Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Secondly, I must have missed all the controversy with JMS. Did they force him to write One More Day against his will?
No, he wanted to do it. However he didn't want it to play out the way it did and the last two issues got changed, script vise, against his will so he wanted his named removed from those since he didn't think it was his story even though it was his script that it was based on.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

He was forced to turn The Other from year-long story into some crap story spanning a few months, and had to let other writers deal with concepts they didn't understand.

Road to Civil War (which directly followed The Other)and Back in Black were entirely mandated by editorial.

Then this happened, which was basically Joe Q forcing him to write a story to end something that I'm 90% sure he's the only one who thinks it should have been ended.

The past two or three years on the title he's had no creative control, so he's leaving. Sounds fair to me.

...That said, and I hate to admit this, Parts three and four were some of the best written comic book issues i've read in ages. Really damn good...

I'll definitely be reading Brand New Day (I like that Harry's back, even if they haven't explained it even a little), but I still think this was all so stupid.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

If the marriage is the only thing retconned, why are Harry and the web-shooters back? And how come nobody knows his secret ID?

It doesn't make sense at all.

And Sins Past makes Ultimate Power look like Watchmen.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

The web-shooters are back, after they said organics would stick.
Peter's mask is back on, a year after they did it.

Everything's ****ed up.

More changes have happened and been undone to Spider-Man in five years than were ever done during Tom DeFalco's reign as EIC.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

This is why I stopped reading Spider-Man.

That and the ****ty writing and art.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

This is why I stopped reading Spider-Man.

That and the ****ty writing and art.
I stopped buying Spider-Man in the 90s, when they finally did a good story during the Clone Saga.

After years of bull****, they put out a good story in which Aunt May finally died. It was like I was buying ASM because I was holding out for a good story.

I immediately put down the comic knowing that would be the high point of the property for years to come.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

JMS explains his side of the Story.

His side made a whole lot more sense then what they went with. And when they end up explaining everything, it will end up retconning the last thirty years... That's just what's going to happen. Grah.

Still, he did a great job writing a **** story.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

JMS explains his side of the Story.

His side made a whole lot more sense then what they went with. And when they end up explaining everything, it will end up retconning the last thirty years... That's just what's going to happen. Grah.

Still, he did a great job writing a **** story.
I don't consider the entire story to be ****, but rather the ramifications on continuity are rather ****ty, as well as the idea that Mephisto had to be involved.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

First of all, Sins Past WAS a great story.

Secondly, I must have missed all the controversy with JMS. Did they force him to write One More Day against his will?

No. The ending was, "Okay, we dissolve the marriage without having to have them be divorced. Mephisto magics it so we get classic Spidey back."

JMS then wrote, "The last 20 years never happened."

Marvel said, "We can't do that, can you try to write what we originally agreed upon, please?"

JMS said, "I think this is the better story."

Marvel; "Seriously - this will mess up all the Spidey titles we've got ready to go. It causes an enormous amount of problems."

JMS; "Okay. I'll do what I can."

That's it. No big controversy or "WRITE WHAT WE TELL YOU STRACYZNKASZORGI!"

As for Joe Q - I agree with him on the crappiness of Spidey's marriage and to be honest, in a year or two, I think most people will go, "Spidey is better NOW than he was THEN".

I really think this is one of those, "It sucks a bit now, but it truly will be worth it later" things.

STILL don't get why having him get divorced didn't work.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

STILL don't get why having him get divorced didn't work.
That too.

I don't understand why Joe Quesada, a man who says that having comic book characters smoke is wrong because it'll set a bad example is the same man who thinks its okay for Spider-Man to make a deal with the devil.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Since when did Mephisto have this kind of power anyway?

Mephisto, the lord of lies, has many names. One of his favourites is D. X. Machina.

It's alright - he's the devil. He should do stuff like this all the time.

That too.

I don't understand why Joe Quesada, a man who says that having comic book characters smoke is wrong because it'll set a bad example is the same man who thinks its okay for Spider-Man to make a deal with the devil.


Or, for example, it's okay to show the details of a grisly murder of a girl but not say - a tender love-scene between consenual 15-year olds.

It's the weird morality we live in - people decide that some things are 'morally wrong' but not others in an arbitrary fashion. :|
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Mephisto, the lord of lies, has many names. One of his favourites is D. X. Machina.

It's alright - he's the devil. He should do stuff like this all the time.
I thought D. X. Machina was God's gangsta rap name.

Oh wait, God does not exist in Marvel Comics.

Yet there are 32 different flavors of devils in Marvel Comics.

I hear Satannish likes to compare himself to chocolate chip cookie dough.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

If I were God, anyone who made any kind of deal with the Devil would automatically be banished to Hell forever. Tragically, I am neither God nor the writers of this terrible story. Seriously... Mephisto is supposed to be the adversary of all things alive and good. He will always come out on top. If he tries to make a deal with you, you should thank whatever deity you believe in, because your ethical dilemma is over. He's evil. Period.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

If I were God, anyone who made any kind of deal with the Devil would automatically be banished to Hell forever. Tragically, I am neither God nor the writers of this terrible story. Seriously... Mephisto is supposed to be the adversary of all things alive and good. He will always come out on top. If he tries to make a deal with you, you should thank whatever deity you believe in, because your ethical dilemma is over. He's evil. Period.

Exactly correct. How can a good guy ever make a deal with the devil for any reason whatsoever?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Mephisto, the lord of lies, has many names. One of his favourites is D. X. Machina.


As in

or something else?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I don't understand why Joe Quesada, a man who says that having comic book characters smoke is wrong because it'll set a bad example is the same man who thinks its okay for Spider-Man to make a deal with the devil.

I thought D. X. Machina was God's gangsta rap name.

Oh wait, God does not exist in Marvel Comics.

Yet there are 32 different flavors of devils in Marvel Comics.

Ourchair: Best poster ever.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

My current signature explains why Joe Queseda is a ****ing idiot.