X-Men Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Revised & Original)

I tend to not take the Deadpool 2 cameo at face value given the nature of the movie. The reason for the cameo in the first place is Dark Phoenix was filming at the same time and it would be easy to get the younger actors to shoot a small cameo. It was a joke, and I honestly just picture that it's the older actors. I don't think the movie was confirming that Charles still looked like McAvoy in 2018. It was a gag that they meant for not a lot of thought to go into.
yea i agree with this and i apply the same logic to the joke about logans death at the start of deadpool 2, only later did they intend for this to have a role to play in the actual story
yea i agree with this and i apply the same logic to the joke about logans death at the start of deadpool 2, only later did they intend for this to have a role to play in the actual story
Yeah, I've seen people struggle with the timeline using the joke about Logan's death as if it confirms Deadpool 2 takes place after Logan, but once again it's a 4th wall-breaking joke that isn't meant to be taken at face value.
yea i agree with this and i apply the same logic to the joke about logans death at the start of deadpool 2, only later did they intend for this to have a role to play in the actual story
The difference is that's because of Deadpool's self-awareness. He knows what happens to Logan because we would, as Logan is a movie. It's the same way he knows what the MCU is. It is different to the X-Men cameo because they are physically in-universe.
I think the best explanation for X-Men's slightly weird continuity at this point may be
some of the ripple effects sent down the timeline from Logan's death as an anchor being--we don't know the early stages of timeline decay, but maybe it's these small details and events changing. ;)
I think the best explanation for X-Men's slightly weird continuity at this point may be
some of the ripple effects sent down the timeline from Logan's death as an anchor being--we don't know the early stages of timeline decay, but maybe it's these small details and events changing. ;)
Personally, no thanks.
Not to try and be irritating here, but... you're already wrong on a factual level. Everything prior to 1973 happens in both timelines. It actually doesn't even contradict that much.

1. Emma Frost is a different character to Emma Silverfox (a confirmed fact).

2. It is implied that the reason Xavier can't use his powers in DoFP is because he uses too much of the serum that allows him to walk (thus, he can walk in XOW and TLS).

3. The whole "Xavier and Eric met at 17" thing can either be attributed to memory problems or perhaps an extremely brief meeting that they didn't recall until after First Class (I mean, Cyclops forgot Wolverine in 1979 damn it).

4. Magneto helping to build Cerebro, to me, just suggests that he helped build an upgraded version between 1973 and 2003.
Yes, the Emma stuff is just a weird thing but it isn't a continuity error. The other things are continuity errors that fans will create headcanons to fix them. Obviously the backstory of Xavier in the original trilogy was written very differently than what we got in First Class and DoFP. And DoFP is obviously in the same timeline as First Class, because it is a sequel to that film.
If we are to put them in the same timeline we have to admit that it is a retcon, there is no other official explanation. We have to ignore that Xavier says that he met Eric at 17 and that he helped him build Cerebro. Those things got retconned (if they are on the same timeline). I personally don't like that, so I separate First Class from the early films' timeline, but it is not official, like those explanations of the continuity errors.
(Another thing, Jean Grey's age is also different in the new films. She was born in 1967 according to Dark Phoenix, but in TLS she looks very young for a 19-year-old. Logan couldn't possibly change her birthday by traveling to 1973, so it is either a continuity error or an actress that looks younger than what she is supposed to look, like Charles in Dark Phoenix).
The difference is that's because of Deadpool's self-awareness. He knows what happens to Logan because we would, as Logan is a movie. It's the same way he knows what the MCU is. It is different to the X-Men cameo because they are physically in-universe.
It's still a Deadpool movie though and like I said was done because the younger cast was shooting Dark Phoenix around the same time. I honestly doubt it was meant to be taken seriously.
OK, let's see if I got it right:

1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men Days of Future Past (Original Timeline 1973 Scenes)
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X2: X-Men United
200? - X-Men III: The Official Game
2006 - X-Men III: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine - Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Original Timeline 2023 Scenes)

1962 - X-Men: First Class
(Wolverine from Earth-10005 2023 arrives)
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Main Film)
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (Until Vanessa dies)
2018 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (From Vanessa dying until Cable shows up)
2054 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (Cable's Future)

