X-Men Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Revised & Original)

I want this too. I'll probably make an edit myself. Currently trying to think of a line (or lines) to replace "Marvel Jesus".
For myself, I'd honestly be good with just muting the excessive F-bombs. The violence isn't as big of a deal for me tbh.
What's wrong with "Marvel Jesus"?
I imagine those who ascribe to Judeo-Christian beliefs could take offense. Any time a religious figure is referenced it's always game on for offensiveness.
Since in Deadpool 2, Cable's timeline changes into one in which his family was never killed (as the teddy bear no longer looked burned), I think it can be said that specific future is a part of Earth-41633 (and not some other divergent timeline).

I am not talking about 66250, where Cable's family dies.
Since in Deadpool 2, Cable's timeline changes into one in which his family was never killed (as the teddy bear no longer looked burned), I think it can be said that specific future is a part of Earth-41633 (and not some other divergent timeline).

I am not talking about 66250, where Cable's family dies.
People always say that James McAvoy "aged" into Patrick Stewart between Dark Phoenix and X-Men, but that's just categorically false.

Here's what that timeline actually looks like, age-wise:

1944 - Laurence Belcher (12)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41)
1975 - James McAvoy (43)
1979 - Patrick Stewart (47)
1983 - James McAvoy (51)
1986 - Patrick Stewart (54)
1992 - James McAvoy (60)
2003 - Patrick Stewart (71)
2006 - Patrick Stewart (74)
2015 - Patrick Stewart (83)
2018 - James McAvoy (86)
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91)
2029 - Patrick Stewart (97)

Here's my opinion on how it should be looked at:

Original Timeline
1944 - Laurence Belcher (12) (Ages into James McAvoy)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41) (Ages into Patrick Stewart)
1979 - Patrick Stewart (47)
1986 - Patrick Stewart (54)
2003 - Patrick Stewart (71)
2006 - Patrick Stewart (74)
2015 - Patrick Stewart (83) [Twin Body]
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91) [Twin Body]

Revised Timeline
1944 - Laurence Belcher (12) (Ages into James McAvoy)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41)
1975 - James McAvoy (43)
1983 - James McAvoy (51)
1992 - James McAvoy (60)
2018 - James McAvoy (86) (Ages into Patrick Stewart - or does he?)
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91) [Twin Body?]
2029 - Patrick Stewart (97) [Twin Body?]

If you get technical and want an explanation for why he doesn't age, perhaps when Apocalypse made him bald, it stunted his age for some damn reason. Alternatively, maybe continued use of the serum, or stress, aged him faster in the original timeline. In Days of Future Past and Logan, he could be in his twin brother's body after dying again, hence why the death in Logan is definitive. That's just my take on that though.

The main point is that Xavier becomes Patrick Stewart between 2018 and 2023 in the Revised Timeline, not 1992 and 2003. The actors aren't inconsistent in the individual timeline, only the visible aging they have. The same goes with every other character in the films, although I don't really think, say, Cyclops is that bad. I can easily see his appearance in Deadpool 2 as an Edward Norton/Mark Ruffalo deal. Heck, I can see all of these characters as a Mark Ruffalo recast personally, but still, not seeing it like that, the actors are consistent in each timeline individually as separate entities.
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This should really be 1986 in my opinion. I know Jean looks young, but 20 years before 2006 is quite explicit. The 14 year old actress must have been playing older (19 years old), I guess.
I don't know how much validity the novelization has, but in it, the flashback is marked as 1985 and the present day does not have an exact year, but it is 20 years after that.
People always say that James McAvoy "aged" into Patrick Stewart between Dark Phoenix and X-Men, but that's just categorically false.

Here's what that timeline actually looks like, age-wise:

1944 - Laurence Belcher (12)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41)
1975 - James McAvoy (43)
1979 - Patrick Stewart (47)
1983 - James McAvoy (51)
1986 - Patrick Stewart (54)
1992 - James McAvoy (60)
2003 - Patrick Stewart (71)
2006 - Patrick Stewart (74)
2015 - Patrick Stewart (83)
2018 - James McAvoy (86)
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91)
2029 - Patrick Stewart (97)

Here's my opinion on how it should be looked at:

Original Timeline
1944 - Laurence Belcher (12) (Ages into James McAvoy)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41) (Ages into Patrick Stewart)
1979 - Patrick Stewart (47)
1986 - Patrick Stewart (54)
2003 - Patrick Stewart (71)
2006 - Patrick Stewart (74)
2015 - Patrick Stewart (83) [Twin Body]
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91) [Twin Body]

Revised Timeline
1944 - Laurence Belcher (12) (Ages into James McAvoy)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41)
1975 - James McAvoy (43)
1983 - James McAvoy (51)
1992 - James McAvoy (60)
2018 - James McAvoy (86) (Ages into Patrick Stewart - or does he?)
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91) [Twin Body?]
2029 - Patrick Stewart (97) [Twin Body?]

If you get technical and want an explanation for why he doesn't age, perhaps when Apocalypse made him bald, it stunted his age for some damn reason. Alternatively, maybe continued use of the serum, or stress, aged him faster in the original timeline. In Days of Future Past and Logan, he could be in his twin brother's body after dying again, hence why the death in Logan is definitive. That's just my take on that though.

