Who Am I? game (Ultimate Marvel)

E.Vi.L. said:
It is an immediate connection. That's why I wrote anyone except Son of Satan.
I meant any of them. Because Son of Satan is the mole they are directly connected to SHIELD because they have a SHIELD operative on the team, whether they know about it or not.
Yeah, well, I wouldn't argue that the Mafia is connected to the FBI just because they are bound to have a few moles...

compound said:
I'm just gonna put this round out of its misery, because we're already getting into too many semantics and technicalities now.

Guij has a point when he says that the presence of a mole on the Defenders alone is enough to qualify as a "direct" connection to SHIELD for *all* the members -- even if they are not aware of it. I would have called that an "indirect" connection, precisely because they're so clueless about it, but I understand why somebody would qualify it otherwise.

Eventually, somobody would have remembered that Pym referred to Valkyrie as "Barbara" when he spoke with Janet in either #7 or #8, and that would be it. (See the First Appearances thread for verification.)

Next round goes to either Guij or E.Vi.L. -- whoever successfully posts a set of clues first :D

Oh, and it's so obvious -- Arcade's real name is John Romero ;)

I should read posts before I reply and say they exact same thing.

• I am a baseline human.
• I don't have a costume.
• I know more than most.
• More Super-folk know me than I know them.

I wonder if this is painfully easy.
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Nick Fury.

Why? Because he's black.
Nick Fury

EDIT : Damn, not fast enough

But then again, Nick Fury most have a file on about all the supers or note so it's not as if there would be a lot of supers he wouldn't know...
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The President!

He would know more than most (Not that he would make especially good use of the information, but he would have it!)
I was under the impression that George W was the Ultimate president. That wouldn't fit in with the 'knows more than most' clue :D

Edit: Holy crap. Will I just read comments more than the first three letters before responding. Damn it.
Anyway, not the president.
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Braddock (Betsy's father)

I'm guessing many supers know of his work for the Europeans "Ultimates" without him knowing all those supers.

Dr Storm is in a similar situation but if it's Dr Storm instead of Braddock, I eat my sox.
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I'm gonna assume that "baseline" means "not genetically altered" rather than "does not have super powers"...

Dr. Strange (who is definitely a celeb in the UU, as per USM #70)
compound said:
I'm gonna assume that "baseline" means "not genetically altered" rather than "does not have super powers"...

Dr. Strange (who is definitely a celeb in the UU, as per USM #70)
I'm using baseline as not a mutant, no superhuman abilities at all. Someone that could happily exist in our world.

It's not doc strange, but you're on the right track :)
Doug Ramsey

I first thought no one would know him so didn't make that guess but I just remembered that he was a Jeopardy sensation (I think).
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