1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Main Film)
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (Until Vanessa dies)
2018 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (From Vanessa dying until Cable shows up)
(Cable from Earth-66250 2056 arrives)

2018 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (Main Film)

Earth-17315 (Called Earth-TRN414 by the Marvel Database. Called Earth-10005 in Deadpool & Wolverine for some reason)
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Main Film)
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (Until Vanessa dies)
(Deadpool from Earth-41633 2018 arrives)

2018 - Deadpool 2 - Super Duper Cut (Deadpool saves Vanessa)
(Wolverine from Earth-10005 2023 arrives)

2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (New Timeline 2023 Scenes)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The New Mutants
2029 - Logan

Is this how it works or did I got something wrong?
Earth-?????/Original Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Start)
Note: If you want to include The Gifted, you could say this is Earth-17372. It's a loophole so that it could theoretically occur on Earth-10005 while having a different number.

2023 > 2023

Earth-10005/Alternate Original Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past

2023 > 1973

Earth-66250/Cable's Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2054 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Cable's Future)

2054 > 2018

Earth-?????/Wade (Deadpool) Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Wade Dies)

2018 > 2018

Earth-41633/Wade (Deadpool) Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut

2018 > 2018

Earth-17315/Vanessa Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The New Mutants
2026 - The Marvels (????)
2029 - Logan

2018 > 2018

Earth-?????/Peter Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Peter Saved)

2018 (Peter Lives) > 1979 (Earth-10005 [Branched])

Earth-18315/Wade (Weapon XI) Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
1979 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Weapon XI Dies)

2018 > 2009

Earth-?????/Ryan Reynolds Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2009 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Ryan Reynolds Dies)

2018 > 1889

Earth-?????/Baby Adolf Hitler Timeline
1889 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Adolf Hitler Scene)
Note: You could head-canon that non-canon material takes place in this timeline due to the butterfly effect, in theory. Legion, X-Men prequel comics, X-Men Origins: Wolverine video game, blah blah blah. It ain't for me though, I think that's silly.

Unofficially, perhaps this too... if you see Logan as a potential future of the X-Men films.

203X (Earth-17315) -> 2024

Earth-10005B/Deadpool & Wolverine Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The Marvels (????)
Last edited:
Earth-17315/Venessa Lives Timeline
2018 > 1989
Unofficially, perhaps this too.

203X (Vanessa Lives Timeline) -> 2024

Earth-10005B/Deadpool & Wolverine Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
You mean because Deadpool travels to post-2029 and X-23 travels from circa 2036 to the void and then both return to 2024?
You mean because Deadpool travels to post-2029 and X-23 travels from circa 2036 to the void and then both return to 2024?
Earth-17315 is the reality of Logan. Logan absolutely follows the timeline of the X-Men films, but the number is designated that because it's set in what the Appendix considers a potential future. Like how Earth-616 is the absolute past of, say, Marvel 2099 but not necessarily the other way around. Logically though, it makes no sense to separate it when the director has made it clear it is the same reality and it becomes a redundancy to claim there's an X-Men timeline with every film including Logan and one without. I hate redundancy.

Deadpool & Wolverine gives a hypothetical "out" here, where the events of Logan (and The New Mutants) are absolutely canon and the film follows on from it, but when they return to the present day Logan could go from the absolute future to a prevented or averted future. However, it is also quite possible that Logan is the absolute future and the events of Deadpool & Wolverine are a fixed loop.
Earth-10005/Original Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Start)

2023 > 2023

Earth-??????/Alternate Original Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
Note: If you want to include The Gifted, you could say this is Earth-17372. It's a loophole so that it could theoretically occur on Earth-10005 while having a different number.

