Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

This whole arc was really bad. First of I don't like the supernatural (and cosmic) stuff in the Marvel universe and I don't think that it belongs in Spider-Mans world AT ALL! The comic should have a more street like feeling dealing with things and situations that we, the readers, can comprehend and put real feelings to. NONE of that where in OMD. It could have been done SOOOO much better than it actually was that it's not even funny.

With that said I have to add that I like the new Status Quo of Spider-Man. I was really never a big fan of the organic web shooters and I hope they have also removed the whole spider-totem thing. That was just stupid.
I also hope that we now have a Peter Parker with less guilt and more happy moments. I hate the Peter Parker that whines about his responsibilities and the people that have been killed "because of him" ALL THE F***ING TIME! Yes, a reminder ones every fifth arc would be enough but COME ON! HE'S NOT JEWISH FOR **** SAKE!
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

Well I just read this issue (funny cause I thought my subscription ran out) I find this whole thing really stupid, it pisses me off to no end. Its basically just Marvel saying "We're to stupid to write spider-man with all this character development, so we're going to take the easy way out" Really I never found a problem with their marriage, it only took away the love angle of Peter's life. Which I'm fine with, I hate all the stereotypical love angle's in comics/tv/movies/etc. The only problem with current ASM arcs where bad stories, constant life changing crap, and magic. All they needed were down to Earth, street level stories. For instance, instead of reviving Harry Osborn, why not just give Spider-man a new best friend, there are so many aspects that they for whatever reason refuse to explore. This is Marvel coping out pure and simple.

I will say in the long run, like ten years from now, this may be a good idea, but right now its a **** in the face of Spidey fans of the past ten years. So I will say this, they better not **** this up, they did something really idiotic to get this status quo back and if they repeat the same damn mistake I will burn down Marvel headquarters.
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

instead of reviving Harry Osborn, why not just give Spider-man a new best friend,

or they could have brought back Ben Reilly... yeah i said it

think about it that way they have a single and a married spider-man, with Ben becoming a best friend type figure replacing the need for Harry, and to top it all off Ben would need to use the regular web-shooters.

hell even if May ended up being revived Ben probably would have ended up staying with her, since legally he can't own property
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

Now, I haven't actually read this (nor do I intend to), so my opinion means virtually nothing, but from what I understand, it's all kinds of stoopid (yeah, that's right - stupid, but worse). Why? Why is it a good thing to retcon years of continuity? Why is it a good thing to show that you can undo ANY FREAKING EVENT IN THE ENTIRE ******* UNIVERSE???? Why not just bring back Uncle Ben so that we can relive the "good ol' days" even more? Why bother unmasking Spider-Man if you're just going to undo it in a year? Why bother doing anything now that it's been firmly established that we can undo it even almost fifteen years after the event happens? Why does anybody at Marvel think this is a good idea?

I don't care how well it was written, or how poignant it was, or how awful it was. If you can retcon twenty years worth of material just because one man doesn't like where you are, what's the point of doing anything any more?

Urgh. Maybe I should be a DC guy instead. How often do they retcon twenty years of storytelling so that the editor can exercise his own fancy about how the book should have been done?
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

No years of continuity have been retconned.

What happens now is that Peter is no longer married and Harry's back.
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

No years of continuity have been retconned.

What happens now is that Peter is no longer married and Harry's back.

I'd still count it as a huge ****ing retcon of continuity
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

I'd still count it as a huge ****ing retcon of continuity

I'd have to agree.

I mean if nothing is are they supposed to explain everything that happened in Civil War? Or The Others? Or whatever happened in House of M?

There is a ****load of stuff that involved MJ that other people witnessed...and all that's just gone?

Sounds retconnish to me?
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

I'd still count it as a huge ****ing retcon of continuity
Ok, where did I say there wasn't? I'm just saying that the last 20 years HAVE NOT been retconed. They still happened, but with differences.
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Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

isn't that the textbook definition of retcon?

if they hadn't happened they'd have been erased from continuity

I give up. You're obviously not reading what I said before to post something idiotic.
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Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".


I give up. You're obviously not reading what I said before to post something idiotic.

Well I get it, events like HoM, Spidey joining the Avengers, Civil War still happened relatively the same, but everything in Spidey's personal life has been retcon
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".


I give up. You're obviously not reading what I said before to post something idiotic.
I read your post and actually Gemini is right your modliness.

From Wikipedia:
Retroactive continuity or retcon is the deliberate changing of previously established facts in a work of serial fiction. The change itself is referred to as a "retcon", and the act of writing and publishing a retcon is called "retconning".

Previously established facts have been changed and the universe has been altered. The events might have happened only slightly differently, but they were still different then what we've read. It's textbook. Thus the past 20 years have been RETCONNED. Get it? No one is saying the past 20 years didn't happen. We're saying that since...
Ice. Yeah you. said:
They still happened, but with differences.
They have been, try to follow me here, retconned.
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

I read your post and actually Gemini is right your modliness.
For the love of God...


Are you people reading things in posts that are not there? Seriously? :?

You're only repeating nothing.

I know there was a retconned. I know things in the last 20 years have been retconned, but not everything. The 20 years still happened.
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Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

The 20 years still happened.
To quote me from 1 post ago.

No one is saying the past 20 years didn't happen.

I said that. I read your post. No one here thinks that time simply ceased to exist for twenty years (at least I hope not). So what are you getting so pissy about?
Re: JMS & Quesada give Spider-Man "One More Day".

To quote me from 1 post ago.

I said that. I read your post. No one here thinks that time simply ceased to exist for twenty years (at least I hope not). So what are you getting so pissy about?
That you guys keep quoting and repeating things already said. Nothing new is getting mentioned. Everyone got it. MOVE ON.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So I'm finally going to mail that letter to Joe Quesada. The one that rips him a new one for the terrible decisions he made regarding this comic.

At the bottom of the letter I'm going to handwrite: "I got an A on this paper, something your precious One More Day will never receive."


God, it's going to feel so good when I put that in the mailbox. Now I just have to figure out what address to send it to....
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I don't know...

The story itself...I definetly give it an A. But then again, this also get an F for being in continuity.

But then again again, I am excited to see what happens next...
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So I'm finally going to mail that letter to Joe Quesada. The one that rips him a new one for the terrible decisions he made regarding this comic.

At the bottom of the letter I'm going to handwrite: "I got an A on this paper, something your precious One More Day will never receive."


God, it's going to feel so good when I put that in the mailbox. Now I just have to figure out what address to send it to....
Did you ever post that?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Did you ever post that?

Sorry, I never did. (I will, though!) The fact of the matter is, it's written as a performance piece, something I did in front of the whole class, and I had to alter some facts (so to speak) and make some silly-sounding statements just so A) they'd get it (none of them are big on comics) and B) it would be a bit more theatrical (the class is called "Advanced Acting", after all). I was a little hesitant of posting it because of exactly that.

So I will post it, in its entirety, but be aware that I am aware of how stupid/wrong some things may sound in it and that it might not sound like the usual djf you guys all know. Hopefully, you'll still be able to see it and interpret it the way the class did. :D