Like the previews we've been seeing since Brubaker's been announced we get our opening. Thoughts about what's happening in Hell's Kitchen as Matt Murdock sits in prison.
We see a Daredevil beating up some thugs and getting video taped by some kids.
Matt sits in jail and the C.O. brings him a newspaper. Matt feels the paper and it reads "Murdock in jail, Daredevil still at large" or something like that.
The F.B.I. director is arguing with the head of Ryker's about Matt being blind and wants him in the general population with the other inmates.
Foggy is busting his *** trying to get his friend free. He's being helped by Becky Blake (yes, the Becky Blake. Wheelchair and all). Ben Urich comes to see Foggy and they fight over Foggy's ethics and Ben's betrayal to Matt. Foggy sees a Daredevil outside his window. He goes to the roof to confront him and tells him to stay away, whoever he is, because he doesn't want to risk Matt's freedom by associating with him. Daredevil disappears.
In Prison, Matt's confronted by The Tarantula, who has to take a shot every week to keep his superpowers down. Tarantula tells Matt that Wilson Fisk has killed 5 of his men. We're then treated to an awesome panel of a naked Wilson kicking the crap out of thugs in the prison showers. Tarantula offers Matt to take sides with the latinos. Matt declines.
Matt is taken back to his cell but takes a detour. He's confronted by Hammerhead and his men and a fight breaks out. When the riot squad gets there Matt sits in a corner acting scared saying he walked into a gang fight. They throw him in solitary confinement anyway.
Foggy visits Matt in prison and they talk about the case and Milla. Foggy is on his way out but is lead in the wrong direction. Matt sits in confinement. Foggy is attacked and stabbed in one of the most dramatic Daredevil moments, I've ever seen. Matt is helpless and cries for the guard to help. The guard ignore his pleas and Matt listens as Foggy's heartbeat slowly fades away...
Wilson Fisk sits in his cell smiling.
5/5 Brubaker starts off really strong.