Weird Dreams

I had a dream that I was at my high school reunion, which for some reason was at Japan after the Earthquake, though everyone seems a bit more upbeat about the plight. While trying to get to the reunion I walked by several Japanese people dressed as Star Trek characters (some with the "I will kill all" expression on their face). So at the reunion a chubby Japanese guy tries to do free running in the room, not realizing that the room is not at all good for parkour. Then Catwoman takes me aside (By the way, turns out everyone in my graduating class is a superhero from DC, I'm Batman (not in costume), my best friend is superman, my cousin was supergirl and there were a bunch more I vaguely remember) So catwoman wants to know if I found out if General Mctrigger, a horrible dictator from Indonesia, was still alive and was just faking his death. I responded I couldn't do research cause I forgot how to spell his name. She scolds me than after a few sexy moments she leaves and Superman and I start shootin the **** while I'm multi-tasking thinking about the case of General Mctrigger. Suddenly we come across a room with four supervillains where about to attack Nightwing(though instead of blue, his color was yellow and black) Superman was being a ***** so I jumped in alone. Turn out their plot was to experiment on Nightwing with replicating Superman's powers, which two of them already had. So Nightwing and I fought them, using a piece of kryptonite we kicked major ass. Then the dream collapsed.

So that was odd.

Also it was interesting, the catwoman of my dream was someone I never met. Usually in my dream people are from my life, people I've seen, or combination of them. But she was completely original and one of the things I vividly remember from that dream. Odd.
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I had this weird dream that I was waiting for a train. A train that was going to take me far away. I knew where I hoped this train would take me, but I didn't know for sure. But it didn't matter. Because we'd be together.
I had this weird dream that I was waiting for a train. A train that was going to take me far away. I knew where I hoped this train would take me, but I didn't know for sure. But it didn't matter. Because we'd be together.

Now that's weird
I just had an intense set. In the first one my dad had gotten my sister and mom these two bottles of bubble bath, but used one himself when taking a shower. My sister was mad at him for this but it was all put into perspective when my mom revealed that he had slipped in the shower while using it and been declared legally dead for several minutes but my family doctor was miraculously able to bring him back to life with nothing more than a concussion.

In the next part of the dream, I was walking to work when I got a strange call on my cellphone telling me I had to be at some hospital drive-through thing at a quarter to 11 that morning. I called my dad and told him about this and we discussed the possibilities for a while. The city in general was way more futuristic than normal(or about the same as a few really fancy areas of downtown in waking life), with that cool glass-and-plants-everywhere look. I went to this bank building where I usually withdrew money only to be told they didn't do that anymore as of that day. I uncharacteristically ran through the levels of the building before storming out a door that turned out to be an emergency exit. The alarm went off and I was worried they'd get my finger-prints off of the door handles. I was going to run for it when my phone rang and I stopped because I assumed it was the police and was going to tell them it was an accident, but it was just my dad again. We decided for me to go to that place the earlier phone call had talked about.

I ran through a futuristic campus and climbed on top of an L-train, which traveled through these clear plastic tunnels while I'd lie flat on top and eventually got me to the hospital. I went inside. Long story short, the guy calling my phone tells me to look at a poster on the wall. It's a poster of him. His name is Malcian Menece [sic] and he's played by Liam Neeson. His daughter was dying and it turned out I was a match for this specific type of organ she needed to save her life. It wasn't even dangerous for me to give it to her - it was this secret, larva-like organ that grows right back, and if you cut out and eat your own(or a match), it heals and rejuvenates you. The issue was that the government doesn't want anyone to know about this so Menece and his wife had to stage this whole thing. I get his wife to cut one of these things out of me(it's from a cavity in the middle-lower-back area) to give to their daughter, but other doctors step in and say they won't allow it.

