Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Now, I haven't actually read this (nor do I intend to), so my opinion means virtually nothing, but from what I understand, it's all kinds of stoopid (yeah, that's right - stupid, but worse). Why? Why is it a good thing to retcon years of continuity? Why is it a good thing to show that you can undo ANY FREAKING EVENT IN THE ENTIRE ******* UNIVERSE???? Why not just bring back Uncle Ben so that we can relive the "good ol' days" even more? Why bother unmasking Spider-Man if you're just going to undo it in a year? Why bother doing anything now that it's been firmly established that we can undo it even almost fifteen years after the event happens? Why does anybody at Marvel think this is a good idea?

I don't care how well it was written, or how poignant it was, or how awful it was. If you can retcon twenty years worth of material just because one man doesn't like where you are, what's the point of doing anything any more?

Urgh. Maybe I should be a DC guy instead. How often do they retcon twenty years of storytelling so that the editor can exercise his own fancy about how the book should have been done?

DC do retcons too, but generally, they like to retcon their entire universe in a big crossover. It happens all the time.

Best to think of it this, as Alan Moore said in his intro to WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE MAN OF TOMORROW, which was an elseworlds tale;

"This is an imaginary story."

"Aren't they all?"​

So I'm finally going to mail that letter to Joe Quesada. The one that rips him a new one for the terrible decisions he made regarding this comic.

At the bottom of the letter I'm going to handwrite: "I got an A on this paper, something your precious One More Day will never receive."


God, it's going to feel so good when I put that in the mailbox. Now I just have to figure out what address to send it to....

I humbly suggest you don't do that. I think it would be particularly childish. A respectful but impassioned letter intelligently explaining your opinion would be better than an insult. Especially since people with more rep in the industry have probably told him the same things and he didn't listen to them.

I just don't think sending him insulting letters is a particularly good thing to do. :|
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Part 2 (of 5) of the Joephisto interviews

He wanted to bring Gwen back.

He wanted to bring Gwen back.

I'm sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I tried to read the entirety of that interview, but alas, i just couldn't.

I can't beleive how proud Joe Q is of all this, and JMS should seriously consider leaving marvel after this bull ****, not because he's a bad writer (Thor prooves that it is quite the opposite) but because he shouldn't have to deal with this.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

He wanted to bring Gwen back.

People told him why they thought this was a bad idea.

He agreed and didn't.

I don't understand how that can translate into "Joe Q sucks". This is the kind of nonsense that people yelled at Jemas and Q back when they launched the Ultimate line, and the MAX line.

I'm totally with Joe Q on this matter. I think he did everything in the right way (save the 'science' of retconning the marriage - I don't get what the problem is with divorce).
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

He wanted to bring Gwen back.

People told him why they thought this was a bad idea.

He agreed and didn't.

I don't understand how that can translate into "Joe Q sucks".
I said he sucked for other reasons.

I actually think this is an example of him doing a good job. He listened to the right people and followed their advice despite not agreeing with it. This is the kind of objectivity the EiC should always have.
This is the kind of nonsense that people yelled at Jemas and Q back when they launched the Ultimate line, and the MAX line.

I'm totally with Joe Q on this matter. I think he did everything in the right way (save the 'science' of retconning the marriage - I don't get what the problem is with divorce).
I am looking forward to BND, but OMD sucked. And I still blame him for that.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

The other day I downloaded this issue. I read it a few times.

I went to my local comic store yesterday and bought it and read it a few more times.

I have to say I'm breaking rank here and recanting my earlier rant.

Removing the idea that getting rid of the marriage is a remarkably stupid thing to do and something that is so incredibly cheap and exposes poor writers...the execution actually wasn't that bad.

In fact, it was pretty good.

I was quite surprised.

I still stand by this being a terrible decision in the long run, but if it had to be done, this was the way to do it.

I also have to say...I totally dug Mephisto in this issue. Compare his look, his speech, his all of that with his appearances in books like Infinity Gauntlet. This is Mephisto done right. I even bought his whole reason for why he wanted to "help" Peter.

What I didn't like is this: this is Mephisto we're talking about. Nobody seems to be able to agree whether he is the Devil himself or some kind of representative, but either way....this doesn't seem like his style. Yeah, he might make the deal with Pete, but when you deal with the devil like that there is always some kind of fine print or something. May should have totally been hit by a bus or something, because that is what Mephisto would do.

And if Peter is the same age and the only thing different is that he is no longer married...why is he still living with May? Or did I miss something?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

The other day I downloaded this issue. I read it a few times.

I went to my local comic store yesterday and bought it and read it a few more times.

I have to say I'm breaking rank here and recanting my earlier rant.

Removing the idea that getting rid of the marriage is a remarkably stupid thing to do and something that is so incredibly cheap and exposes poor writers...the execution actually wasn't that bad.

In fact, it was pretty good.

I was quite surprised.

I still stand by this being a terrible decision in the long run, but if it had to be done, this was the way to do it.

I think, in the long term, this is a great decision, and I think what's stupid is the whole "a wizard did it" retcon.

