit for.
He just has a temper problem.

Not much to say on the issue-it was flawless. I was believing on-the-run for a few pages until i remembered about Brubaker's having him in the slammer!

Great fun, congrats to Bendis & Malleev. The first team to surpass Miller & Janson on DD. Bring on Spider-Woman.
I didn't want to make a new thread for this, so I figured I'd ask it here. How does Daredevil "see," exactly? I've been told different things a lot of different times, but it never really made sense to me. Since I just began reading "Born Again," I figured I'd get that down now.
Steve GMan said:
I didn't want to make a new thread for this, so I figured I'd ask it here. How does Daredevil "see," exactly? I've been told different things a lot of different times, but it never really made sense to me. Since I just began reading "Born Again," I figured I'd get that down now.

The movie shows it in the best way it could be described. Vibrations and other smaller variables form a picture that he can see.


Like the previews we've been seeing since Brubaker's been announced we get our opening. Thoughts about what's happening in Hell's Kitchen as Matt Murdock sits in prison.

We see a Daredevil beating up some thugs and getting video taped by some kids.

Matt sits in jail and the C.O. brings him a newspaper. Matt feels the paper and it reads "Murdock in jail, Daredevil still at large" or something like that.

The F.B.I. director is arguing with the head of Ryker's about Matt being blind and wants him in the general population with the other inmates.

Foggy is busting his *** trying to get his friend free. He's being helped by Becky Blake (yes, the Becky Blake. Wheelchair and all). Ben Urich comes to see Foggy and they fight over Foggy's ethics and Ben's betrayal to Matt. Foggy sees a Daredevil outside his window. He goes to the roof to confront him and tells him to stay away, whoever he is, because he doesn't want to risk Matt's freedom by associating with him. Daredevil disappears.

In Prison, Matt's confronted by The Tarantula, who has to take a shot every week to keep his superpowers down. Tarantula tells Matt that Wilson Fisk has killed 5 of his men. We're then treated to an awesome panel of a naked Wilson kicking the crap out of thugs in the prison showers. Tarantula offers Matt to take sides with the latinos. Matt declines.

Matt is taken back to his cell but takes a detour. He's confronted by Hammerhead and his men and a fight breaks out. When the riot squad gets there Matt sits in a corner acting scared saying he walked into a gang fight. They throw him in solitary confinement anyway.

Foggy visits Matt in prison and they talk about the case and Milla. Foggy is on his way out but is lead in the wrong direction. Matt sits in confinement. Foggy is attacked and stabbed in one of the most dramatic Daredevil moments, I've ever seen. Matt is helpless and cries for the guard to help. The guard ignore his pleas and Matt listens as Foggy's heartbeat slowly fades away...

Wilson Fisk sits in his cell smiling.

5/5 Brubaker starts off really strong.
TheManWithoutFear said:


Like the previews we've been seeing since Brubaker's been announced we get our opening. Thoughts about what's happening in Hell's Kitchen as Matt Murdock sits in prison.

We see a Daredevil beating up some thugs and getting video taped by some kids.

Matt sits in jail and the C.O. brings him a newspaper. Matt feels the paper and it reads "Murdock in jail, Daredevil still at large" or something like that.

The F.B.I. director is arguing with the head of Ryker's about Matt being blind and wants him in the general population with the other inmates.

Foggy is busting his *** trying to get his friend free. He's being helped by Becky Blake (yes, the Becky Blake. Wheelchair and all). Ben Urich comes to see Foggy and they fight over Foggy's ethics and Ben's betrayal to Matt. Foggy sees a Daredevil outside his window. He goes to the roof to confront him and tells him to stay away, whoever he is, because he doesn't want to risk Matt's freedom by associating with him. Daredevil disappears.

In Prison, Matt's confronted by The Tarantula, who has to take a shot every week to keep his superpowers down. Tarantula tells Matt that Wilson Fisk has killed 5 of his men. We're then treated to an awesome panel of a naked Wilson kicking the crap out of thugs in the prison showers. Tarantula offers Matt to take sides with the latinos. Matt declines.

Matt is taken back to his cell but takes a detour. He's confronted by Hammerhead and his men and a fight breaks out. When the riot squad gets there Matt sits in a corner acting scared saying he walked into a gang fight. They throw him in solitary confinement anyway.

