All-Star Superman Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I think we need a thread where we decide which is the best pope. Space Pope, Nazi Pope, or Summer Time Fun Cthulhu.


#8 had to be the worst one yet. Actually the whole Bizarro thing has never really done it for me. So #7 wasn't all that either.

But with that said....even the ****tiest of AS Superman issues beat almost anything else you'll read that week. Hell.....that MONTH.
i actually really liked this issue, even in comparison to the others. i felt so bad for Zibarro, even though i couldn't stop thinking of that bad Italian restaurant chain. (Z'Barro's, for all you Europe types).

i mean, the Justice League was pretty awesome. "sorry, batman can't be here, cause, um, he was shot by his parents." and the star spangled banner was hysterical.

maybe the eye in the sun is that sun-eater thing he had to let loose from the fortress last issue?
We know that prolonged exposure to a red son means he slowly loses his powers... I was thinking this was how he was going to live. He was going to risk dying to save himself from... dying. Luthor supercharged him with a yellow sun, so he was going to have to drain himself using a red son to survive.

Or something. Morrison will probably have him travel back in time, have sex with Martha Kent, thus producing a new Superman.
We know that prolonged exposure to a red son means he slowly loses his powers... I was thinking this was how he was going to live. He was going to risk dying to save himself from... dying. Luthor supercharged him with a yellow sun, so he was going to have to drain himself using a red son to survive.

Or something. Morrison will probably have him travel back in time, have sex with Martha Kent, thus producing a new Superman.

I was thinking something similar, having not read the issue yet, just the preview. This could be how he reverses the effects of his "super charging".
I liked #8, though I'd agree that it's one of the weaker issues so far.

What made the issue for me was the Bizarro Justice League and the Bizarro national anthem. I'm seriously tempted to start singing it the next time I have to stand for the national anthem.

Unlike everyone else apparently, I actually like the Bizarro concept.
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I'll also agree with #8 being great, but definitely a weaker issue. Still better than 7 though.

The Bizarro-speak in the previews was a lot harder to read for some reason than the actual issue.

The Bizarro JLA was great, and I really was feeling bad for Zibarro! I wonder what will happen there...

Who read #9?

Because I loved the hell out of it!

Superman versus bigoted racist Krytonian astronauts - and he makes them good and pure without ever throwing a punch.

Plus, the Clark Kent scenes were priceless - especially when Bar-El and Lilo comment on the whole idea of a 'secret identity'.

I seriously love this comic. Each issue is so satisfying and so completely self-contained. Oof. I know the next one's due in February, but dammit, I don't care. I love the innocence of this comic too much.

When this is finished, I'm going to love going back and reading it all from the start again.
I won't be able to pick it up until this weekend, but I can't wait.
Who read #9?

Because I loved the hell out of it!

Superman versus bigoted racist Krytonian astronauts - and he makes them good and pure without ever throwing a punch.

Plus, the Clark Kent scenes were priceless - especially when Bar-El and Lilo comment on the whole idea of a 'secret identity'.

I seriously love this comic. Each issue is so satisfying and so completely self-contained. Oof. I know the next one's due in February, but dammit, I don't care. I love the innocence of this comic too much.

When this is finished, I'm going to love going back and reading it all from the start again.

GREAT issue!

I loved when Bar-El went in to the Fortress and said "you shouldn't have left this key laying around" - and gave the key to the robot. :lol:

I also love the classic Morrison-y stuff like how they broke the moon by throwing Superman into it, then fixed it by using bridges from Earth to hold it together!

And the ending was so wonderfully sappy.

4.99999/5. I lurve it.
I don't really like any of them.

The only one I thought was kinda off good was the Luthor interview in prison.

The arm wrestling one was kinda cool.
I don't see the appeal of this series.

I've read most of the issues, and just don't get it. The stories are okay, but way too campy.


The campiness is part of the appeal. It's a pretty clever homage to the silver age weirdness without being as weird.
Houde and TOG are just a bunch of poopy-headed grown-ups.
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I find the real appeal of this series is to read the comic with the John Williams SUPERMAN theme tune blaring on my iStation.

I can't help but love every moment. :D
The last couple of issues have been a bit meh. But I attribute that to my dislike for all things Bizarro.

This issue was pretty great....but still lackluster. So far the first 6 issues have been the best. #1-3 dealing with Lois' b-day present. #4 dealing with Luthor in prison. #5 with Doomsday Jimmy. #6 with the Supermen of Tomorrow.

The last few have just been so so. Everyone still needs to be reading this though.
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