X-Men Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Revised & Original)

August 9
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
Chapter 1 (0:00:38 - 0:05:04)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 7 (0:17:33 - 0:18:12)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 20 (1:09:32 - 1:11:39)


The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
Chapter 2 (0:05:05 - 0:07:38)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 3 (0:07:39 - 0:08:39)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 4 (0:08:40 - 0:10:23)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 5 (0:10:24 - 0:13:54)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 6 (0:13:55 - 0:16:47)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 7 (0:16:48 - 0:17:33)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 7 (0:18:12 - 0:20:31)

The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 8 (0:20:32 - 0:23:35)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 9 (0:23:36 - 0:29:12)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 10 (0:29:13 - 0:33:41)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 11 (0:33:42 - 0:35:13)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 12 (0:35:14 - 0:38:35)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 13 (0:38:36 - 0:43:03)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 14 (0:43:04 - 0:47:54)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 15 (0:47:55 - 0:49:30)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 16 (0:49:31 - 0:52:22)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 17 (0:52:23 - 0:59:31)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 18 (0:59:32 - 1:01:30)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 19 (1:01:31 - 1:06:59)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 20 (1:07:00 - 1:09:31)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 20 (1:11:40 - 1:13:09)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 21 (1:13:10 - 1:18:51)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 22 (1:18:52 - 1:23:39)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 23 (1:23:40 - 1:26:46)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 24 (1:26:47 - 1:29:49)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 25 (1:29:50 - 1:35:18)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 26 (1:35:19 - 1:38:27)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 27 (1:38:28 - 1:41:42)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 28 (1:41:43 - 1:48:32)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 29 (1:48:33 - 1:52:04)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 30 (1:52:05 - 1:54:55)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 31 (1:54:56 - 1:58:02)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 32 (1:58:03 - 2:03:00)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 33 (2:03:01 - 2:04:56)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 34 (2:04:57 - 2:07:45)


The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
Chapter 36 (2:09:17 - 2:11:19)
Yes, the Emma stuff is just a weird thing but it isn't a continuity error. The other things are continuity errors that fans will create headcanons to fix them. Obviously the backstory of Xavier in the original trilogy was written very differently than what we got in First Class and DoFP. And DoFP is obviously in the same timeline as First Class, because it is a sequel to that film.
If we are to put them in the same timeline we have to admit that it is a retcon, there is no other official explanation. We have to ignore that Xavier says that he met Eric at 17 and that he helped him build Cerebro. Those things got retconned (if they are on the same timeline). I personally don't like that, so I separate First Class from the early films' timeline, but it is not official, like those explanations of the continuity errors.
(Another thing, Jean Grey's age is also different in the new films. She was born in 1967 according to Dark Phoenix, but in TLS she looks very young for a 19-year-old. Logan couldn't possibly change her birthday by traveling to 1973, so it is either a continuity error or an actress that looks younger than what she is supposed to look, like Charles in Dark Phoenix).
Aa far as Eric helping (re)build Cerebro, we see this happen in Dark Phoenix. Surely something similar could have happened in the original timeline, after the Beast-built version was damaged.

As far as Jean's age in the TLS flashback, I've got two possible explanations. #1 the scene takes place in 1983, not 1986. Fan retcon. Back on page 4 of this thread I made that observation, and also a similar one to what Pro Bot said about the ages of Charles (and most everyone else), but also included the actor's age in parenthesis if different.
Character age (actor age, if different):

William Stryker
1973: Age 28
1979: Age 34 (47)
1983: Age 38 (30)
2003: Age 58 (57)

Erik Lensherr (Magneto)
1944: Age 14 (16)
1962: Age 32
1973: Age 43 (37)
1983: Age 53 (39)
1986: Age 56 (67)
1992: Age 62 (42)
2003: Age 73 (61, 64)
2006: Age 76 (67)
2015: Age 85 (74)
2023: Age 93 (75)

Raven Darkholme (Mystique)
1944: Age 10 (11)
1962: Age 28 (21)
1973: Age 39 (24)
1983: Age 49 (26)
1992: Age 58 (29)
2003: Age 69 (28, 31)
2006: Age 72 (34)