2023 > 1973

Earth-66250/Cable's Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2054 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Cable's Future)

2054 > 2018

Earth-?????/Wade (Deadpool) Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Wade Dies)

2018 > 2018

Earth-41633/Wade (Deadpool) Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut

2018 > 2018

Earth-17315/Venessa Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The New Mutants
2026 - The Marvels (????)
2029 - Logan

2018 > 2018

Earth-?????/Peter Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Peter Saved)

2018 (Peter Lives) > 1979 (Earth-10005 [Branched])

Earth-18315/Wade (Weapon XI) Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
1979 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Weapon XI Dies)

2018 > 2009

Earth-?????/Ryan Reynolds Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2009 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Ryan Reynolds Dies)

2018 > 1889

Earth-?????/Baby Adolf Hitler Timeline
1889 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Adolf Hitler Scene)
Note: You could head-canon that non-canon material takes place in this timeline due to the butterfly effect, in theory. Legion, X-Men prequel comics, X-Men Origins: Wolverine video game, blah blah blah. It ain't for me though.

Unofficially, perhaps this too... if you see Logan as a potential future of the X-Men films.

203X (Earth-17315) -> 2024

Earth-10005B/Deadpool & Wolverine Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The Marvels (????)
I thought Deadpool and Wolverine and Logan were different timelines though
Earth-17372/Original Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X-Men the Movie: iConnect Special #1, "A Rogue By Any Other Name"
2003 - X-Men 2: Wolverine #1
2003 - X-Men 2: Nightcrawler #1
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2005 - X-Men: The Official Game
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2013 - The Bent Bullet: JFK and the Mutant Conspiracy
2016 - Deadpool (Test Footage)
2016 - The Gifted: Thunderbolt
2016 - The Gifted: Polaris
2016 - The Gifted: Eclipse
2017 - PSA: Sentinel Services
2017 - The Gifted 1x01, "eXposed"
2017 - The Gifted 1x02, "rX"
2017 - The Gifted 1x03, "eXodus"
2017 - The Gifted 1x04, "eXit strategy"
2017 - The Gifted 1x05, "boXed in"
2017 - The Gifted 1x06, "got your siX"
2017 - The Gifted 1x07, "eXtreme measures"
2017 - The Gifted 1x08, "threat of eXtinction"
2017 - The Gifted 1x09, "outfoX"
2017 - Empower Academy
2017 - The Gifted 1x10, "eXploited"
2017 - The Gifted 1x11, "3 X 1"
2017 - Circle of Truth
2017 - The Gifted 1x12, "eXtraction"
2017 - The Gifted 1x13, "X-roads"
2017 - The Gifted 2x01, "eMergence"
2017 - The Gifted 2x02, "unMoored"
2017 - The Gifted 2x03, "coMplications"
2017 - The Gifted 2x04, "outMatched"
2017 - The Gifted 2x05, "afterMath"
2017 - The Gifted 2x06, "iMprint"
2017 - The Gifted 2x07, "no Mercy"
2017 - The Gifted 2x08, "the dreaM"
2017 - The Gifted 2x09, "gaMe changer"
2017 - The Gifted 2x10, "eneMy of My eneMy"
2017 - The Gifted 2x11, "meMento"
2017 - The Gifted 2x12, "hoMe"
2017 - The Gifted 2x13, "teMpted"
2018 - The Gifted 1x14, "calaMity"
2018 - The Gifted 1x15, "Monsters"
2018 - The Gifted 1x16, "oMens"
2018 - 25 Moments in the Struggle between X-Men and Humans
2023 - Trask Industries: Your Future
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut (Start)

