Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

It helps a little, but not much. The trying to figure out what order everything happens in makes it hard to appreciate the story (and its really necessary to figure out the chronology so the story itself makes a lick of sense).
UWvH so far has been pretty unchronological, still reads good tho...or maybe it's cuz i've had almost a year to work out the order...hurm
DIrishB not really a timeline thing but ....

Is there a difference between TPB vol 17 and HBK 17?
Is it 16 or 17 that has bumper special and I think Annual 2 is out so that 2?
Also which vol has that issue that had peter kissing M.J and kitty watching?

Uh, what? Bumper Special? Whats that? As for Peter kissing MJ with Kitty watching, that was the Clone Saga arc, but the trade paperback isnt out yet for it. It'll be out in August I think.

Ninja4peace said:
UWvH so far has been pretty unchronological, still reads good tho...or maybe it's cuz i've had almost a year to work out the order...hurm

What are you talking about? UWvs.H fits into the chronology fine. There aren't any problems in terms of timeline. The only problem is its been delayed ridiculously.
Uh, what? Bumper Special? Whats that? As for Peter kissing MJ with Kitty watching, that was the Clone Saga arc, but the trade paperback isnt out yet for it. It'll be out in August I think./QUOTE]

Thank you

The bumper special I mean (must have name wrong) is Spider-man meeting blade and I think daredevil.

Oh Amazon.co.uk had the TPB listed as out. I looked on ebay and only found hardback version (so I bought it)
DIrishB not really a timeline thing but ....

Is there a difference between TPB vol 17 and HBK 17?
Is it 16 or 17 that has bumper special and I think Annual 2 is out so that 2?
Also which vol has that issue that had peter kissing M.J and kitty watching?

Hey! Check this out! Someone's gone and made a TPB timeline!

If you do mean the Super Special, it's collected in the third UMTU TPB, and also the UMTU Ultimate Collection. USM Annual #2 is collected in TPB vol. 16 with the Deadpool and Morbius arcs. And Peter and MJ's kiss, as DIB said, is in the Clone Saga arc, which isn't collected yet and the TPB hasn't been solicited, so it'll be out in August at the earliest.
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What are you talking about? UWvs.H fits into the chronology fine. There aren't any problems in terms of timeline. The only problem is its been delayed ridiculously.

i meant the way the story jumps back and forth in time(like ss:HvNH) but reads well despite this. I don't think having a story that jumps around in time necessarily makes a bad story.
Updated for Ultimate Power #5 and Marvel Zombies - Dead Days #1.

Ultimate Power #5 is placed in 2006, after the Squadron Supreme series and the Hyperion vs. Nighthawk mini. Its the only way to reconcile timeline discrepancies, and can just be chalked up to time-travel in addition to the dimension hopping.

I'm waiting to see how the rest of Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness plays out before seeing if its necessary to break up MZ - Dead Days by page amonst it. Right now, it doesn't seem so, and seems to act as a direct sequel to MZvsAoD and prequel to the original MZ series. When the last two issues of the AoD crossover are out, it will decide if there's any adjustments needed.
You might wanna throw Black Panther (vol.4) 27 in there too. It takes place directly following the first Marvel Zombies series. They jump dimensions, so it takes place in the MZ universe.
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Uh, what? Bumper Special? Whats that? As for Peter kissing MJ with Kitty watching, that was the Clone Saga arc, but the trade paperback isnt out yet for it. It'll be out in August I think.

Thank you

The bumper special I mean (must have name wrong) is Spider-man meeting blade and I think daredevil.

Oh Amazon.co.uk had the TPB listed as out. I looked on ebay and only found hardback version (so I bought it)

Super Special is what you're looking for.

That's the one

Ah, sorry. I should've known, I was just thrown off by the "bumper" moniker...hehehe. Lynx is right though.

Hey! Check this out! Someone's gone and made a TPB timeline!

If you do mean the Super Special, it's collected in the third UMTU TPB, and also the UMTU Ultimate Collection. USM Annual #2 is collected in TPB vol. 16 with the Deadpool and Morbius arcs. And Peter and MJ's kiss, as DIB said, is in the Clone Saga arc, which isn't collected yet and the TPB hasn't been solicited, so it'll be out in August at the earliest.

The ever so helpful Vintsukka. In terms of TPB and timelines, he's the man to ask.

i meant the way the story jumps back and forth in time(like ss:HvNH) but reads well despite this. I don't think having a story that jumps around in time necessarily makes a bad story.

Oh ok. I misunderdstood you. I'd almost forgotten, since its been like 2 years since I last read it, that the story jumped around so much. My bad.

