Weird Dreams

I was just crammed into a van with a bunch of people from high school that I hated as we drove three hours away to watch the Prison Break finale.

What a nightmare.
Last night I was standing at the edge of my high school sports field after dark with a group of my friends from the 5th grade, Geordi La Forge, and about 150 other students. Geordi said that Michael Palin played King Arthur in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, while I knew it to be Graham Chapman. He said prove it, so I said "It has to have been Chapman because he's the one who said [quotes a line from the movie], and then Palin replies [quotes another line]". This doesn't really prove anything, but it did to La Forge, and then my other friends started quoting the next few lines, which lead into all 150 of us doing a loud, synchronized rendition of the "Camelot" song and dance while running back and forth across the whole field. Teachers and other students from the school came outside or stood in the lit windows to watch. Several times I forgot a line, but the crowd in the dream didn't so nobody noticed. Everybody then laughed and cheered when we finished. It. Was. Awesome.

Edit: The psychological implications of a dream where the school cheers students who use the athletics field for quoting entire Monty Python routines instead of playing football would seem hilariously simple if I actually did that kind of thing in waking life.... but I don't! I'm a fan, but I've never been one of those people!
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I've been recording my dreams, but I haven't been posting them. So here's a sort of mega-post of the highlights.

1) I dreamed that a fortuneteller told me I was going to die alone and unloved.

I decided to make the most of it by taking over the mafia, had a gunfight in a daycare center, giving Mordin Solus a wedgie, and teaming up with him to stop a mad scientist's plot to destroy the world.

It was a dream that should have been terribly depressing, but it wasn't.

2) I dreamed I was a superhero who was such a good person my blood was as white as snow.

Which is weird, because I caused an obscene amount of property damage.

3) I can't remember most of the details, but it ended with me in a giant robot fight with a demon that had systematically ruined my life and killed Rikki Tikki Tavi.

4) I dreamed I was on a road trip with the Black Power Ranger.

People kept asking him to rap, and I said, "Dude, lay off the Black Power Ranger!"

(For the record, it was the one played by Johnny Young Bosch.)

5) I dreamed the Joker was my mom. Also, I had a little sister who could make flashlights out of blood.

Why do you think I know?

6) Just last night, I dreamed that a shy, bookish girl who gets picked on a lot (she was from an anime, I think it was The World God Only Knows) asked me to help with her school project: a dinosaur rodeo. I had to ride and tame a bucking T-rex in front of the entire audience. I named her Zoe.

The girl was being the announcer, and at one point she mixed up her speaking notes with a cheesy excerpt from a novel she was working on. She managed to improvise and turn it into a impressive, heartfelt speech on oppression and bullying in her school. She was wildly praised by most everyone for it, including me.

I woke up and realized she got more praise for her speech then I did for riding and taming and T-Rex and naming her Zoe.
4) I dreamed I was on a road trip with the Black Power Ranger.

People kept asking him to rap, and I said, "Dude, lay off the Black Power Ranger!"

(For the record, it was the one played by Johnny Young Bosch.)


6) Just last night, I dreamed that a shy, bookish girl who gets picked on a lot (she was from an anime, I think it was The World God Only Knows) asked me to help with her school project: a dinosaur rodeo. I had to ride and tame a bucking T-rex in front of the entire audience. I named her Zoe.

The girl was being the announcer, and at one point she mixed up her speaking notes with a cheesy excerpt from a novel she was working on. She managed to improvise and turn it into a impressive, heartfelt speech on oppression and bullying in her school. She was wildly praised by most everyone for it, including me.

I woke up and realized she got more praise for her speech then I did for riding and taming and T-Rex and naming her Zoe.

It's always amazing when you're privy to an incredible speech of some kind in a dream, and sad if you can't remember it afterwards. When I can remember parts or even a single line of stuff like that from a dream, it's usually surprisingly profound.

