Civil War series discussion (spoilers)

How would you rate Civil War?

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E said:
I realize it's probably just me, but I just don't get it. It's not that good. It's just hype.

Actually maybe I do get it.
It probably is just you, no offense. Well, there are others, but the % of those who like it over those who don't obviously outweighs. The hype is bringing people to the story, which seems to be really good to obviously a lot of people for it to be doing very very excellent. Either way, the hype would bring people in. But if the story wasn't good, it wouldn't be doing this good in sales.
Ice said:
But if the story wasn't good, it wouldn't be doing this good in sales.

Two words: Secret Wars.
Ice said:
The original? I haven't read it so I wouldn't know what exactly to say on that. :wink:

The original. I know you didn't read it, my only point is that numbers aren't a indicative of quality. Popularity, yes, but not quality.
E said:
The original. I know you didn't read it, my only point is that numbers aren't a indicative of quality. Popularity, yes, but not quality.
I disagree. I'd say it does help show what quality it is. Some people may not like it, but still it does.
Ice said:
I disagree. I'd say it does help show what quality it is. Some people may not like it, but still it does.

By that logic, McDonald's cheeseburgers are the greatest cheeseburgers in the world.
First of all...........In-N-Out burgers are the best fast food burgers in the WORLD. Yes....the WORLD!!!! Anyone who disagrees obviously has never had a Double Double before. Because once you have a Double Double from In-N-Out, just the sheer thought of this not being the best fast food burger you've ever tasted would cause your head to explode.

True story...I've seen it happen to a friend of mine.

Second.........Civil is a hype machine juggernaut. But in its defense--the story is very good. While there are only 2 issues to the story so far....all the tie-ins (for the most part) are great stories as well. Amazing Spiderman has been the best its been for a long time. Frontline is a great well-written tie-in. And there are others just as great.

So basically---its a lot of hype surrounding the story...but's delivering for now.
Victor Von Doom said:
First of all...........In-N-Out burgers are the best fast food burgers in the WORLD. Yes....the WORLD!!!! Anyone who disagrees obviously has never had a Double Double before. Because once you have a Double Double from In-N-Out, just the sheer thought of this not being the best fast food burger you've ever tasted would cause your head to explode.

:sick: :sick:

They are not that good. There fries are disgusting.
thee great one said:
:sick: :sick:

They are not that good. There fries are disgusting.
You're just wrong. You're wrong as a person.

I live near an In-N-Out and it's great. Everything there is great. I wasn't aware they made it to the east coast.
thee great one said:
:sick: :sick:

They are not that good. There fries are disgusting.

The fries are pretty nasty. But the burgers........o the burgers......

You're head will explode in 5........4.........3.......
Fuddruckers has the best cheeseburgers.

But you guys are missing the point. The point is that McDonald's sucks.

I think that was the point anyway.
E said:
Fuddruckers has the best cheeseburgers.

But you guys are missing the point. The point is that McDonald's sucks.

I think that was the point anyway.
Actually, we've gotten so far away from the point, it's in another galaxy.
E said:
Fuddruckers has the best cheeseburgers.

But you guys are missing the point. The point is that McDonald's sucks.

I think that was the point anyway.

Fuddruckers definitely has the best burgers....but my point was that In-N-Out has the best FAST food burgers. The Fudd counts as a sit down burger.

Ice said:
Actually, we've gotten so far away from the point, it's in another galaxy.

Civil War is about america. And what's more american than burgers. This is sooooo on topic!!!! I'm done. Sooooo.....about that Civil War...... :wink:
Ice said:
Actually, we've gotten so far away from the point, it's in another galaxy.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away...

Victor Von Doom said: I'm done. Sooooo.....about that Civil War...... :wink:

Overhyped. And sensationalistic if you ask me.
I like it. Mainly because McNiven rocks, and you get to see a lot of 616 Marvel characters under Millar's pen. The story is kind of meh, though.

My favourite scene is still the New Warriors. I downloaded the mini and am going to read it eventually.
E said:
Overhyped. And sensationalistic if you ask me.
Overhyped? Yeah, guess so. But so far great friggin' mini? Most definetly. Hands down. Without a shout of a doubt.

Go Milar & McNiven! :rockon:
Ice said:
Overhyped? Yeah, guess so. But so far great friggin' mini? Most definetly. Hands down. Without a shout of a doubt.

Go Milar & McNiven! :rockon:

Word to Big Bird yo!!!! 8)

Silly E and his opinion. :wink:
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