Joe Kalicki
Well-Known Member
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.
It looks pretty good, but then I liked X-Men 3 a lot.
It looks pretty good, but then I liked X-Men 3 a lot.
*dies of joy*
What's that last line Wolverine says after the title pops up? The crowd whooping seemed to muffle it a bit..
Watching Wolverine trailer on dial-up. It gives me time to talk about what I'm seeing. So here's my blow-by-blow of the Wolverine trailer.
Wolverine and Sabretooth look a lot alike. They also seem to have some connections to each other. NICE.
"How did that feel?"
"It tickled."
Not a bad line.
And then it falls to horribly cliche that damn quickly with Wolverine blowing up a helicopter? Or something doing the walk away as it explodes. That looks is so over done it only works now if it's Heath Ledger as Joker in a nurse's outfit disappointed a bomb didn't go off on time.
The guy playing Stryker looks horrible. But I shouldn't make fun of people's faces....although, you'd think someone who looks more like young Brian Cox would be in order.
That shot of Sabretooth and Wolverine having each other's backs surrounded by soldiers....epic. I really hope they have a friendship before Sabretooth's betrayal.
Whoa, wait. That's Weapon X? Ok, lemme slow it down and look person to person. That's Gambit? Well, cards or coat yet...maybe later in the trailer. That's Blob...looks like a fat guy, good job? Some old guy...Maverick? THAT'S DEADPOOL?!?! WHAT! It's just Ryan Reynolds with a ****ing sword! Silver Fox? Not looking half sexy enough. The Black Eyed Peas dude as that made up guy for him because he wanted to be a teleporter.
Meh, so much I kinda want to pass on the whole movie.
Also why does the no-named created for the movie character get a line but Deadpool, Gambit, Silver Fox, or Sabretooth haven't spoken yet? And his generic line, "I'm trying to think if we're making a difference?" That's so important!
Finally Sabretooth speaks and we see Wolverine getting ready to come to blows to him...over killing? Maybe. Also hints over Silver Fox
"Embrace the other side." And that's the end of part one. far it's looked good, then cliched, then retarded, and then alright. Not good signs. On to the second and final part of the trailer.
Ok, so Wolverine goes rogue after the adamantimum bonding. I was hoping for a bit more though, a story where he maybe...liked these people before going animalistic? I guess it's fine but the movie now looks like what I thought it would Wolverine kill Sabretooth, Deadpool, Gambit, and all the others one at a time over the course of 2 hours. Like a video game.
Gambit looks alright. Not in the purple shirt but in that shot with the coat and the staff. That looked awesome. Also, hoping the cards glow and the explosions have some...color to them instead of generic explosions.
Bone claws look underwhelming.
Fighting Sabretooth in Weapon X offices., after seeing Gambit and thinking of the mess he'd create...just a slugfest with Sabretooth seems...underwhelming of a finish. Even if he kill Logan's chick. But even more if Wolverine looses all his memories there's no...drama to the fight either way. And as for spectacle it's too guys with claws hitting each other.
Boxing match between Wolverine and Blob. Somehow I don't think Blob fits in this movie. Hehe, that's almost a fat joke.
SILVER FOX IS COLOSSUS! She turned into steel! Also, she's fighting Wolverine. So he kills her instead of Sabretooth? So...where's the drama? Is it Logan, then he gets metal on his bones, loses mind, kills everyone. How's that an arc of any kind? What is this movie's purpose? What does it add that X2 and X1 didn't already cover for the Wolverine character?
Bunch of action scenes taken out of Ultimate War from Mark Millar and the Transporter 2. Oh, yes. I see where you got those ideas Mr. Director.
Upon rewatching Silver and Wolverine might not be fighting and it's an editing trick since we see both charging the camera in the same set. It also occurs to me that that might actually be Emma Frost.
Can't hear a damn thing due to fangirls screaming. Other than "I'll cut your ******* head off." "works" So...just another generic Wolverine/Sabes fight dialog.
I used generic a lot...and that's because that's what it feels like. Generic. Meh. Blarg. Oldhat. Whatever you wanna call it.
By the way, according to IMDB, "Tim Pocock" (unknown, first official movie role) is playing Scott Summers.
I don't get why there's all these characters in the movie, either. The only ones that truly make sense are Maverick & Deadpool because they were on the Weapon X team with Logan & Creed.
Just because someone is acting in a movie that's part of a musical band doesn't mean anything has happened.Will i Am is in this? What happened to the Black Eyed Peas? Who the hell is he playing?