Professor Charles Xavier
1944: Age 12 (16)
1962: Age 30 (32)
1973: Age 41 (35)
1979: Age 47 (69)
1983: Age 51 (37)
1986: Age 54 (66)
1992: Age 60 (40)
2003: Age 71 (60, 63)
2006: Age 74 (66)
2015: Age 83 (73)
2023: Age 91 (74)
2029: Age 97 (77)

Moira MacTaggert
1962: Age 32
1983: Age 53 (37)
2006: Age 64 (38)

Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
1973: Age 18 (27)
1983: Age 28 (29)
1992: Age 37 (32)

Hank McCoy (Beast)
1962: Age 22
1973: Age 33 (25)
1983: Age 43 (27)
1992: Age 52 (30)
2003: Age 63 (38)
2006: Age 66 (51)
2023: Age 83 (59)

Alex Summers (Havoc)
1962: Age 21
1973: Age 32 (24)
1983: Age 42 (26)

Scott Summers (Cyclops)
1979: Age 16 (24)
1983: Age 20
1992: Age 29 (23)
2003: Age 40 (27, 30)
2006: Age 43 (33)
2023: Age 60 (41)

Jean Grey (Phoenix)
1975: Age 8 (11)
1983: Age 16 (20)
1986: Age 19 (14) (from X-Men 3, maybe this can move to '83 as well. No way a 14 year old can pass for 19.)
1992: Age 25 (23)
2003: Age 36 (36, 39)
2006: Age 39 (42)
2013: Age 46 (49)
2023: Age 56 (50)

Ororo Monroe (Storm)
1983: Age 19 (25)
1992: Age 28
2003: Age 39 (34, 37)
2006: Age 42 (40)
2023: Age 59 (48)

Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
1983: Age 20
1992: Age 29 (23)
2003: Age 40 (38)

Kitty Pryde
2003: Age 16 (14/18)
2006: Age 19
2023: Age 36 (27)

1983: Age 39
2029: Age 85 (43)

The other possible fan explanation for Jean's age was found in A Bit of Everything's youtube video:


What do you guys think?
Comic Book Adaptation Timeline


X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 1)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 1-5)

X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 17-18)


X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 1-2)


X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 14-23)


X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 24-43)


X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 2)

X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 6-10)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 6-7)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 1-6, 8-19)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 11-13, 44-46)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 20-46)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine #1 (pg. 1-46)
X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 3-5)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine #1 (pg. 46-47)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 47)
X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 6-47)

X-Men: The Movie Special #1, "Call to Arms"

Maybe it's small Wolverine's universe. (I'm kidding, he was definitely a bit smaller than 5.3 in D&W, but... just a fun thought.)
Last edited:
Comic Book Adaptation Timeline


X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 1)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 1-5)

X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 17-18)


X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 1-2)


X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 14-23)


X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 24-43)


X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 2)

X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 6-10)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 6-7)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 1-6, 8-19)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto #1 (pg. 11-13, 44-46)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 20-46)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine #1 (pg. 1-46)
X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 3-5)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine #1 (pg. 46-47)
X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (pg. 47)
X-Men Movie Adaptation #1 (pg. 6-47)

X-Men: The Movie Special #1, "Call to Arms"

Maybe it's small Wolverine's universe. (I'm kidding, he was definitely a bit smaller than 5.3 in D&W, but... just a fun thought.)
View attachment 2475
View attachment 2476

Compatible with the Wolverine Origins game?
I was rewatching X-Men (2000), then i have a question: How did Magneto know about Rogue and her power?

I think Erik asked Caliban to find a mutant, who had the same power as Rogue, then he learned about Rogue, he learned about her, her powers, etc and started his plan with the machine that makes humans become mutants, so he sent Sabretooth to follow Rogue. Xavier then located Sabretooth with Cerebro, after meeting Erik in the senate, Xavier knew that Erik was planning something and that Sabretooth is one of Magneto's henchmen, so he sent the X-Men after him, when the X-Men found Sabretooth, they ended up finding Logan and Rogue.
Regarding No Good Deed's timeline, it is hard to see, but the in-universe Logan poster is this one.
That suggests that the fictional version of Logan released on March 3rd, so No Good Deed is probably also set in March 2017. Obviously, this is funny because No Good Deed takes place in serveral universes including the one where Logan occurred, and there's an in-universe film that's supposed to be Logan (2017) that released 12 years before the events of that movie took place. Obviously, the in-universe Logan movie must depict unseen fictional events, not the real potential future it is heading in.