A few nights ago I had a dream where I was walking down the street right by my house, as usual, when I notice one guy in a yellow hazmat suit standing on the sidewalk staring up at a restaurant. Two more hazmat guys run down the street past me and the other guy. I can see than under their hoods they have old-fasioned greased hair, muttonchops, etc. Despite never having seen a whole episode, I recognize them as part of the cast of
Deadwood. I turn to the guy staring at the restaurant and see that under the hazmat suit it's Ian McShane, mustache and all. I ask him "Hey, does Deadwood involve time-travel now?", unclear whether I'm talking to the actor and they're filming a new episode here, or to the character and they've literally traveled to the present.
He looks at me responds in a southern drawl, "Don't know much about Deadwood.... hard to say the time or place.... some folks say all that happened a long time ago.... others say.... it's just beginnin'....". Then he winks at me. I grin and thank him for his time, then am on my way.
Last night I had a long set of dreams, and in one part my whole family ended up going to this film festival at a huge fancy theater. They were playing the movie
Animal Kingdom at one point, but I wasn't keen on watching it again and left. After dinner, we were walking through another fancy hall in the theater when I turned a corner and almost walked right into a table at which sat Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, Martin Scorcese, and several other HUGE stars who I don't recall right now. I apologized and was about to leave when Eastwood called my family and I over to talk. Scorcese even gave my grandmother his seat 'cause he was leaving to go speak about a film. I sat down next to Eastwood and we got to talk about acting and film-making, while my dad stood on the other side of the table laughing it up with Hanks and Wilson. Several of my aunts sat down to talk with Eastwood as well. He was sitting right next to Chuck Norris(probably inspired by seeing
this picture a while ago) and I told Norris I have this friend who basically has every line of
Lone Wolf McQuade memorized, which he thought was awesome. My grandmother took a picture of me and Clint Eastwood as well, and at the time I briefly wondered if it would matter and if this was all a dream, but wasn't sure of it. It just so awesome.
After getting up from the table and walking back through the hall, which was really crowded, Scarlett Johansson walks right past me wearing some iridescent blue gown with a huge elaborate hairstyle. She looks kickass. While I'm still taking that in, Natalie Portman starts screaming elsewhere in the crowded room. Everybody starts falling to the floor. I realize this is one of those Murder games played at dinner parties and drop to the floor while several people begin walking around, trying to find the "real" victim or something. The whole time I was basically thinking "thisissocoolthisissocoolthisissocoolthisissocool".
The dream went on for hours after this but that's the clearest part right now. I want that photo of me and Eastwood.