Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

For now, definately just the pages in the MZU. My fear, however, is not only that this might leak into 616 but we might get other Exiles-style universe jumping as well. If no MZ characters leave the MZU, no big deal. But if any of them universe hop I'd include those pages in the timeline as well, provided said characters RETURN to the MZU after the fact. If a character leaves the MZU permanently I would ignore their further non-MZU (or UU or SU) appearances until they return. So I guess what I'm saying is, we'll have to wait until the story ends to really know for sure how best to proceed.

But for just BP 27 I would only include the last couple pages that are relevent to the timeline as it currently exists.

My thoughts exactly.

Updated the timeline for Ultimates 2 #13 (finally!), USM #109, and UXM #82. Enjoy!
USM 98..page 7...Triskilion home and HQ of the Ultimates..US sanctioned superhuman task force. But Ults 2 13 says they don't go there anymore.

man that's a real geeky plot-hole to find.
Shouldn't this whole Ultimates 2 thing be moved to 2007 as to when it occurs?

Apparently Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House, and she wasn't sworn into that position until 2007.
I've always thought that ultimate power happens before ultimates 2 13 regardless of what has been said in the distant past and i think the last issue confirms it !!

Obviously i will still treat this timeline as god but i just think it seems more likely to have occurred prior to independence day !!

thanks again for this wonderful timeline :)
I've always thought that ultimate power happens before ultimates 2 13 regardless of what has been said in the distant past and i think the last issue confirms it !!

Obviously i will still treat this timeline as god but i just think it seems more likely to have occurred prior to independence day !!

thanks again for this wonderful timeline :)

I believe Marvel said Ultimate Power takes place between Ultimates 3 and Ultimates 4
I believe Marvel said Ultimate Power takes place between Ultimates 3 and Ultimates 4

Yeah I know they said that, but that was before UP came out and before ultimates 2 got delayed like it did !!

I don't think its beyond possibility that they changed their minds !!

I dunno, thats just what I think !!
Yeah I know they said that, but that was before UP came out and before ultimates 2 got delayed like it did !!

I don't think its beyond possibility that they changed their minds !!

I dunno, thats just what I think !!

Well they still knew how it ended and they idea of where Ultimates 3 is going there's no change in the time placement
Marvel has no credibility regarding continuity.

Definitely, they should hire DIrishB
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I've always thought that ultimate power happens before ultimates 2 13 regardless of what has been said in the distant past and i think the last issue confirms it !!

Obviously i will still treat this timeline as god but i just think it seems more likely to have occurred prior to independence day !!

thanks again for this wonderful timeline :)

Thor speaks all Shakespeare-ish in UP and it was said (by whom, I forget) that it's something Loeb will introduce in Ultimates 3. So UP must come after that.
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Definitely, they should hire DIrishB

No Seriously the number of incredibly Anal, but none-the-less useful timelines this guy makes with his free time (View askew, lost, ex machina, I'm sure there are more). He'd make such a good editor at any comics company, I'm surprised no-one has found this and gone "ok before loebendis shifts gear and ****s all over our UU lets get this guy as our Editor". I mean getting fans like Johns and Meltzer and making them big names has worked really well at DC. I really think marvel should at least use you as some sort of consultant, for continuity stuff.

They should create a job Continuity Consultant..just to employ DiB... Pay him to Timeline 616 :wink:
USM 98..page 7...Triskilion home and HQ of the Ultimates..US sanctioned superhuman task force. But Ults 2 13 says they don't go there anymore.

man that's a real geeky plot-hole to find.

Eh. Not that big a deal, really.

Shouldn't this whole Ultimates 2 thing be moved to 2007 as to when it occurs?

Apparently Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House, and she wasn't sworn into that position until 2007.

Not really. The first Ultimates volume has a firm date of 2002 in its beginning, and I included most in 2003 to account for gaps in time and to make sense of the Ultimate Nightmare 2004 date. Also, Ultimates 2 takes place only a year after the first volume, so the latest it can occur is 2004.

Yeah but you can put that down to parallel universe, my plot-hole is inexplicable.


I've always thought that ultimate power happens before ultimates 2 13 regardless of what has been said in the distant past and i think the last issue confirms it !!

Obviously i will still treat this timeline as god but i just think it seems more likely to have occurred prior to independence day !!

thanks again for this wonderful timeline :)

Ultimate Power must occur after Ultimates 2 because of Ant-Man's presence on the team. Whether this is Pym or not remains to be seen, but UP definitly occurs after Ultimates 2.
With it being stated in Clone Saga that the Ultimates were government sanctioned, remind me again why Clone Saga cant be placed just before the last 1/2 of Ultimates 2. I'm sure there is a good reason that I just can't remember, just wanted a refresh. I remember that the X-Men arcs right after had them training in the Danger Room with Liberator villains, so I remember that. Just forogt why Clone Saga can't be before.

Thor speaks all Shakespeare-ish in UP and it was said (by whom, I forget) that it's something Loeb will introduce in Ultimates 3. So UP must come after that.

I sincerely hope that the answer to all of it is that Thor, on a whim, decides to speak in old english, because it irritates Tony or summink.
It's been said before that Ultimate Power comes between Ultimates 3 and 4.

Which begs the question of why the Ultimates are still working with Fury and SHIELD. And why Peter and Kitty are dating. And why, exactly the X-men are exactly as they were before Kirkman's "I can do anything I want" run on UXM.
Which begs the question of why the Ultimates are still working with Fury and SHIELD. And why Peter and Kitty are dating. And why, exactly the X-men are exactly as they were before Kirkman's "I can do anything I want" run on UXM.

There's an explanation for that, but it might spoil you for future events.
Bendis did it and the higher-ups will either ignore all questions and pretend it never happened or they'll blame the person who said UP was after U3.
There's an explanation for that, but it might spoil you for future events.
Bendis did it and the higher-ups will either ignore all questions and pretend it never happened or they'll blame the person who said UP was after U3.

Or... it's because Thing punched a dinosaur!
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