Serenity wasn't bad, it just wasn't Firefly. It was all the sci-fi and very little of the western.
CBR: has a slight update on the film from their own Marvel Insider. They write, "'The Avengers' will not be filming until first quarter 2011. This film is still in early pre-production and will not be the main focus until 'Captain America: The First Avenger' is wrapped. 'The Avengers' film does not have a complete script. It is currently being tweaked." They also suggest more details will emerge at Comic-Con. Another post at the site mentions Marvel might be looking at actress Jennifer Garner -- previously seen as Elektra in "Daredevil" and "Elektra" -- for a new role in the Cinematic Universe.
Josh Holloway: Marvel Avenger?

Interesting news. Sawyer may become a super hero. It'd be fun to speculate which... Seeing as how Cap'n, Thor, and the tin man are filled... I'm guessing Josh would play Hawkeye. Who knows. I don't see Marvel pushing a Hawkeye solo movie, however he'd be a good supporting cast member in the Avengers movie.
You know I always pictured Matthew Fox, Evangline Lily, and Josh Holloway great for the roles of Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Wolverine respectively. Hell Most of their character Dynamics on Lost seemed like it was taken from X-men. It will be great to have him in Avengers, he's just one of those actors that always has great chemistry with anyone in the same scene, perfect for a movie full of some A-listers.
There's questions of whether or not they'll be renewing Ed Norton's contract. I wouldn't be surprised if that held for his supporting cast as well.

I'll be disappointed if they don't bring Norton back as Banner. I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk, and I enjoyed Norton's portrayal of Banner. Especially given the fact of Marvel Studios actively tying all these films together, recasting one of the major roles is just wrong, even if it is arguably the most minor of the major roles in Avengers.

And to then re-cast everyone from The Incredible Hulk in Avengers...well, what the hell was the point, then?

Besides, do we really expect Doc Sampson to play a role in this movie? For Christ's sake, its already bloated in terms of characters (and likely their respective development in this movie), and I can say that pretty confidantly without having seen a script or even a review. Why add in pointless side characters like him? Hawkeye and Black Widow make sense, but beyond that, I don't see any point in super-hero cameos or name-dropping (though Marvel do love their easter eggs, so...).
I'm pretty sure the Josh Holloway thing was proved false... for now.
I still want to see an incredible hulk sequel.

I would too, honestly. Incredible Hulk wasn't a great movie by any means, but it was a perfectly respectable summer pop-corn flick, which I can say after seeing 5-6 times is still as enjoyable as the first time. And Norton's Banner was SO much better than Eric Bana's. Liv Tyler kind of annoys me, but thats mostly related to her voice (she sounds like she has Downs Syndrome). Still, I'd be happy to watch her in a Hulk sequel--but thats unlikely, given the first didn't astound at the box office.
I'll be disappointed if they don't bring Norton back as Banner. I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk, and I enjoyed Norton's portrayal of Banner. Especially given the fact of Marvel Studios actively tying all these films together, recasting one of the major roles is just wrong, even if it is arguably the most minor of the major roles in Avengers.

And to then re-cast everyone from The Incredible Hulk in Avengers...well, what the hell was the point, then?

Besides, do we really expect Doc Sampson to play a role in this movie? For Christ's sake, its already bloated in terms of characters (and likely their respective development in this movie), and I can say that pretty confidantly without having seen a script or even a review. Why add in pointless side characters like him? Hawkeye and Black Widow make sense, but beyond that, I don't see any point in super-hero cameos or name-dropping (though Marvel do love their easter eggs, so...).

The Incredible Hulk was pimp. I honestly thought it was a better movie than the first Iron Man, and I'd love to see Norton return. The Doc Samson mention wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but if the Hulk's the villain (plus Skrulls. Jesus, does that ever sound like a bloated script), as he's rumored to be, I could see Samson having a cameo as Banner's psychologist.

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