Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)
Ugh. Blech. Pfooey. Mr. "I am your density"'s writing hasn't aged well.
I feel really patronized by this comic now. It's full of "wacky" humor that just doesn't work, and the dialogue is clunky as hell. "Woo-hoo! We're writing a comic book, see! We'll insert our writer and and editor's names in a newspaper! It'll be HIGHlarious!!!" For a 9 year-old perhaps.
I feel like this title has de-evolved. Which i guess is what they were going for anyway. Anyone who has a problem with USM should read Gale's arc.
This is very a accurate explanation of why the 'fun comic' thing can feel just bad. It's a very hard balance to get right.
Noticed this on the last page...
It does, Marty and Doc just left too soon to see it. There's a ton of stuff like this they address on the DVD, it just got cut from the film because without a narrator most audiences would find it too confusing. You know when Old Biff gets back to 2015 and is acting pained? There's an extra ten or so seconds of that scene where he actually fades away, because he wouldn't be there in evil 2015, which is what everything is changing into.
I know! But *obnoxious buzzer sound* You are wrong, sir! Time changes
instantly - as soon as the timeline is changed, it all changes. The reason it doesn't, is because the dramatic reveal of evil 1985 wouldn't work if 2015 turned evil around them. Secondly, no one cares about the plot hole because it happened 20 minutes ago and you don't care.
Anyway, this is just me defending BTTF because I like it. In response to the logic of all this, one story having a plot hole doesn't excuse THIS story being full of them either.
I *LOVE* BACK TO THE FUTURE! My point is that a big plot hole doesn't inherently destroy a story. It's dependent on the plot hole.
For example; HAMLET has a plot hole: As Hamlet is at sea with Rosencrantz and Guildernstern, the boat is attacked by pirates. Who kill everyone but Hamlet. Then Hamlet is returned to Denmark by them. ... Are they goodwill pirates? What pirates do that? Answer: You don't care. It's off-stage and barely mentioned. It's ****ing Hamlet.
TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY - in the original, only organic matter can travel through time. This is why Skynet had to send back an Arnie model Terminator than some kind of gigantic nuclear bomb. In T2, he sends back the T-1000 - which is completely inorganic. It has no organic parts at all. Big plot hole. You don't notice because when he shows up you a) forgot this rule and b) think he's a good guy, you think he's the Reese of the film. By the time you find out he's made of liquid metal you just forget the rule.
The whole "OMD plot hole" argument labours under holes in continuity that frankly, are completely irrelevant to enjoying the title for what it is. I was trying to make a point that plot holes can be invisible and can be ignored in some cases, and I think the continuity-retconning nonsense of OMD is one of those plot-holes I just think you have to ignore. Like Dawn showing up in BUFFY, it creates continuity plot-holes, but they're nitpicky and not germaine to the story proper.
At least, that's what I think.