Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

With it being stated in Clone Saga that the Ultimates were government sanctioned, remind me again why Clone Saga cant be placed just before the last 1/2 of Ultimates 2. I'm sure there is a good reason that I just can't remember, just wanted a refresh. I remember that the X-Men arcs right after had them training in the Danger Room with Liberator villains, so I remember that. Just forogt why Clone Saga can't be before.


Mainly because of the Peter/Kitty relationship. In Ultimate Power we see that they're still together, meaning it occurs before the Clone Saga in USM. But we also know that UP must occur after Ultimates 2 for a variety of reasons (Ant-Man on the team, Thor not imprisoned, etc.)

It's been said before that Ultimate Power comes between Ultimates 3 and 4.

I don't care whats been said. Right now, I can believe it occurs between Ultimates 2 and 3, not 3 and 4. We'll see.
Shouldn't this whole Ultimates 2 thing be moved to 2007 as to when it occurs?

Apparently Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House, and she wasn't sworn into that position until 2007.

Yeah, but this is ULTIMATE Nancy Pelosi. Sheesh!
Trust me, it's between 3 and 4.

And when the story starts to reflect that, I'll alter or add to the timeline to reflect it. But for right now, Ultimates 3 and 4 aren't even in existence, so we can't compare to them. Also, if we're taking everything the writer's say in an interview as solid gold, then Ultimates 3 will pick up a year after Ultimates 2. I for one KNOW Peter and Kitty weren't dating for a year, hence, Ultimate Power must occur before Clone Saga in USM. At this point its possible Peter and Kitty could get back together in the future, but at this point its extremely unlikely and you know it. Either way, the only way to reconcile the events going on in the stories themselves is the order they're presented in the timeline. For now, Ice, you're gonna have to deal with it.

When Ultimates 3 and 4 do come out, we'll see what happens. I honestly doubt we'll even see any Supreme-verse characters permanently cross over into the Ultimate-verse as has been claimed (and vice-versa). And if so, they'll probably become such a background character that it will barely, if at all, impact the chronological ordering of the storylines anyway.
Updated for Ultimate X-Men #83, Ultimate Fantastic Four #43, Ultimate Vision #4, and Black Panther #28.

One thing of interest is that Nick Fury has continually been referred to as a Colonel lately in most of the Ultimate titles (except for Ultimates 2). I wonder if this means that come Ultimates 3, Fury will have been demoted from General back to Colonel (maybe in response to the invasion of the United States being motivated by the Ultimates themselves). We'll have to wait and see if this is addressed in a future issue, but I find it hard to believe the "Colonel" references are all just mistakes.

Also, glad to see the link established between the Silver Surfer in the current UFF arc and the multiple Surfers in Ultimate Extinction. This solidifies the Gah Lak Tus Trilogy's placement on the timeline that much more.
Are you going to go a little deeper into the Dead Days/Army of Darkness continuity when MZ/AoD finishes?

Yes. I was just waiting on the last issue of MZvsAoD to come out before breaking it up by page numbers. I don't have the issues on me right now so can't say for sure, but from what I remember it seems the best way to go about it would be to place certain parts of Dead Days somewhere around the first and second issued of MZvsAoD. The last issue will be out in early July, so it'll be updated with a certain level of finality very soon.

Any thoughts on how you think it should play out?
Not yet. We really do need that last issue of MZ/AoD to figure out where the big helicarrier meeting and the FF contamination go. It's entirely possible they've already happened while Ash in in Latveria.

Doom already informs Ash and the others that their so-called hero Reed Richards had himself infected. Doom also mentions the helicarrier outbreak. So basically the last remaining issues of MZ vs. AoD already happens near the end of MZ: Dead Days. What we just need to know is what happens to the remaining survivors in Latveria.
Doom already informs Ash and the others that their so-called hero Reed Richards had himself infected. Doom also mentions the helicarrier outbreak. So basically the last remaining issues of MZ vs. AoD already happens near the end of MZ: Dead Days. What we just need to know is what happens to the remaining survivors in Latveria.

I went ahead and updated the MZvsAoD/Dead Days issues. As far as I can tell, the Dead Days one-shot must occur during MZvsAoD #2, either concurrently or in the page break between pg. 12 and 13.
I thought Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 come after Deadpool.

In Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 Captain De Wolfe told Spider-Man, "I saw on TV you're dating one of the X-Men." Which did happen in Deadpool, there was a video of Spidey kissing Kitty.

And in Morbius:part 1, Peter is just looking at the video like it the first time he saw it.

If you look back at Annual #2, Spider-Man said, "Uh, what did you want to talk to me about?" To Captain De Wolfe's qustion, like he didn't know that the video was making news.

Did Marvel say that Peter's Birthday will be during the Clone Saga? Well the Clone Saga is over, and no Birthday for Peter. I guess that mean no cake too.
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I thought Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 come after Deadpool.

It does, I've always had it listed as such as far as I know.

In Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 Captain De Wolfe told Spider-Man, "I saw on TV you're dating one of the X-Men." Which did happen in Deadpool, there was a video of Spidey kissing Kitty.


And in Morbius:part 1, Peter is just looking at the video like it the first time he saw it.

If you look back at Annual #2, Spider-Man said, "Uh, what did you want to talk to me about?" To Captain De Wolfe's qustion, like he didn't know that the video was making news.

I'm not sure what your point is, honestly. But as far as I'm concerned the way its currently oriented works fine. If you have anything more concrete, let me know, but right now its fine.

Did Marvel say that Peter's Birthday will be during the Clone Saga? Well the Clone Saga is over, and no Birthday for Peter. I guess that mean no cake too.

No, not necessarily. I think Bendis at one point said in an interview that every hundred issues would play out as a year in Peter's life, meaning it wouldn't be until around #300 that he graduates high school. Bendis has a hard-on for the high-school drama and angst, and wanted to keep Peter young for as long as possible (according to Bendis, the worst thing to ever happen to 616 Spidey was him graduating high school...I don't agree).

However, we haven't seen anything in the comic to indicate he's advanced to the next grade in school, or had a summer vacation, or anything like that. Applying real-world strictures to USM is apparently out the window at this point.

By the way, how do you get banned after only 2 posts? I know the post in this thread wasn't a breech of the rules or anything, so I just had to ask.

I assume you're a previously banned member who signed up for another account, which is a big "no-no". Oh well, hope I was able to answer your question, considering you won't be able to post anymore.