2023 > 2023

Earth-10005/Alternate Original Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X-Men the Movie: iConnect Special #1, "A Rogue By Any Other Name"
2003 - X-Men 2: Wolverine #1
2003 - X-Men 2: Nightcrawler #1
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2005 - X-Men: The Official Game
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2013 - The Bent Bullet: JFK and the Mutant Conspiracy
2016 - Deadpool (Test Footage)
2016 - The Gifted: Thunderbolt
2016 - The Gifted: Polaris
2016 - The Gifted: Eclipse
2017 - PSA: Sentinel Services
2017 - The Gifted 1x01, "eXposed"
2017 - The Gifted 1x02, "rX"
2017 - The Gifted 1x03, "eXodus"
2017 - The Gifted 1x04, "eXit strategy"
2017 - The Gifted 1x05, "boXed in"
2017 - The Gifted 1x06, "got your siX"
2017 - The Gifted 1x07, "eXtreme measures"
2017 - The Gifted 1x08, "threat of eXtinction"
2017 - The Gifted 1x09, "outfoX"
2017 - Empower Academy
2017 - The Gifted 1x10, "eXploited"
2017 - The Gifted 1x11, "3 X 1"
2017 - Circle of Truth
2017 - The Gifted 1x12, "eXtraction"
2017 - The Gifted 1x13, "X-roads"
2017 - The Gifted 2x01, "eMergence"
2017 - The Gifted 2x02, "unMoored"
2017 - The Gifted 2x03, "coMplications"
2017 - The Gifted 2x04, "outMatched"
2017 - The Gifted 2x05, "afterMath"
2017 - The Gifted 2x06, "iMprint"
2017 - The Gifted 2x07, "no Mercy"
2017 - The Gifted 2x08, "the dreaM"
2017 - The Gifted 2x09, "gaMe changer"
2017 - The Gifted 2x10, "eneMy of My eneMy"
2017 - The Gifted 2x11, "meMento"
2017 - The Gifted 2x12, "hoMe"
2017 - The Gifted 2x13, "teMpted"
2018 - The Gifted 1x14, "calaMity"
2018 - The Gifted 1x15, "Monsters"
2018 - The Gifted 1x16, "oMens"
2018 - 25 Moments in the Struggle between X-Men and Humans
2023 - Trask Industries: Your Future
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut

2023 > 1973

Earth-66250/Cable's Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut
1982 - In the Footsteps of... En Sabah Nur
1983 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters TV Commercial
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse: Stan Lee Voicemail Message
1983 - Fables of the Flush & Fabulous
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse: Xavier's School for the Gifted Campus Tour
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: X-Tra Bacon Egg & Cheese Biscuit
2016 - Deadpool
2016 - Sky Fibre and X-MEN Apocalypse TV Ad - Extended Cut
2017 - No Good Deed
2054 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Cable's Future)

2054 > 2018

Earth-?????/Wade (Deadpool) Dies Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut
1982 - In the Footsteps of... En Sabah Nur
1983 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters TV Commercial
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse: Stan Lee Voicemail Message
1983 - Fables of the Flush & Fabulous
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse: Xavier's School for the Gifted Campus Tour
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: X-Tra Bacon Egg & Cheese Biscuit
2016 - Deadpool
2016 - Sky Fibre and X-MEN Apocalypse TV Ad - Extended Cut
2017 - No Good Deed
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Wade Dies)

2018 > 2018

Earth-41633/Wade (Deadpool) Lives Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut
1982 - In the Footsteps of... En Sabah Nur
1983 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters TV Commercial
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse: Stan Lee Voicemail Message
1983 - Fables of the Flush & Fabulous
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse: Xavier's School for the Gifted Campus Tour
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: X-Tra Bacon Egg & Cheese Biscuit
2016 - Deadpool
2016 - Sky Fibre and X-MEN Apocalypse TV Ad - Extended Cut
2017 - No Good Deed
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut

2018 > 2018

Earth-17315/Vanessa Lives Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut
1982 - In the Footsteps of... En Sabah Nur
1983 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters TV Commercial
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse: Stan Lee Voicemail Message
1983 - Fables of the Flush & Fabulous
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse: Xavier's School for the Gifted Campus Tour
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: X-Tra Bacon Egg & Cheese Biscuit
2016 - Deadpool
2016 - Sky Fibre and X-MEN Apocalypse TV Ad - Extended Cut
2017 - No Good Deed
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2026 - Laura.mov
2026 - The New Mutants
2029 - Logan

2018 > 2018

Earth-?????/Peter Lives Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut
1982 - In the Footsteps of... En Sabah Nur
1983 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters TV Commercial
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse: Stan Lee Voicemail Message
1983 - Fables of the Flush & Fabulous
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse: Xavier's School for the Gifted Campus Tour
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: X-Tra Bacon Egg & Cheese Biscuit
2016 - Deadpool
2016 - Sky Fibre and X-MEN Apocalypse TV Ad - Extended Cut
2017 - No Good Deed
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Peter Saved)

2018 (Peter Lives) > 1979 (Earth-10005 [Branched])