In other news, I dreamt these three shady-looking guys in their late teens/early 20s came into my new work while I was talking to other employees, hung around for a minute, then stabbed me in the back and started robbing the place or something.
The dream then transitioned to other stuff for a little while, then back to this, but from the time when the hoodlums walked in. This time I told the other employees "They're gonna rob the place and stab us and stuff! Stop them! Call the police!", but the employees didn't believe me and wouldn't do anything about it. Once again, the three guys pulled out knives, ran up and stabbed me and some of the other people, and started running around causing mayhem and seeing what they could steal. One of them looked at me and said something like "You can't stop us/rat us out! We're the Bison Gang! AAAAHHH!!!!".
The dream transitioned away again, to the same one as before where I was watching this new superhero cartoon that turned out to be a hand-painted anime series I knew my dad would be disappointed with, then back to the robbery scenario, reset like before. The guys come in and look around shadily, but this time I point at them and say "IT'S THE BISON GANG! THEY'RE GOING TO ATTACK US! DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!". This time, the other employees jump to attention. One of them says "The Bison Gang?! They won't get away with this! Get them, Buffalo-Men!". The other employees suddenly put on realistic buffalo-masks or turn partially into bipedal buffalo-human hybrids, some carrying Viking weaponry, and charge at the gang, whose eyes go wide and they run outside into the parking lot. The Buffalo-Men and I follow them out their and stomp the **** out of them as they try to pile into their big black truck. Finally, we run back inside, with one of the employees yelling "Buffalo-Men.... AWAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!".

Then things transitioned back to the other stuff and stayed there for the rest of the dream. A giant gray set of Lego mountains sprung up in my basement as part of the anime movie. I could fly over them, which was a lot of fun, but I kept getting so close I'd scrape my belly a bit on the Lego.
Last night I dreamt I met up with Moonmaster and the unlikely duo of Bass and Houde in downtown Toronto after midnight and spent a few hours exploring that area of the city. After going through a few clubs, we ended up in this multi-story comic shop that was literally underground and very grungy. I've been to it in at least one dream before, well over a year ago. The shop was just barely lit by the occasional fluorescent spotlight but was mostly shrouded in darkness. There were tables overflowing with discount comic-book shirts like at a thrift store and these metal shelves along the walls towered over everybody. Moonmaster and I checked out this extremely cool 12' Tim Burton Batman statue while Houde and Bass attempted to climb a set of shelves to get to whatever was on top. A blond, goateed punk-looking guy who worked at the store came over to help. Moonmaster and I started filming all this and he told some anecdote or joke that was absolutely hilarious and we were thrilled to have on film. For the rest of the dream, I was excited to upload it, but now I can barely remember anything about it other than that it existed.

Moonmaster and I went up to the store's top floor, whose lights were behind these orange tanks of water built into the walls. Vague guitar-feedback-type music plays in the background. He surprise-took a flash photo of me with some camera then showed me the photo. In it, it looked like I was wearing full Joker-makeup. He said that was the phenomenon on the camera, at least when used with a bright flash in a dark room.

We went back down and met up with Bass and Houde, then took the streetcar back to my house where we hung out on the roof. A couple of my other friends came up to join us, one of whom had used metal piping and a hand-built spring mechanism to create a working version of one of Batman's grapple launchers with a retractable plastic cord that could support an adult's weight. It was really cool. During this, I used my laptop to come to the site and post about what a blast the night had been. It was specifically the first time I'd met those three in person too. We were still planning on uploading the amazing video of the stuff from before, which was now stored on a mini-cd.

Later in the dream I was telling my mom about this story a former student at my old high-school had written that I'd just read. It was a murder mystery that took place at the school, and after extremely convincingly red-herringing two of the other teachers, one who's laid-back and one who's notably intense and creepy, the murder turned out to have been committed by the most beloved teacher at the school. It was a shocking ending because he's seriously one of the coolest and best people you'll ever meet. In the context of the dream, even he thought the story was great and advocated the student publishing copies of it around the school.

