Weird Dreams

Grocer Man said:
So last night I dreamed that
Superman got old and retired, then tried to recapture his glory ala Troy McClure by starring in a Christian film about diamond-encrusted kittens.

Who gave you Snyder's script for the Superman movie?!
Earlier this week I had a dream I was watching tv with DJF and he got really sick and threw up on me. A lot. It was so gross that it woke me up (like, in real life), and I was nauseous. I later developed an upset stomach and missed half a day of work.

He apologized on Facebook, which was nice but it was still disgusting.
I had a dream my dog was dropping her own body parts all over my house. her tongue fell out and the she picked it up and some how reconnected it. Then a foot fell off and she was hobbling about. It was all kinds of ****ed up. No more old Russian scientist footage for this guy.
J. Agamemnon said:
I had a dream my dog was dropping her own body parts all over my house. her tongue fell out and the she picked it up and some how reconnected it. Then a foot fell off and she was hobbling about. It was all kinds of ****ed up. No more old Russian scientist footage for this guy.

Did you see that video where the Russian scientists kept the dog head alive?
Did you see that video where the Russian scientists kept the dog head alive?

yeah, but now having a dog i love and seeing that video more recently apparently sent ripples through my subconscious, which is usually all kinds of odd. I don't dream often, but when I do I freak myself out.

The first time i saw the video it was out of context and I think Doom posted it...Doom *le sigh*

Then I saw someone repost and it was the US archives version from back then complete with cheesy 1950's era commentary. I don't know why, but that made it all the more surreal. And apparently there was a heart beating with nothing organic connected to it. It was like something out of a twisted anime.
I had a weird one last night. I dreamt that I was playing "The Comic Board: Video Game." A bunch of us were characters. Here's how it went.

As the Watcher, you had to save the world from Houde and his houde clones as they try to posion the world's water supplies. At one point you convince one of the clones to join you. He renames himself Captain Canuck and he's basically like Agent Q from the Bond movies. He invents all kinds' new weapons to take down the other clones. You know your basic soulless monster type weapons. Crosses, daggers shaped like crosses, Boomerangs shaped like crosses that explode in impact, a gun that shoot Holy Water impact bullets. And to take down their master you have to throw a bible right at his cold dead heart. That's protected by monkey shaped medallion.

As Houde, you have to try to stop the Watcher from take picture from around the world and posting them on the internet.

As J. Agamemnon, you have to break in to the Comic Board and make as many friends as possible while avoiding detection from E. You even collect a series of magical comic books that temporally turn you into Hibiki.

As Ice, Houde has to take Sexy Nurse to the Hospital to give birth to his child. In his haste he forgets to lock-up his lab. And you have full access to all his inventions. You then wander around the streets of Boston as it new unofficial Superhero.

As DIrishB, you wake up in bed. And you just realized after a night of partying that you lost Moonmaster. You have to find a series of clues at each location. After you collect 10 or more clues you get a cut scene video of memories. But their all jumble and filled with psychedelic images due to the fact that you were high and drunk the night before. You then have to decipher each one to get to a new location to find the next set of clues.

And finally as TGO, your trip to Las Vegas was a bust. You flight back to Utah leaves in five minutes. What do you do? To save your trip you have to run around the Vegas strip collecting as many Lindsey Lohan posters as possible.
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Best dream ever last night. I'm going to make it into a short story/novella maybe, so here's the highlights.

Time Skipping
Future Technology
Space ships
Weird ass mountain lion named Drover
The earth exploding
At work partying
Giant buses crashing into the ocean
I had a weird dream before and it was about me going to outer space in cartoon planet. I saw heroes the cast of family guy and sponge bob. The planet had it's common medical issues like the quagmire seizer. I could fly and I met many friends like a cartoon creature named Carl.
I should have never drank that ice coffee.
comic book nerd said:
I had a weird dream before and it was about me going to outer space in cartoon planet. I saw heroes the cast of family guy and sponge bob. The planet had it's common medical issues like the quagmire seizer. I could fly and I met many friends like a cartoon creature named Carl.
I should have never drank that ice coffee.