Menece himself is then revealed to be disguised as one of the doctors. He pulls out a gun and uses the hospital network to air this broadcast on tv that until his daughter is allowed to be saved, he has remotely shut down the means of production of a lucrative commodity which will disrupt society. The doctors start to admonish him and are still reluctant to go through with this, but suddenly other people in the hospital not only rally behind his cause, not only start yelling about their own ill relatives who can be saved the same way, but then grab scapels an in a frenzy start cutting these larva-like organs out of themselves and eating them. I note an old black woman do it and immediately start weeping and saying she's being rejuvenated. One of the doctors starts wrestling with Menence for his remote control to reactivate the production of that commodity(we can see riots happening on the television), but either way, the word of this organ thing is going to spread to society quickly and the government might be ****ed.

Around then I woke up.
I had this really vivid one last night where I was walking home and pretty much got lost and ended up walking through a cemetery/funeral parlour owned by Bill Murray's family. I overheard Brian Doyle-Murray talking to some employees and then walked past him, and thought that was pretty cool, when Bill Murray himself shows up and askes if I was looking for a way out. I say yes, and he leads me through the property and shows me the exit, being cool and cracking a few jokes along the way.

I think about how cool that was and am frustrated I didn't get to take any pictures, but figure this was all probably a dream anyway. Since I realized I was in a dream, I immediately tried to fly and was successful. I flew over my neighbourhood and eventually home, where I met some friend of mine who wanted to make a short film. I eventually sat down to watch a "director's cut" of Shutter Island that ended up being radically different than the normal one.

Right away I was in the movie, as DiCaprio's character. The asylum in the dream was even more disturbing and nightmarish than in the film, and included an emaciated woman who was essentially trapped in her own completely-paralyzed body and could only communicate when they hooked her up to this sort of virtual reality machine. I asked if they could do that right now and they said they would soon.

As the investigation went on, I was aware of various things the doctors were doing to test if I was crazy, including parading out people dressed as the four leads from The Wizard Of Oz, only Dorothy was played by a man and painted gold. When I was weirded out by this, they all laughed and said they were glad because that proved I wasn't insane. The tests and stuff went on though, and at one point I was chewing this increasingly voluminous piece of gum and kept mumbling, which caused Ben Kingsley and the orderlies to look at me in terror and I kept trying to spit more gum out so I could speak.

Eventually I was pretty clearly being treated like a patient and had to do these painful and oppressive tests like being rapped on the knuckles to see if my hands would shake or being forced to cut my own finger with a piece of glass to see if I could draw a straight line with the blood. Eventually some other female patients, who also had labour duties around the asylum, tried to sneak me out through secret passages. The first was a tight squeeze through a gap behind a laundry cupboard, which lead into one of the kitchens, where I had to crawl into an oven and out of another oven in another room. The grills in both ovens were turning on and off in sequence so I had to time it just right to crawl through without getting burned. While crawling out of the second oven I could very clearly feel the first one flaring up again behind me.

I made it outside into a courtyard where all the maverick patients were escaping with me when we were confronted by Ben Kingsley a bunch of orderlies. A battle broke out and eventually we decided to take a break and "watch the rest of the film later", but soon after this I accidentally knocked over my laptop with my arm in waking life, and that woke me up.
I had a dream last night where I had to spend the whole day with my family. And when I got home for some reason Doom was there, I asked him when I was going to get the voices for UC2 and he said something along the lines of "Heh heh, **** you." and started to leave with a giant backpack saying he's going back on a military tour. His pet The Captain (actually a cat in my dream) was clawing at him to try and prevent him from leaving. He asked me to take care of it and I said "**** no."

Then the dream collapsed.
Had a dream last night where I (as Iceman) helped break Colossus out of jail. And because there were no X-Men, we went to live with the Morlocks.
Here's another big one. Let's see if I can get it all down before I forget.

It starts off in a small town and three people pull up, two daughters and an aunt. I kinda seeing this in third person, over the shoulder of the oldest daughter. They had arrived at the mother's house to divide up her belongings, since the mother died recently. The oldest sister is there for one thing, the recipe for Gooseberry Juice. She recalls fondly of the mother talking about she used this juice to help her get away from the bad guys. Through circumstances that I don't recall she finds some of this stuff and pours herself a big glass. Everything goes fuzzy, and she finds herself in her mother's time period.