While telling my mom this, we went outside onto the porch so my sister, who was planning on reading it, wouldn't hear the ending. After talking about it for a few minutes, I notice something through the neighbour's bushes. There's a large wolf with piercing gray eyes standing on the sidewalk in front of the neighbour's property. I tell my mom it's okay, just hop up onto the porch and walk back into the house, but she freezes and I have to keep insisting she move. The wolf slowly begins to step closer and growl lowly, still about 15 feet away and down some steps. After practically yelling, I eventually get my mom up to hop onto the porch, I open the door for her and quickly step inside afterwards and pull it closed right as the wolf pounces and starts loudly barking at and attacking the glass. Terrifying. I shut the heavy wooden door over that, but it's still there attacking on the other side of the windows. My mom cries for my dad and tells him what happened. Then I wake up.
Last night I had a dream within a dream. I was at my LCS looking around at the CD collection when I realized I had no idea how I got there. I didn't remember walking there or getting a ride there. Then I woke up in my bed at home. I realized I wasn't in my usual bed but my brother's and so I asked my mom if she had told me to switch beds in the middle of the night and she said she had due to my 10 year old sister ****ting and peeing all over her bed, which somehow meant I had to switch beds with my brother. She said because of her accident, she had to wear a diaper to school the next day. Then I woke up in my bed at college and thought, "Boom. Incepted."
Last night I had a dream that the Spidey reboot came out in Canada way early so my family went to see it at a crowded theater downtown. It turned out that Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were still playing the same roles, but it was still a reboot and everything. The new Dunst-MJ was a really underconfident geek with a burning crush on an oblivious Peter, a la the early days of USM. The actors were clearly way too old for the parts and everyone was loudly laughing at this. The webshooters were like little metal catapults that launched spitball-like wads of webbing. Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe were both in it playing Doc Ock and the Green Goblin, but in different, really cheap costumes like in the Conan O'Brien spoofs of the Spidey musical. The lights stayed on the entire time in the theatre and the movie was a mess.

On the way back, while waiting for a streetcar at Dundas and Spadina and posting about this on the internet using my phone or something, I realized that the movie STILL didn't have a title! My ticket stub literally read "Untitled Spider-Man Reboot". The studios realized this too and immediately went around putting up huge banners all over Toronto with the title on it, which was: SCHWEBBINO. It was supposedly an ironic attempt to mix Spider-Man with surfer lingo.

Later I went home, went to bed, got up, had some electrician go through the basement to repair stuff, then went out again that night and ended up having sex with two totally hot girls, one while going out, the other on the way back.

Later I woke up.
I always wake up before I have sex. Stupid brains.

Fun fact! The ticket didn't say "Untitled Spider-Man Reboot". Can't read in a dream. What happens is you look at a word on a piece of paper that says UNT3EJL2D (or something equally nonsensical) and you read that and accept it as "Untitled". You don't see it as that word, but you accept that is what it is. However, if you can somehow get yourself to actually focus on the letters, you'll notice that the letters can't form together to make words, and they'll change as you examine them. Try reading something letter by letter and you'll realise you can't. Your brain doesn't need to read the paper because it has created the meaning, it knows what the paper says because it created it. It's weird as hell.
I always wake up before I have sex. Stupid brains.

Fun fact! The ticket didn't say "Untitled Spider-Man Reboot". Can't read in a dream. What happens is you look at a word on a piece of paper that says UNT3EJL2D (or something equally nonsensical) and you read that and accept it as "Untitled". You don't see it as that word, but you accept that is what it is. However, if you can somehow get yourself to actually focus on the letters, you'll notice that the letters can't form together to make words, and they'll change as you examine them. Try reading something letter by letter and you'll realise you can't. Your brain doesn't need to read the paper because it has created the meaning, it knows what the paper says because it created it. It's weird as hell.

I have been able to read in a dream. Though I can't remember what is was. I just remember after a few weeks I saw that episode of Batman TAS that brought up the can't read in dreams thing I clearly read something, made out each letter to be sure and thought "Ha! Take that awesome TV show!" or something to that effect. Then I woke up.
Fun fact! The ticket didn't say "Untitled Spider-Man Reboot". Can't read in a dream. What happens is you look at a word on a piece of paper that says UNT3EJL2D (or something equally nonsensical) and you read that and accept it as "Untitled". You don't see it as that word, but you accept that is what it is. However, if you can somehow get yourself to actually focus on the letters, you'll notice that the letters can't form together to make words, and they'll change as you examine them. Try reading something letter by letter and you'll realise you can't. Your brain doesn't need to read the paper because it has created the meaning, it knows what the paper says because it created it. It's weird as hell.