I went to visit a friend who bought a ne whouse, which happened to be on a lake. When I arrived, I noticed some of their fence was destroyed, going to check it out, I found tracks, and like any sensible person, I followed them. Which promptly got me into danger. A swamp like thing monster attacked me. I managed to get away, and escaped into someone elses house.

HEre I get backstory, which involves a factory making hot dogs, a recent storm, and the lake being mad. Somehow, these all connect, and I go to the factory to stop this madness.

Then I woke up. Cause Houde Jr puked on me.

As the Watcher, you had to save the world from Houde and his houde clones as they try to posion the world's water supplies. At one point you convince one of the clones to join you. He renames himself Captain Canuck and he's basically like Agent Q from the Bond movies. He invents all kinds' new weapons to take down the other clones. You know your basic soulless monster type weapons. Crosses, daggers shaped like crosses, Boomerangs shaped like crosses that explode in impact, a gun that shoot Holy Water impact bullets. And to take down their master you have to throw a bible right at his cold dead heart. That's protected by monkey shaped medallion.

I don't know whether to be offended that I'm not a playable character or excited that I'm the coolest support character in the history of video games...
I just finished reading Ennis' Preacher a couple nights ago and had the weirdest dream last night...

I was in Custer's role, but instead of John Wayne as my "Spirit Guide" it was Bruce Willis from Die Hard.

I believe Willis would be mine since growing up Willis was always the "every man hero". He's the guy's guy but also not afraid to crack a joke or make light of the situation all at the same time freaking out when stuff just gets to be too much.

It got me thinking---if you were in Jesse's position, who'd be your Pardner?
It'd be someone more grounded in reality than I am. With my scientist brain, I tend to go off on huge tangents, and in a situation like Jesse was in, I would need someone to keep me grounded.

As to relating that to a celebrity, I don't know, I'm not very celebrity savvy.

Had a couple weird dreams last night.

First, I was in this apartment building as I looked out the window and saw my brother walking up to find his college dorm room while he had a bazooka or something broken up in pieces on his back in a sack. He and everyone walking around like it's a normal thing. Next thing I know, I'm on a rooftop as Shia LaBeouf is getting arrested because they think he's Batman and he's trying to plead his case that he's not and just likes to shine the Bat-singal from a rocket-launcher sized flashlight around the city streets. Then the dream shifts to a voiceover talking about how he had to lie to the cops because he was secretly helping the Russians as they secretly helped us because they had to help us and a Russian guy who looked like a terrorist pulled off a blanket from a Batmobile.

That quickly changed with me on this beautiful Caribbean island. Palm trees, clear waters, sunny day, the best. Then suddenly there's camera crews and Joss Whedon is there to be interviewed as he's about to give Amazing Spider-Man 2 secrets away. Before he does, cops come swimming up to him out of nowhere and tells everyone they'll be detained and arrested for having drugs on a tour bus, which was broken up and floating behind them. And the cop telling them they'll be arrested was paddling up to them while holding a broken piece.

Woke up for a few seconds and I hear a fire truck near by on my street, but fall back asleep. Now suddenly I'm in Dexter's world, but he's no longer in Miami. He actually doesn't even appear in the dream, but some drunk woman keeps looking for him in this museum-looking building. And because it's a dream, I automatically know this is a TV Show I'm in and the woman is Dexter's boss in whatever job he's working.

All these things were different topics I had discussed/read about throughout yesterday. What a way for my mind to blend them.
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Dream so weird that it woke me up:

I dreamed that I had this really bad acne breakout on the side of my face, and it was so bad that I could literally see it forming like my skin was bubbling. In one area this HUGE boil started forming that was about 3 inches across, but it was sort of clear and inside were 2 pink leaves floating around. It eventually ruptured and as the bloody pus started pouring out the leaves fell and grew into these gross little pink frogs that just hopped away.