Foggy visits Matt in prison and they talk about the case and Milla. Foggy is on his way out but is lead in the wrong direction. Matt sits in confinement. Foggy is attacked and stabbed in one of the most dramatic Daredevil moments, I've ever seen. Matt is helpless and cries for the guard to help. The guard ignore his pleas and Matt listens as Foggy's heartbeat slowly fades away...

Wilson Fisk sits in his cell smiling.

5/5 Brubaker starts off really strong.

I don't think the Kingpin had Foggy killed, the letter in Matt's cell was too poorly written, using terms like "yer", the Kingpin is very well spoken. It sounds like something Hammerhead would write. I wonder who the big nasty prison that the FBI director is transfering over from the Raft is.
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The Overlord said:
I don't think the Kingpin had Foggy killed, the letter in Matt's cell was too poorly written, using terms like "yer", the Kingpin is very well spoken. It sounds like something Hammerhead would write. I wonder who the big nasty prison that the FBI director is transfering over from the Raft is.

I think if anything one of the guards wrote the note but Fisk definitely made the order to shank Foggy.

As for the big bad... Bullseye. The F.B.I. Director is a Daredevil fanboy. He knows his **** and he knows if he wants to make things really interesting, adding Bullseye would push Matt closer to the edge of insanity or death.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I think if anything one of the guards wrote the note but Fisk definitely made the order to shank Foggy.

As for the big bad... Bullseye. The F.B.I. Director is a Daredevil fanboy. He knows his **** and he knows if he wants to make things really interesting, adding Bullseye would push Matt closer to the edge of insanity or death.

I doubt the guards wrote it seemed a little too personal. As for Bullseye, his legs are broken so he doesn't pose as much of threat to Matt, the Director would be better off getting someone else.
My review of DD #82 - (MWoF should like this)

Daredevil #82 (Brubaker/Lark; Marvel). I've never been much of a Daredevil fan, so I'm not entirely sure why I picked this up - probably for the shiny words "Brubaker/Lark" on the cover. And holy heck, does Lark ever deliver. Beautiful pages, a gorgeous splash, and earnest, serious, expressive faces and body language. And here I thought I read comics for the words, not the art. The words/plot ARE here, though and they are pretty impressive. It's funny - even after the hyper-creepy Tao from Sleeper and many of the other amoral but driven characters from other books, what Brubaker writes so well is men of principle - and I'm not talking about Matt Murdock here, I'm talking about Foggy and Ben Urich. (Boy, did Foggy get a nice dig in at Urich!) Brubaker also writes menacing well - there are a whole lot of very menacing characters in this. You really FEEL the dialog. Anyway, it's an interesting issue to start on the title with - interesting glimpses of who the characters are, especially Matt's prison soliloquy. I'm not hooked yet, but I'm headed that way...

There are a couple of huh? moments for a new reader - what, EXACTLY, has Murdock been charged with? Why are the Feds involved in what should be a state or even city issue? Hopefully those will be explained as we go...
Rhyo said:
There are a couple of huh? moments for a new reader - what, EXACTLY, has Murdock been charged with? Why are the Feds involved in what should be a state or even city issue? Hopefully those will be explained as we go...

Cool that you enjoyed it Rhyo. Hopefully that shiny Brubaker/Lark will attract more readers.

Answers to your questions...

He's been charged basically with perjury. I think that's really the only other thing they get get on him. I can't find an instance where Daredevil has killed. But I'm sure if he is found guilty of being Daredevil there will be a whole book written with his charges. Right now, it's just perjury. And he hasn't been convicted yet. He's being held without bail.

The feds are involved because it's a high profile case dealing with a lot things outside of just the police force's jurisdiction. And even though they're alittle too involved... it's only because the F.B.I. director has been turned into one of the greater antagonists of Matt Murdock's life and has a personal vendetta against him.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Cool that you enjoyed it Rhyo. Hopefully that shiny Brubaker/Lark will attract more readers.

Answers to your questions...

He's been charged basically with perjury. I think that's really the only other thing they get get on him. I can't find an instance where Daredevil has killed. But I'm sure if he is found guilty of being Daredevil there will be a whole book written with his charges. Right now, it's just perjury. And he hasn't been convicted yet. He's being held without bail.

The feds are involved because it's a high profile case dealing with a lot things outside of just the police force's jurisdiction. And even though they're alittle too involved... it's only because the F.B.I. director has been turned into one of the greater antagonists of Matt Murdock's life and has a personal vendetta against him.

The feds also have him on fraud (suing the daily Globe) and obstruction of justice (trying to steal the Murdock Papers from that lawyer.)