I think this used to be the case for me, even by my mid-teens when I saw that B:TAS episode, but for at least the past few years I've been able to conclusively read in dreams. I've conducted experiments in lucid dreams where I've read stuff letter-by-letter just to be sure. I've even been able to accurately word-for-word translate from French to English in a dream or two which is even more of a left-brained act than reading normally. Dreaming has become something very advanced for me. I couldn't taste something as simple as a popsicle in a dream I had when I was about four, but now I can taste every nuanced aspect of stuff like molten chocolate. I think the real questionably fun fact is that just because BTAS said something, doesn't mean it's true.

Alternatively, just because Batman can't do something doesn't mean I can't.

I really can't. I know I've thought I can many times, because you read it, get the meaning... it's weird because the letters keep shifting. But I know I can't. The letters keep shifting and my brain keeps telling me I've read it when I know I haven't. It's so odd.
I really can't. I know I've thought I can many times, because you read it, get the meaning... it's weird because the letters keep shifting. But I know I can't. The letters keep shifting and my brain keeps telling me I've read it when I know I haven't. It's so odd.

I know what you're talking about when I become too aware of something it changes, my mind can't focus on the shifting details properly. I now refer to this as "THE DREAM IS COLLAPSING!!!"
A few nights ago I had a dream where I was walking down the street right by my house, as usual, when I notice one guy in a yellow hazmat suit standing on the sidewalk staring up at a restaurant. Two more hazmat guys run down the street past me and the other guy. I can see than under their hoods they have old-fasioned greased hair, muttonchops, etc. Despite never having seen a whole episode, I recognize them as part of the cast of Deadwood. I turn to the guy staring at the restaurant and see that under the hazmat suit it's Ian McShane, mustache and all. I ask him "Hey, does Deadwood involve time-travel now?", unclear whether I'm talking to the actor and they're filming a new episode here, or to the character and they've literally traveled to the present.

He looks at me responds in a southern drawl, "Don't know much about Deadwood.... hard to say the time or place.... some folks say all that happened a long time ago.... others say.... it's just beginnin'....". Then he winks at me. I grin and thank him for his time, then am on my way.

Last night I had a long set of dreams, and in one part my whole family ended up going to this film festival at a huge fancy theater. They were playing the movie Animal Kingdom at one point, but I wasn't keen on watching it again and left. After dinner, we were walking through another fancy hall in the theater when I turned a corner and almost walked right into a table at which sat Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, Martin Scorcese, and several other HUGE stars who I don't recall right now. I apologized and was about to leave when Eastwood called my family and I over to talk. Scorcese even gave my grandmother his seat 'cause he was leaving to go speak about a film. I sat down next to Eastwood and we got to talk about acting and film-making, while my dad stood on the other side of the table laughing it up with Hanks and Wilson. Several of my aunts sat down to talk with Eastwood as well. He was sitting right next to Chuck Norris(probably inspired by seeing this picture a while ago) and I told Norris I have this friend who basically has every line of Lone Wolf McQuade memorized, which he thought was awesome. My grandmother took a picture of me and Clint Eastwood as well, and at the time I briefly wondered if it would matter and if this was all a dream, but wasn't sure of it. It just so awesome.

After getting up from the table and walking back through the hall, which was really crowded, Scarlett Johansson walks right past me wearing some iridescent blue gown with a huge elaborate hairstyle. She looks kickass. While I'm still taking that in, Natalie Portman starts screaming elsewhere in the crowded room. Everybody starts falling to the floor. I realize this is one of those Murder games played at dinner parties and drop to the floor while several people begin walking around, trying to find the "real" victim or something. The whole time I was basically thinking "thisissocoolthisissocoolthisissocoolthisissocool".

The dream went on for hours after this but that's the clearest part right now. I want that photo of me and Eastwood.
I had a dream last night. I'm walking in a mall there's about 15 people sitting a round or walking in this area and I'm not feeling right, I'm very light headed. And suddenly I fall over like I passed out, though I'm conscious. Some people come over to help so laugh, I laughed to but I get up and right before I start walking I'm, and everyone else, are right back where I was before I passed out. Like it never happened. So I think "Holy crap did I just hallucinate that?" I start walking and I'm just feeling sick wondering whats wrong with me when suddenly the mall turns into a Philly street near a park. And the layout matches closely so I go to a corner to get out of the way of people I can't see and have a mini freak out. I keep repeat "This is a hallucination" over and over. But then I somehow realize I'm dreaming and I start remembering what I was thinking about. Which was about having a lucid dream(more on that after this) so I figure I should try and control something, I raised my hand and start pulling out a huge mound of dirt and just as it erupts the dream collapses and I wake up. But the detail in it was so much more real than I usually have and it also had a very Inception feel. Which is awesome.

