Really is pretentious, no matter what she says. Do
Victor Von Doom said:First of all...........In-N-Out burgers are the best fast food burgers in the WORLD. Yes....the WORLD!!!! Anyone who disagrees obviously has never had a Double Double before. Because once you have a Double Double from In-N-Out, just the sheer thought of this not being the best fast food burger you've ever tasted would cause your head to explode.
True story...I've seen it happen to a friend of mine.
Second.........Civil is a hype machine juggernaut. But in its defense--the story is very good. While there are only 2 issues to the story so far....all the tie-ins (for the most part) are great stories as well. Amazing Spiderman has been the best its been for a long time. Frontline is a great well-written tie-in. And there are others just as great.
So basically---its a lot of hype surrounding the story...but fortunately...it's delivering for now.
You've obviously never been to Fudrucker's.
ShadowPrime said:Hibiki:
Sorry, but you prove my point FOR me.
Racist Man and Captain Brutality sound like villains to you? Okay. To YOU. Who gets to decide? That is precisely the point. What Cap is arguing is that once you put on a mask, you are outside the law, and answerable to no one. Well, maybe to HIM. Hmmm... So who gets to decide the limits of conduct for "heroes"? What is the code of conduct for the Punisher? For Wolverine? What if the NEXT guy in a mask doesn't share Cap's views on where the line should be drawn? On race relations? On the rights of criminals? Of the simply ACCUSED? If Captain Brutality decides that breaking a few bones to get info is justifiable, who does he answer to?
And your comments re the police are....startling...to me. Let me see if I have this right. Cap disagrees with a government policy. So Cap pitches a SHIELD agent out of a racing vehicle ... during what is essentially a jail break... right into the path of some oncoming, pursuing police cars... causing what appears to be a high speed multi car crash, with police cars sailing through the air at 60 MPH... and that is OKAY because cops are "always in the line of danger"?
Am I being graded or are you trying to find something wrong with what I said b/c I see no argument to what you're saying. You're just pointing out everything I've already said. And what do racist man and Captain Brutality sound like to you, heroes? Racism is wrong no matter what. You can't tell me you disagree with that. Don't tell me what THE point is. Tell me what YOUR point is to bringing up my comment.