Earth-18315/Wade (Weapon XI) Dies Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
1979 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Weapon XI Dies)

2018 > 2009

Earth-?????/Ryan Reynolds Dies Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut
1982 - In the Footsteps of... En Sabah Nur
1983 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters TV Commercial
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse: Stan Lee Voicemail Message
1983 - Fables of the Flush & Fabulous
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse: Xavier's School for the Gifted Campus Tour
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2009 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Ryan Reynolds Dies)

2018 > 1889

Earth-?????/Baby Adolf Hitler Timeline
1889 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Adolf Hitler Scene)

2036 (Earth-17315) -> 2024

Earth-10005B/Deadpool & Wolverine Timeline
1959 - X-Men First Class: The High Hand #1
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1982 - In the Footsteps of... En Sabah Nur
1983 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters TV Commercial
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse: Stan Lee Voicemail Message
1983 - Fables of the Flush & Fabulous
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse: Xavier's School for the Gifted Campus Tour
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past: X-Tra Bacon Egg & Cheese Biscuit
2016 - Deadpool
2016 - Sky Fibre and X-MEN Apocalypse TV Ad - Extended Cut
2017 - No Good Deed
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The Marvels
Last edited:
Earth-10005/Original Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Start)

2023 > 2023

Earth-??????/Alternate Original Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2003 - X-Men
2003 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
Note: If you want to include The Gifted, you could say this is Earth-17372. It's a loophole so that it could theoretically occur on Earth-10005 while having a different number.

2023 > 1973

Earth-66250/Cable's Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2054 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Cable's Future)

2054 > 2018

Earth-?????/Wade (Deadpool) Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Wade Dies)

2018 > 2018

Earth-41633/Wade (Deadpool) Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut

2018 > 2018

Earth-17315/Venessa Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The New Mutants
2026 - The Marvels (????)
2029 - Logan

2018 > 2018

Earth-?????/Peter Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Peter Saved)

2018 (Peter Lives) > 1979 (Earth-10005 [Branched])

Earth-18315/Wade (Weapon XI) Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
1979 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Weapon XI Dies)

2018 > 2009

Earth-?????/Ryan Reynolds Dies Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2009 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Ryan Reynolds Dies)

2018 > 1889

Earth-?????/Baby Adolf Hitler Timeline
1889 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Adolf Hitler Scene)
Note: You could head-canon that non-canon material takes place in this timeline due to the butterfly effect, in theory. Legion, X-Men prequel comics, X-Men Origins: Wolverine video game, blah blah blah. It ain't for me though.

Unofficially, perhaps this too... if you see Logan as a potential future of the X-Men films.

203X (Earth-17315) -> 2024

Earth-10005B/Deadpool & Wolverine Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Vanessa Lives)
2024 - Deadpool & Wolverine
2026 - The Marvels (????)
IMO, the start of DOFP is not 10005 but a divergent of it.

Designations for divergences are a bit arbitrary. For example, in comics, sometimes, the altered past diverges from 616, and sometimes the future characters that travel back in time come from are treated as an alternate future.

In this case, IMO, the timeline seen in DOFP opening was basically an alternate future of 10005 a few minutes into its future.
IMO, the start of DOFP is not 10005 but a divergent of it.

Designations for divergences are a bit arbitrary. For example, in comics, sometimes, the altered past diverges from 616, and sometimes the future characters that travel back in time come from are treated as an alternate future.

In this case, IMO, the timeline seen in DOFP opening was basically an alternate future of 10005 a few minutes into its future.
So, basically just the other way around, where Earth-10005 is the "altered" timeline and the original timeline is actually the alternate future, not part of the main timeline which is the altered version?
So, basically just the other way around, where Earth-10005 is the "altered" timeline and the original timeline is actually the alternate future, not part of the main timeline which is the altered version?
Yes that's how I see it. It makes more narrative sense to me that way that the future featured the most in the movie would be the actual 10005, while the opening is just an alternate future from 10005's perspective.

It would be like how the past Deadpool-41633 travelled to to save Vanessa and the X-Force is TRN414, while Deadpool's own timeline gets relegated to being an alternate (41633).