So about lucid dreaming (which is dreams you can control) I was watching this documentary on the Inception DVD about dreaming and apparently all you have to do it think about controlling your dream as you fall asleep. So I've been trying this but last night was the first time it was actually the last thought and the second time I've ever controlled something in my dream. Also I use "Dream is Collapsing" as a term for when you realize you're dream and it falls apart and you wake up.
Last night I dreamt I met up with Moonmaster and the unlikely duo of Bass and Houde in downtown Toronto after midnight and spent a few hours exploring that area of the city. After going through a few clubs, we ended up in this multi-story comic shop that was literally underground and very grungy. I've been to it in at least one dream before, well over a year ago. The shop was just barely lit by the occasional fluorescent spotlight but was mostly shrouded in darkness. There were tables overflowing with discount comic-book shirts like at a thrift store and these metal shelves along the walls towered over everybody. Moonmaster and I checked out this extremely cool 12' Tim Burton Batman statue while Houde and Bass attempted to climb a set of shelves to get to whatever was on top. A blond, goateed punk-looking guy who worked at the store came over to help. Moonmaster and I started filming all this and he told some anecdote or joke that was absolutely hilarious and we were thrilled to have on film. For the rest of the dream, I was excited to upload it, but now I can barely remember anything about it other than that it existed.

Moonmaster and I went up to the store's top floor, whose lights were behind these orange tanks of water built into the walls. Vague guitar-feedback-type music plays in the background. He surprise-took a flash photo of me with some camera then showed me the photo. In it, it looked like I was wearing full Joker-makeup. He said that was the phenomenon on the camera, at least when used with a bright flash in a dark room.
This all really happened.
Last night I had a dream where the lake I live near rose up and the street near my house flooded, then my avenue, then the first floor of my house. It was both scary and pretty cool and kind of fun. These dolphins washed up on the street and were playing around in the water with everyone. Later the water levels went down a bit and this one baby dolphin had gotten separated from its family, so me and some family and friends decided to bring him back to the lake. I carried him there and noted that from the side he looked like a normal dolphin but from the front his beak looked like a long, moving, elephant-like trunk. I also pondered how dolphins look sort of like super-advanced, god-like intelligent beings. I think they could talk in the dream or communicate telepathically. We brought the little guy back to the lake and put him in it where he reunited with his family and they all went happily skipping off into the distance.

In the next dream it was like I was playing a Spider-Man video game on PC at first, but this transitioned into living it, and it was just about the most intense, detailed web-slinging experience I've ever had. I kept focusing on details like anchoring the weblines and feeling the tension and strength in my fingers when I would climb along a wall. It was amazing. Willem Dafoe Green Goblin showed up in a new, elongated costume and kept taunting me and talking about Superman being in town and us heroes better be ready to face the villains. After this it felt like I landed on my bed and got tangled up in something and tried to call out but couldn't, then woke up.
Two dreams. Both had my father in 'em . It's peculiar. I'm older now then he ever was by twenty years. So in a sense he's the younger man.

Anyway, first one I don't remember too well but it was about meeting him in town somewhere, he's gonna give me some money. I think I lost it.

The second one, it was like we was both back in older times and I was on horseback goin' through the mountains of a night. Goin' through this pass in the mountains. It was cold and there was snow on the ground and he rode past me and kept on goin'. Never said nothin' goin' by. He just rode on past... and he had his blanket wrapped around him and his head down and when he rode past I seen he was carryin' fire in a horn the way people used to do and I could see the horn from the light inside of it. 'Bout the color of the moon. And in the dream I knew that he was goin' on ahead and he was fixin' to make a fire somewhere out there in all that dark and all that cold, and I knew that whenever I got there he would be there. And then I woke up...