She walks around the house, and listens to her mother talk to the cops. She notices that her mother drinks a very small amount of the Juice. It gives her a sort of amnesia, with the knowledge that drinking too much is detrimental. She finds out her mother was instrumental in figuring out the leaders of the town where child rapists and murderers and managed to get them all in jail, using the Juice to forget things so that no one could pin it on her. I assume she killed them. The daughter then tries to change things in the pasts, and wakes back up in the present.

The daughter then notices that her car is different color, and pictures changing on the walls. She then figures that somehow she did change the past. But then she notices that town leaders are back in power, and something went wrong. She figures out that someone must have went into the past and unlike her managed to change things.

I'm beginning to forget things now, I'll get to the end.

She then forgets it. EVERYTHING. The weird time change overtakes her. She never left the town, never got a job in the big city, has a small town boyfriend. As she remembers her new life, someone comes from behind with the intent to kill her.

And that's when I wake up.
I dreamed that I had teamed up with Superman and the cast of Gurren Lagann to kill all superheroes, who had been turned into lovecraftian monsters. (Basically, they looked exactly the same from the front, but from the back you could see faces and hands and tentacles growing out.)
I had a dream last night where I was running home in the dark. I had a torch and I had to use it to see where I was going. I was running along a path with a small piece of land on the left and water on the right. As I ran, the torch would reveal many animals: possums, kiwis (hanging from trees?), lizards. At one point there was also a giraffe. I started to run faster and faster because it felt like all of these animals were going to kill me. I slow down when the torch reveals the biggest crocodile I have ever seen lying on the path in front of me. There are a few smaller ones in the water next to me too. I can either try and sneak past them quietly or run as fast as I can and hope they don't get me.

Then I woke up. What does it all mean?!
Had this amazingly vivid dream last night. For some reason, I had my hands on an Aston Martin DB5 and was driving it around. Then I carried it out through my back garden (because apparently it was small enough), at which point I was transported into a sort of pastiche of the Brosnan Bond films. I was in the Q Boat from The World is Not Enough being chased by Trevelyan from GoldenEye (who was being played by Brosnan for some reason, or someone who looked a lot like him) in the water, in Iceland from Die Another Day. He was shooting missiles at me, but I was able to dodge them, because his aiming reticles showed up on the screen like in a video game. Soon enough, my boat was destroyed (and I even said 'Q's not gonna' like this!') and I had to swim the edge of a waterfall and jump off.

When I jumped over the side, it was incredibly realistic, except I wasn't in Iceland anymore, I was somewhere a lot hotter and it was amazing plummeting down. Near the end, I remembered that I was wearing the jet-pack from Thunderball and I gently rocketed down to safety, where one of my friends from primary school was having her 21st.

It was a lot more like a child's kind of birthday party, with lots of different types of cookies and treats (feet upon feet of liquorice). For some reason, a couple of us were watching the first episode of Star Trek: Enterprise 'Broken Bow', where T'Pol was trying to get off with three different guys on the ship. Finally, she was just about to start making out with Trip Tucker (the actual guy she ended up with on the show) and suddenly, Christopher Reeve Superman appeared on the ship, with one of the security officers, because there was something seriously wrong with the ship. Reeve was wearing an awesome version of the suit with an S that was like a cross between the 1939 S and the one from Superman Returns. The rest of the suit was more or less the same, except that for some reason, it seemed silver when you looked at it up close, even though it was still clearly a deep blue from far away. I remember remarking that it must have been a stand-in with CR's face CGI'd on and how could Paramount get away with using Superman on Star Trek? The resident Trekkie there (some guy in his early 30s who I didn't recognise) said that they got around it by crediting him as 'S' and never referring to him as Superman on the show.

Anyway, just as we were about to sing Happy Birthday (which was a weird contemporary version) I noticed that I had at least twenty feet of liquorice wrapped around my left wrist and I couldn't get it off. The dream ended soon after that.
I'm driving with Matt Smith (Doctor Who) and an unknown female to a party. I point out a giant Hollywood-style sign in the distance, which is apparently a title of a movie. We begin to impersonate characters from the movie and make jokes about how terrible it is. For some reason, Samuel L. Jackson is fed up with the movies his wife keeps renting and I say, "Not Pulp Fiction again, mother****er!" and everyone laughs.

