Yet another terrible last-minute piece of Marvel movie news. All I can hope is that he's "pretty much official" in the same way John Krasinski was and they just get Favreau to do it.

I have never liked anything by Whedon, ever. Except for that episode of The Office he directed, ironically.
To be fair, I have never seen more than a few random seconds of it so I can't judge it specifically, but I cannot stand Whedon speak, anywhere. I will try it someday, I could love it, I'm not counting on it. Buffy, Dollhouse, Dr. Horrible.... unbearable.
I liked Firefly, but it was the only work by Whedon that I liked. Not really a fan of his so that is why I don't like the choice of him being the Avengers movie director. I think that's fair enough. I've tried Buffy - didn't like it. Dollhouse looked boring, didn't interested me. He is OK and an Avengers movie should have someone who's more than just "OK."
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I liked Firefly, but it was the only work by Whedon that I liked. Not really a fan of his so that is why I don't like the choice of him being the Avengers movie director. I think that's fair enough. I've tried Buffy - didn't like it. Dollhouse looked boring, didn't interested me. He is OK and an Avengers movie should have someone who's more than just "OK."

Who should it have?
Who should it have?
Favereau should have been given the job instead of Exec. Producer. I would just prefer someone else than Whedon. Maybe he'll do a good job and I'll enjoy it, I think I would likely enjoy it regardless, but I just feel it would be better with someone else.

Like Leterrier (kidding).
Tee hee!!

Whedon being Whedon we are bound to get at least one of the whedonverse alumni getting an appearance in this film... but who?

My fingers are crossed he brings in Hawkeye.

Played by Nathan Fillion.
Jeremy Renner's playing Hawkeye, as far as I know.

Ugh.... Whedon. Having just seen Clash of the Titans, I'm at least glad Letterier's not directing, but I may change my mind when the Wasp's feet become "the eleventh Avenger".

Huh? Does Whedon have a foot fetish? I thought that was just Tarantino.

Jeremy Renner was never confirmed to be Hawkeye. Considering he was just confirmed as being in Paul Thomas Anderson's next movie I doubt he will be Hawkeye anyway.
Huh? Does Whedon have a foot fetish? I thought that was just Tarantino.

I haven't watched Firefly, but I've read that quote from Whedon in regards to Summer Glau a bunch of times and always thought it was stupid. Meh.

Edit: Bam - (Live Action TV section).

Also, I wouldn't read too much of the rest of that page unless you're skilled with this one.

Jeremy Renner was never confirmed to be Hawkeye. Considering he was just confirmed as being in Paul Thomas Anderson's next movie I doubt he will be Hawkeye anyway.

Damn, I thought that was official. He'd be so good too.
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One thing that Whedon has down - to a ****ing TEE - is the whole team dynamic. I imagine that's why he's on the film; he knows how to perfectly balance a large cast of characters and play them off each other. He's not being given full reign over the film, and I think his experience with directing this kind of dynamic will help the movie far, far more than it will hurt it.
I don't see where all the Whedon hate is coming from. I think Zeek is right in his strength handling an ensemble, as clearly evidenced by Firefly. I'd just be worried about his lack of experience as a film director. I heard Serenity was pretty bad.
I don't see where all the Whedon hate is coming from. I think Zeek is right in his strength handling an ensemble, as clearly evidenced by Firefly. I'd just be worried about his lack of experience as a film director. I heard Serenity was pretty bad.

serenity really wasn't bad at all. it works really well as a bookend to the firefly series as a whole.

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