Actually Foolsfolly, Will.i.Am's character isn't made up. He plays John Wraith who was a mutant in 616.
Just because someone is acting in a movie that's part of a musical band doesn't mean anything has happened.![]()
Another member of the band (I dont know his name. It's the tall, long black haired guy) is playing Vega in the Kreuk Chun-Li movie.I remember when the Rolling Stones broke up when Mick Jagger was doing Freejack.
I wish they'd reunite.
Watching Wolverine trailer on dial-up. It gives me time to talk about what I'm seeing. So here's my blow-by-blow of the Wolverine trailer.
Wolverine and Sabretooth look a lot alike. They also seem to have some connections to each other. NICE.
"How did that feel?"
"It tickled."
Not a bad line.
And then it falls to horribly cliche that damn quickly with Wolverine blowing up a helicopter? Or something doing the walk away as it explodes. That looks is so over done it only works now if it's Heath Ledger as Joker in a nurse's outfit disappointed a bomb didn't go off on time.
The guy playing Stryker looks horrible. But I shouldn't make fun of people's faces....although, you'd think someone who looks more like young Brian Cox would be in order.
That shot of Sabretooth and Wolverine having each other's backs surrounded by soldiers....epic. I really hope they have a friendship before Sabretooth's betrayal.
Whoa, wait. That's Weapon X? Ok, lemme slow it down and look person to person. That's Gambit? Well, cards or coat yet...maybe later in the trailer. That's Blob...looks like a fat guy, good job? Some old guy...Maverick? THAT'S DEADPOOL?!?! WHAT! It's just Ryan Reynolds with a ****ing sword! Silver Fox? Not looking half sexy enough. The Black Eyed Peas dude as that made up guy for him because he wanted to be a teleporter.
Meh, so much I kinda want to pass on the whole movie.
Also why does the no-named created for the movie character get a line but Deadpool, Gambit, Silver Fox, or Sabretooth haven't spoken yet? And his generic line, "I'm trying to think if we're making a difference?" That's so important!
Finally Sabretooth speaks and we see Wolverine getting ready to come to blows to him...over killing? Maybe. Also hints over Silver Fox
"Embrace the other side." And that's the end of part one. far it's looked good, then cliched, then retarded, and then alright. Not good signs. On to the second and final part of the trailer.
Ok, so Wolverine goes rogue after the adamantimum bonding. I was hoping for a bit more though, a story where he maybe...liked these people before going animalistic? I guess it's fine but the movie now looks like what I thought it would Wolverine kill Sabretooth, Deadpool, Gambit, and all the others one at a time over the course of 2 hours. Like a video game.
Gambit looks alright. Not in the purple shirt but in that shot with the coat and the staff. That looked awesome. Also, hoping the cards glow and the explosions have some...color to them instead of generic explosions.
Bone claws look underwhelming.
Fighting Sabretooth in Weapon X offices., after seeing Gambit and thinking of the mess he'd create...just a slugfest with Sabretooth seems...underwhelming of a finish. Even if he kill Logan's chick. But even more if Wolverine looses all his memories there's no...drama to the fight either way. And as for spectacle it's too guys with claws hitting each other.
Boxing match between Wolverine and Blob. Somehow I don't think Blob fits in this movie. Hehe, that's almost a fat joke.
SILVER FOX IS COLOSSUS! She turned into steel! Also, she's fighting Wolverine. So he kills her instead of Sabretooth? So...where's the drama? Is it Logan, then he gets metal on his bones, loses mind, kills everyone. How's that an arc of any kind? What is this movie's purpose? What does it add that X2 and X1 didn't already cover for the Wolverine character?
Bunch of action scenes taken out of Ultimate War from Mark Millar and the Transporter 2. Oh, yes. I see where you got those ideas Mr. Director.
Upon rewatching Silver and Wolverine might not be fighting and it's an editing trick since we see both charging the camera in the same set. It also occurs to me that that might actually be Emma Frost.
Can't hear a damn thing due to fangirls screaming. Other than "I'll cut your ******* head off." "works" So...just another generic Wolverine/Sabes fight dialog.
I used generic a lot...and that's because that's what it feels like. Generic. Meh. Blarg. Oldhat. Whatever you wanna call it.
By the way, according to IMDB, "Tim Pocock" (unknown, first official movie role) is playing Scott Summers.
I don't get why there's all these characters in the movie, either. The only ones that truly make sense are Maverick & Deadpool because they were on the Weapon X team with Logan & Creed.