Which has nothing to do with what we're talking about, but ok. By this logic the fact that no Flash or Arrow villains appear on Gotham MUST mean they occur in the same universe. <---- See how little sense that makes?
Except they said it was intentional
What the hell are you talking about? Did I claim to know more than the creators? This is going to be like that time you accused me of hating the military, isn't it?
nah its more of the time you called me sexist as i shall respond "i was not talking about you i meant facebook people" that makes everything okay
That said, the creators don't get final call on the cross network crossover approach, the execs do. And, again, as said, Supergirl has a large enough rogues gallery that they don't need to use random Flash or Arrow villains, NOR could they due to rights issues. CW pays for the rights to use those characters, meaning CBS likely can't, except in such special circumstances like this crossover (where only Flash will be used, presumably, certainly none of his villains).
no but if they had had a plan it could be used
Yup, you're doing exactly what you did last time, making insane presumptions to paint me as some bad guy because I disagree with you and the evidence supports my theory over yours. I get it. I have based my theories on exactly what the creators and network execs have said, as well as the plot lines on the show that allows a perfect opportunity for said alternate reality crossover.
Has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with using the evidence at hand to make a likely conclusion. Grow up, Mole. I'm getting tired of the thinly veiled personal attacks. If you can't debate without resorting to that lame crap don't respond to my posts at all.
and reached the part where you have a hissy fit and pretend you've done no wrong as your innocent everyone else is bad ...... must be a day ending in Y , also note you replied to me first in your typical way. if i didn't know better i'd swear you were a 12 year old troll. :roll: most of what i posted was obvious sarcasm as you say "debate" why? i wasn't debating i said "i dont care about a reason i just want more than 1" and you say "no your wrong!" that cant be wrong as i dont care about the how, your inventing debates to get attention. Cool you got it, you can go sit down now. Okay? okay.
That a side like i said I want more crossovers! Green Arrow vs Supergirl could be this universe's batman vs superman ad would be fun or a team up!