But I agree with you - it's actually pretty well done. It's got some real drama to it. What ruins it, is that it's SPIDER-MAN. It's not a SPIDER-MAN story, and when you bring continuity into it, it begins to become an obvious retcon and marketing ploy. BUT - if this wasn't Spider-Man, if this wasn't a protagonist with 40 years of history, if this wasn't a set-up for a new decade of history, if this didn't immediately invalidate major decisions of the character made in the last two years - this would be a good story about a man having to choose between his wife and his mother. Freud would've loved it because it's archetypal. Well done to Marvel I think. Best retcon I've read.

E said:
And if Peter is the same age and the only thing different is that he is no longer married...why is he still living with May? Or did I miss something?

We'll find out when the new issues come out.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

CBR has posted the third part of their interview with Joe Q.

Read to find out that JMS is a trooper. A real pro. He has said that like 12 times in these interviews so I figure it must be important.

Read it to see why Sins Past was a great story and it's totally not his fault Norman was the father.

Read it to find out that Spider-Man getting a divorce would have tainted the character and created a controversy. Thank goodness the devil was there to make a deal so we didn't have to go down that road.

Read it to discover that Sam Raimi totally agrees that Peter should have never gotten married. Because when I have questions about Spider-Man I go to the ultimate authority on the subject: a movie director who has never written a comic and just made an absolutely horrendous third installment to the movie series.

Read it to discover how the silly fans aren't talking about the fact that Spider-Man's marriage was an editorial mandate so it's ok to end it with an editorial mandate. He thinks it's hilarious that no one has mentioned that.

In all seriousness his scorn for fandom is truly astonishing.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So, to get this straight, OMD doesn't actually negate the previous 20 years of Spider-Man stories?

Exactly, that's precisely what we wanted to avoid. What didn't occur was the marriage. Peter and MJ were together, they loved each other -- they just didn't pull the trigger on the wedding day. All the books count, all the stories count -- except in the minds of the people within the Marvel U, Peter and MJ were a couple, not a married couple. To me, that's a much fairer thing to do to those of us who have been reading Spider-Man for all these years. Like I said, is it perfect? No. As far as we investigated, short of divorcing Peter, nothing really is.
That's what I was trying to say before. See?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So lemme get this straight....

They were together.....but just not married? They went thru HoM, CW, and the Others together as a couple? Just not as a married couple?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Well that makes this whole event that much more stupid.

I mean come on Marvel!?!?! WTF?!?!? You spent months hyping up this big Spider-Man event.....for it to be just that? They just weren't married? They were couple......just not married?

That's just lame.

What's next? We're bringing Uncle Ben back? He wasn't dead....he was just sleeping. Cyclops doesn't need the visor.....he just thought it made him look cool. Capt America isn't really dead......he just wanted a trip to Disneyland without an interruption.

Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

What's next? We're bringing Uncle Ben back? He wasn't dead....he was just sleeping.

And cremating him was just wrong

*insert more spider-man guilt*

:lol: :lol:
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

What's next? We're bringing Uncle Ben back? He wasn't dead....he was just sleeping. Cyclops doesn't need the visor.....he just thought it made him look cool. Capt America isn't really dead......he just wanted a trip to Disneyland without an interruption.

Joe is very much against bringing back Uncle Ben from 616. Notice I said "from 616" because as long as Uncle Ben is from a different dimension/timeline, it's a-okay!
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Joe is very much against bringing back Uncle Ben from 616. Notice I said "from 616" because as long as Uncle Ben is from a different dimension/timeline, it's a-okay!

Like the 90's cartoon where Peter met another dimensions Uncle Ben during the whole Spider-carnage fiasco?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Well that makes this whole event that much more stupid.
I mean come on Marvel!?!?! WTF?!?!? You spent months hyping up this big Spider-Man event.....for it to be just that? They just weren't married? They were couple......just not married?

That's just lame.

What's next? We're bringing Uncle Ben back? He wasn't dead....he was just sleeping. Cyclops doesn't need the visor.....he just thought it made him look cool. Capt America isn't really dead......he just wanted a trip to Disneyland without an interruption.


Oh wait until they reveil MJ to be this New Jackpot character before you pass judgment on that...
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

CBR has posted the third part of their interview with Joe Q.

Read to find out that JMS is a trooper. A real pro. He has said that like 12 times in these interviews so I figure it must be important.

Read it to see why Sins Past was a great story and it's totally not his fault Norman was the father.

Read it to find out that Spider-Man getting a divorce would have tainted the character and created a controversy. Thank goodness the devil was there to make a deal so we didn't have to go down that road.

Read it to discover that Sam Raimi totally agrees that Peter should have never gotten married. Because when I have questions about Spider-Man I go to the ultimate authority on the subject: a movie director who has never written a comic and just made an absolutely horrendous third installment to the movie series.

Read it to discover how the silly fans aren't talking about the fact that Spider-Man's marriage was an editorial mandate so it's ok to end it with an editorial mandate. He thinks it's hilarious that no one has mentioned that.

In all seriousness his scorn for fandom is truly astonishing.

First of all, Sins Past WAS a great story.

Secondly, I must have missed all the controversy with JMS. Did they force him to write One More Day against his will?