Well, the first director that was being thrown about for this was Lois Leterrier. Hulk was awesome, This would be good. The second director that is rumoured for the job is better.

Joss Whedon.
The second director that is rumoured for the job is better.

Joss Whedon.


But Leterirer seems like a decent choice, and The Incredible Hulk was damn good, but I still think Favreau is currently the best bet. In the earlier 2000s I would've even considered Bryan Singer, but Favreau's proven he can do great action sequences that are both badass AND majestic, really compelling character work, and a committed understanding of the comics. I'm definitely going to stick with him as long as he's in the running.
Yes to Favreau, no to Whedon and definitely not to Leterrier.

Sorry if this has been posted but :

Marvel Confirms Talks With Whedon About 'The Avengers'
by Jay Cochran in Marvel at 09:00 AM on 2010.04.04

Last week, IESB learned from a reliable source that Joss Whedon has joined Louis Leterrier on Marvel's short-list to direct "The Avengers."

LA Times has confirmed the IESB's story and got in touch with Marvel Studios, which said that no director has been signed yet, but that Whedon is being considered and that conversations have already taken place.

from http://marvelousnews.com/index.php?catid=23&itemid=12950
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I know I may be eligible for getting kicked in the balls for this idea but:


I'm serious.

Deadly serious.

Love him or hate him....you have to admit that he knows how to shoot stylized action and when you get down to brass tacks----it's a comic book movie so nobody is expecting Oscars, so he's more than qualified to handle the general acting. Maybe I'm biased because despite the fact that the story itself didn't establish anything new, I actually like Terminator: Salvation. Couple that with his We Are Marshall...and you've got a credible director who can handle the project.
I know I may be eligible for getting kicked in the balls for this idea but:


I'm serious.

Deadly serious.

Love him or hate him....you have to admit that he knows how to shoot stylized action and when you get down to brass tacks----it's a comic book movie so nobody is expecting Oscars, so he's more than qualified to handle the general acting. Maybe I'm biased because despite the fact that the story itself didn't establish anything new, I actually like Terminator: Salvation. Couple that with his We Are Marshall...and you've got a credible director who can handle the project.

While I agree McG is a good director and Terminator Salvation had awesome style and great sequences he just wouldn't fit what Iron man, incredible hulk, and probably Thor and Cap have established. It would come off as odd and be disappointing. I'd really would like Favreau.
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What the ****? McG is awful.

You are crazy!

He's not the greatest director, but he's more than capable of delivering a good Avengers film in a similar tone of Fav's Iron Man or Lett's Incredible Hulk.

But-but he produced The O.C.!


Seth Cohen is awesome.

If I had to pick between Whedon and McG for this I think I'd blow up the studio.

I definitely don't need to see an Angel: Card Carrying Member of The Astonishing Avengers film. Not that I don't love Whedon's work....but he's definitely not the person to make an Avengers film.
Where's Chris Nolan when you need him?
(and Dark Knight wasn't even his best film - Memento is absolutely fantastic, and my all time favourite film. The Prestige was also great!)
I find it weird that Marvel would give it to someone who is pretty much untested on the big screen.

Yeah, me too. Maybe they're thinking of all the other costs (all of the big actors and special effects) and wanted a cheap but talented director.

I like Whedon. He's better than Leterrier.

I don't know if an Avengers movie will work anyway.

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