Daredevil News

Do you read Daredevil?/Do you want Daredevil in the Ultimate Universe?

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TheManWithoutFear said:
Yeah, I saw that today. Cool that they're gonna show this fake Daredevil but I'd much rather see Matt Murdock's part in civil war.

I rather wouldn't DD get involved with CW, I hate crossovers.
Jackie Estacado said:
can't have a marvel universe x-over without DD though, it wouldn't be right.

course this registration act may have an effect on poor ol' matty in jail :)

Yeah, well, don't come crying to me when aliens show up in a DD title because they wanted to include him in the next crossover. :p
"I know something is wrong that morning, because a silence spreads through the prison. It starts at the transfer gates and moves through the cell blocks, level by level. No matter where they are, slowly the convicts in Rykers stop what they're doing. They stop yelling, they stop playing ball, they stop hurting each other. They just stop. But their pulse's start raceing..."


Comics Continuum Previews Daredevil #84
TheManWithoutFear said:
"I know something is wrong that morning, because a silence spreads through the prison. It starts at the transfer gates and moves through the cell blocks, level by level. No matter where they are, slowly the convicts in Rykers stop what they're doing. They stop yelling, they stop playing ball, they stop hurting each other. They just stop. But their pulse's start raceing..."


Comics Continuum Previews Daredevil #84

What a second, his legs are supposed to broken, how can he pose a threat to DD with broken legs.
TheManWithoutFear said:
He got adamantium impanted into his shin bones. He can walk fine now.

Rare metal my ***.
this is such an awesome idea i can barely contain myself.
i wonder just hoe far matt is gonna be pushed? he's kicked the living crap outta bullseye for so long but i wonder if bru has the cajones to make matt off ol' bullseye? :shock:
Jackie Estacado said:
this is such an awesome idea i can barely contain myself.
i wonder just hoe far matt is gonna be pushed? he's kicked the living crap outta bullseye for so long but i wonder if bru has the cajones to make matt off ol' bullseye? :shock:

I wish he killed Bullseye. It's always awesome when Bullseye shows up. But how many times can Bullseye specifically push Matt over the edge and Matt let him get away with it by letting him live. Matt lost Foggy, he's mad with anger, the man who has destroyed the other half of his life is sittin' in Ryker's with him now and I'm sure Bullseye's not gonna sit in a corner and hide from Matt. These two will meet up and Matt's too unstable to let him live through it.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I wish he killed Bullseye. It's always awesome when Bullseye shows up. But how many times can Bullseye specifically push Matt over the edge and Matt let him get away with it by letting him live. Matt lost Foggy, he's mad with anger, the man who has destroyed the other half of his life is sittin' in Ryker's with him now and I'm sure Bullseye's not gonna sit in a corner and hide from Matt. These two will meet up and Matt's too unstable to let him live through it.

It's kind of like Batman and the Joker. One of them has to die someday.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I wish he killed Bullseye. It's always awesome when Bullseye shows up. But how many times can Bullseye specifically push Matt over the edge and Matt let him get away with it by letting him live. Matt lost Foggy, he's mad with anger, the man who has destroyed the other half of his life is sittin' in Ryker's with him now and I'm sure Bullseye's not gonna sit in a corner and hide from Matt. These two will meet up and Matt's too unstable to let him live through it.

They won't kill Bullseye off, he's too marketable. They can kill off Matador if you like, but no one will care and they will just bring him back in a few years, because they forgot they killed him in the first place.
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The Overlord said:
They won't kill Bullseye off, he's too marketable. They can kill off Matador if you like, but no one will care and they will just bring him back in a few years, because they forgot they killed him in the first place.

dunno to be honest. i mean would u have thought marvel would put poor ol' matt in jail? its been leading to this since 'overboss' but i think at the back of most people's mind was that matt would find a way out. killing bullseye, or permanently comatising him, would be the way Bru would go hehehehehe :twisted:
Jackie Estacado said:
dunno to be honest. i mean would u have thought marvel would put poor ol' matt in jail? its been leading to this since 'overboss' but i think at the back of most people's mind was that matt would find a way out. killing bullseye, or permanently comatising him, would be the way Bru would go hehehehehe :twisted:

Matt hasn't been convicted of anything, they can get him out jail whenever they want. Bullseye on the other hand is too popular to stay dead, even if they kill him, someone will just bring him back, look at what happened with Magneto when Morrison killed him off.
true they can get him out of jail at any time but they're not gonna simply undo all the work that went into outing matt in the first place. yer right tho that they prolly don't wanna kill off bullseye which is a shame is its kinda like the batman/joker scenario all over again hahah

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