I turn off and arrive at a beach. Suddenly, the unknown female in my car has become my mother, who is also now a seal. There is now a sense of urgency to the dream: I have to get her to water (but not the ocean for some reason). I try to maneuver the car past the people on the beach. At one point, a giant killer whale stops in front of me. I manage to get to the end of the beach and Matt Smith and I grab my seal mother and rush her into a building.

We enter a room with a pool and immediately slide her along the ground and into it. Both of us then jump into the pool too. There are a bunch of people I don't know swimming but I think my sister was there. At one point Matt Smith and my seal mother vanish and I am left alone with all these strangers in a pool in the middle of nowhere.

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The last weird dream I had was like 3 years ago and dealt with random places in a house I've never been to whilst being followed by a komodo dragon-like lizard. And it was orange; like an eye-hurting orange. And I was wearing Jordan's. i never wear anything more expensive than chucks, except for my workboots.
Two nights ago in my dream Paul Giamatti had this video on YouTube where he used makeup and latex to transform himself into this really hot 20-something girl. Like, hot enough to lust over, while shaking your head in amazement that this is somehow Paul Giamatti.

Last night I dreamt I was in this Stephen King story where I was a writer played by John Cusack, who was trapped with an abrasive, Doug Stanhope-esque writer played by Tim Robbins, in this complex by Darth Vader where we'd have to climb up, through, and around the complex to reach this high point at the top of a tree somewhere and be released. This went on for like an hour in dream-time, with Vader and his goons taunting us, frequent falls and setbacks and an uneasy friendship with Tim Robbins' character, who eventually fell into an abyss and apparently died. Eventually, after yet another fall all the way the bottom, I started climbing the tree directly(instead of using ledges and bars and stuff around the outside of the building). The complex was sort of combined with my house now and the tree was out front growing out of part of the neighbour's porch.

I may have been wearing parts of a Darth Vader costume too in this part, and as I climb I'm getting covered in tiny twigs and sap. Vader and his soldiers, most of whom are female, start almost-mockingly making a big deal over how I'm getting really close; "Look for the mark of Rodney's spot where he set the last record!" they say while I climb past a mark on the tree where a previous, presumably-dead guy made it the highest anyone has so far. The tree is bending and listing and the branches keep getting thinner but I keep climbing as quickly as I can as Vader's excitement seems to turn to worry that I might actually make it, the troops seem preparing to sabotage me but I make it and grab the top of the tree trunk.... and wake up.
I had a dream where I was taking a practice test based on the real one for my drivers license, but it was all about comic books. So I went, "Im so going to pass this test! Woohoo!!"

Then I woke up, saddened to realize no drivers test will be about comics. :cry:
A while back I had a nightmare about a genie trying to kill me. Somehow I had pissed off an evil wizard, and he had ordered his genie slave to kill me. Said genie was actually pretty nice and didn't want to work for the wizard, and had some suicidal tendencies. At some point, I found out that she was the only genie still in the service of a human: the king of genies had made a bargain with the evil wizard by agreeing to sell his daughter into slavery if every other genie was given their freedom.

I tried to free her by destroying the ring that bound her, but the wizard revealed that I had just dug my own grave and doomed her: a genie could only be freed with permission by the owner. As such, since the owner couldn't give her any new orders but she was still enslaved, she was going to spend the rest of her life trying to kill me, and once she did, spend what was left "tearfully dancing on the ashes."

With a heavy heart, I threw her into the sun. The last thing I heard was her cheering at her coming demise.

It was going pretty well until she fell into the sun. That's kind of silly in retrospect.

I had a dream where I was taking a practice test based on the real one for my drivers license, but it was all about comic books. So I went, "Im so going to pass this test! Woohoo!!"

Then I woke up, saddened to realize no drivers test will be about comics. :cry:

Cruelest Tragedy!
So last night I dreamed that
Superman got old and retired, then tried to recapture his glory ala Troy McClure by starring in a Christian film about diamond-encrusted kittens.