The main point is that Xavier becomes Patrick Stewart between 2018 and 2023 in the Revised Timeline, not 1992 and 2003. The actors aren't inconsistent in the individual timeline, only the visible aging they have. The same goes with every other character in the films, although I don't really think, say, Cyclops is that bad. I can easily see his appearance in Deadpool 2 as an Edward Norton/Mark Ruffalo deal. Heck, I can see all of these characters as a Mark Ruffalo recast personally, but still, not seeing it like that, the actors are consistent in each timeline individually as separate entities.
First, I already said that First Class contradicts many stuff in X-Men Origins and the X-Men original trilogy. So in the original timeline, I usually ignore it. Either way, by the time X-Men Origins happens he already has the Patrick Stewart look.
In the Revised Timeline, I think his appearance in Deadpool 2 is entirely an Edward Norton/Mark Ruffalo deal. I think he does age into Patrick after 1992, and the only reason that they appear with the young actors in that scene is because they were filming Dark Phoenix and was the only way the characters could appear in that film. I mean, come on, it's already weird James McAvoy playing a 60-year-old man. There's no way he looks like that with 86. And no canon fact says that he stopped aging and then changed bodies with his twin in the Revised Timeline.
First, I already said that First Class contradicts many stuff in X-Men Origins and the X-Men original trilogy. So in the original timeline, I usually ignore it.
Not to try and be irritating here, but... you're already wrong on a factual level. Everything prior to 1973 happens in both timelines. It actually doesn't even contradict that much.

1. Emma Frost is a different character to Emma Silverfox (a confirmed fact).

2. It is implied that the reason Xavier can't use his powers in DoFP is because he uses too much of the serum that allows him to walk (thus, he can walk in XOW and TLS).

3. The whole "Xavier and Eric met at 17" thing can either be attributed to memory problems or perhaps an extremely brief meeting that they didn't recall until after First Class (I mean, Cyclops forgot Wolverine in 1979 damn it).

4. Magneto helping to build Cerebro, to me, just suggests that he helped build an upgraded version between 1973 and 2003.
In the Revised Timeline, I think his appearance in Deadpool 2 is entirely an Edward Norton/Mark Ruffalo deal. I think he does age into Patrick after 1992, and the only reason that they appear with the young actors in that scene is because they were filming Dark Phoenix and was the only way the characters could appear in that film. I mean, come on, it's already weird James McAvoy playing a 60-year-old man. There's no way he looks like that with 86. And no canon fact says that he stopped aging and then changed bodies with his twin in the Revised Timeline.
There are 60 year olds in real life who look 30-40. My point was that people think he aged into Patrick Stewart when the original films occur, which is false because that's just as valid as thinking that he aged into Patrick Stewart in 1979 and 1986 briefly in the Revised Timeline, just because he was in the Original Timeline. That's just wrong.

Also, we physically saw James McAvoy as an 86 year old Professor X in canon. That's an undeniable canon fact in of itself because it was on-screen. Isn't denying that... well, denying official onscreen canon? I never made an argument that canonically he stopped aging and swapped bodies with his twin, I presented that as an in-universe solution if somebody wanted to go that route, but I never claimed that it actually happened... but I will claim that, in the Revised Timeline, Professor X looks like James McAvoy in 2018 and Patrick Stewart in 2023. It doesn't matter if it was a gag because it still happened.
People always say that James McAvoy "aged" into Patrick Stewart between Dark Phoenix and X-Men, but that's just categorically false.

Here's what that timeline actually looks like, age-wise:

1944 - Laurence Belcher (12)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41)
1975 - James McAvoy (43)
1979 - Patrick Stewart (47)
1983 - James McAvoy (51)
1986 - Patrick Stewart (54)
1992 - James McAvoy (60)
2003 - Patrick Stewart (71)
2006 - Patrick Stewart (74)
2015 - Patrick Stewart (83)
2018 - James McAvoy (86)
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91)
2029 - Patrick Stewart (97)

Here's my opinion on how it should be looked at:

Original Timeline
1944 - Laurence Belcher (12) (Ages into James McAvoy)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41) (Ages into Patrick Stewart)
1979 - Patrick Stewart (47)
1986 - Patrick Stewart (54)
2003 - Patrick Stewart (71)
2006 - Patrick Stewart (74)
2015 - Patrick Stewart (83) [Twin Body]
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91) [Twin Body]

Revised Timeline
1944 - Laurence Belcher (12) (Ages into James McAvoy)
1962 - James McAvoy (30)
1973 - James McAvoy (41)
1975 - James McAvoy (43)
1983 - James McAvoy (51)
1992 - James McAvoy (60)
2018 - James McAvoy (86) (Ages into Patrick Stewart - or does he?)
2023 - Patrick Stewart (91) [Twin Body?]
2029 - Patrick Stewart (97) [Twin Body?]

If you get technical and want an explanation for why he doesn't age, perhaps when Apocalypse made him bald, it stunted his age for some damn reason. Alternatively, maybe continued use of the serum, or stress, aged him faster in the original timeline. In Days of Future Past and Logan, he could be in his twin brother's body after dying again, hence why the death in Logan is definitive. That's just my take on that though.

The main point is that Xavier becomes Patrick Stewart between 2018 and 2023 in the Revised Timeline, not 1992 and 2003. The actors aren't inconsistent in the individual timeline, only the visible aging they have. The same goes with every other character in the films, although I don't really think, say, Cyclops is that bad. I can easily see his appearance in Deadpool 2 as an Edward Norton/Mark Ruffalo deal. Heck, I can see all of these characters as a Mark Ruffalo recast personally, but still, not seeing it like that, the actors are consistent in each timeline individually as separate entities.
I tend to not take the Deadpool 2 cameo at face value given the nature of the movie. The reason for the cameo in the first place is Dark Phoenix was filming at the same time and it would be easy to get the younger actors to shoot a small cameo. It was a joke, and I honestly just picture that it's the older actors. I don't think the movie was confirming that Charles still looked like McAvoy in 2018. It was a gag that they meant for not a lot of thought to go into.