I agree, the story is good and interesting, so far. It is a bit disorienting with all the time-jumping it does, in classic Lost flashback fashion, courtesy of its severly delayed author. I'm hoping he'll get some issues turned in this summer now that Lost's almost done with production for awhile. I hope. Though I know he's got that Star Trek movie brewing as well...*gulp*
You might wanna throw Black Panther (vol.4) 27 in there too. It takes place directly following the first Marvel Zombies series. They jump dimensions, so it takes place in the MZ universe.

I'll do that. I'll have to pick it up and read it, but I'll add it in tentatively now.

Now I wonder if I should try to designate between all the different realities in the Ultimate multi-verse (N-Zone, Zombie-verse, Supreme-verse, alternate timelines, etc), just to make it more precise. I could probably use the number designated by Marvel (616, etc) to mark what takes place where (for all the italicized alternate timeline stuff).

Any thoughts?
I'll do that. I'll have to pick it up and read it, but I'll add it in tentatively now.

Now I wonder if I should try to designate between all the different realities in the Ultimate multi-verse (N-Zone, Zombie-verse, Supreme-verse, alternate timelines, etc), just to make it more precise. I could probably use the number designated by Marvel (616, etc) to mark what takes place where (for all the italicized alternate timeline stuff).

Any thoughts?

Nah, it's good the way it is, unless you intend to include the 616 universe at some point. So far nothing has taken place in 616, and I hope beyond hope that none of the characetrs end up there during this Panther arc.

Of course, that begs the question, if a Zombie universe character or even Ultimate Doom for some reason, end up in 616 for a long period of time, do you include their every 616 appearance in the timeline or do you cut them out at that point until they return?
Nah, it's good the way it is, unless you intend to include the 616 universe at some point. So far nothing has taken place in 616, and I hope beyond hope that none of the characetrs end up there during this Panther arc.

Of course, that begs the question, if a Zombie universe character or even Ultimate Doom for some reason, end up in 616 for a long period of time, do you include their every 616 appearance in the timeline or do you cut them out at that point until they return?

Thats something I'll worry about if it comes to that. I'm merely hoping it doesn't at this point.
Went ahead and firmly added Black Panther #27 to the timeline. I only included the last few pages (the ones actually taking place in the Zombie-verse), as I'm extremely opposed to including anything taking place in the 616 universe in the timeline. Besides, as far as the Marvel Zombies tie-in is concerned, you really only need know that they arrived in that dimension.

Let me know what you think. If you guys think I should include the whole issue, go ahead and post. Otherwise, I'll leave it be.
Went ahead and firmly added Black Panther #27 to the timeline. I only included the last few pages (the ones actually taking place in the Zombie-verse), as I'm extremely opposed to including anything taking place in the 616 universe in the timeline. Besides, as far as the Marvel Zombies tie-in is concerned, you really only need know that they arrived in that dimension.

Let me know what you think. If you guys think I should include the whole issue, go ahead and post. Otherwise, I'll leave it be.

Is the Zombie issue out? I need to find it if it is.
Is the Zombie issue out? I need to find it if it is.

Well, the cliffhanger #27 issue is what takes them to the Zombie-verse. #28-31 will be the actual arc featuring the Zombies. I forget when #28 is out.

EDIT: Nevermind, just checked. #28 will be out the end of June. #27 just shipped last week I believe.
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Well, the cliffhanger #27 issue is what takes them to the Zombie-verse. #28-31 will be the actual arc featuring the Zombies. I forget when #28 is out.

EDIT: Nevermind, just checked. #28 will be out the end of June. #27 just shipped last week I believe.

Ya, and I got that issue. They Showed up at the end of that issue. The New Fantastic Four were fighting this warrior bug from the Negative Zone and they accidentally shifted threw to the Zombie-verse on the Skrull home-world, using this magic toad statue the Panther had.
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By the way, what are your thoughts on the inclusion, Joe? Should I include the whole issue, or just the pages which occur in the MZ universe? I ask since you, like me, actually give a ****. ;)

For now, definately just the pages in the MZU. My fear, however, is not only that this might leak into 616 but we might get other Exiles-style universe jumping as well. If no MZ characters leave the MZU, no big deal. But if any of them universe hop I'd include those pages in the timeline as well, provided said characters RETURN to the MZU after the fact. If a character leaves the MZU permanently I would ignore their further non-MZU (or UU or SU) appearances until they return. So I guess what I'm saying is, we'll have to wait until the story ends to really know for sure how best to proceed.

But for just BP 27 I would only include the last couple pages that are relevent to the timeline as it currently exists.