Weird Dreams

I had a dream the other night that I was Wolverine and fighting T-1000. I sliced him down the middle with my claws but he just wobbled for a minute and then fused back together. I also jumped off a building and did a roll type thing when I hit the ground. It was one of the best dreams I have ever had. I wish it would have lasted longer.
So I just had one of the weirdest dreams I've had in a long time and had to post it before I forget anything.

I'm back at Houde's and we're going to some party. He tells me, "It's going to rain really hard so let me know when you want to go home so you don't have to walk back." He quickly disappeared after that and I didn't see him again until way later. I had to walk home in hurricane storm rain to the point where I was crawling over broken glass on the road (though I never bled) and a homeless man passed me on a bike.

Houde's a dick.

I make it to his house and suddenly I get the feeling of an intruder. I call out for Houde and a woman answers out he's not home. I go up the stairs to see this woman folding clothes into a dresser and Houde sitting up on the bed behind her, but she looks worried like someone has her at gun point. Then the thought pops into my head that this is all a dream. I start saying things to the woman to try to make her see its all fake and Houde just turns into a giant Sheriff Woody, looking around confused. And then the bed turns into a tub, Sheriff Woody into a girl, and the woman joins in and both have sex in the tub.

I then "wake up" but I'm still actually dreaming, and the room is still the same with the tub, minus the girls. I try to make myself see them again, but then I actually wake up. The hell was I smoking?

I had a dream the other night that I was Wolverine and fighting T-1000. I sliced him down the middle with my claws but he just wobbled for a minute and then fused back together. I also jumped off a building and did a roll type thing when I hit the ground. It was one of the best dreams I have ever had. I wish it would have lasted longer.

Awesome stuff. Ice's dream had such a great pace of randomness going on. Hilarious.
This morning I was dreaming that I was watching Let Me In, only the main boy was sort of two characters - a good one, sometimes played by me like a videogame, and a mean one who looked completely different. The good one/my dad was Walter White from Breaking Bad. After walking through snow in the daytime to some sort of white marble tower with art deco gargoyles on it, there was this sort of fight between the good and bad boy characters. The bad one started chasing the good one, who jumped down into a stairwell and wedged himself in place in mid-air like this, with Walter wedging himself on top to protect him. The bad version jumped down to knock them out of place, but the vampire girl, Abby, dove down and shielded them every time. There was this intimidating choral music playing the whole time.

Abby sometimes didn't look like Chloe Moretz, but like an aetherial CGI Anna-Sophia Robb with giant shining eyes. I commented at the time that she could play Mew in a PokeMon movie.

In the middle of the action, I hear my cellphone ringing. I'm really disappointed and frustrated and quickly am sucked out of the dream and wake up, answer the phone, and immedialtely have to get ready to be a replacement extra in an Addidas ad.
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I had a mid-day nap earlier that lasted about 4 or 5 hours. I dreamt that I was on the floor of an apartment with my friend, and Proj was on the floor above me peeking his head out the window. He actually did sound just like Edward Norton with an Australian accent, except he was pretty nice and even asked if we wanted crackers or any other food. I think my friend and I were playing Pokemon or something on the computer, and Proj was wondering what we were playing and he laughed when we told him. I had a Macbook and Proj had a different computer. I also remember a worm or a caterpillar or something to do with Alice in Wonderland.
Have I appeared in the most UC members' dreams now?

I don't know if this is creepy or exciting. Maybe both.
I dreamt that I read Ultimate Comics Thor #1 (which I still haven't actually read) and it made no sense whatsoever. It was 22 pages of an Iron Man-type character and an Iron Woman-type character bonding/meditating/doing something in a giant ball of energy. I didn't understand it at all so I took to the boards here. The first post was from my friend from college who said it made no sense. Then there was a post from Joe Kalicki that explained the issue and praised its genius, except that his explanation made even less sense than the issue. His post was basically a series of random numbers, symbols, drawings and letters.

I blame Jonathan Hickman.
I just had one where, after showing my sister the full-room 3D holographic Fortress of Solitude menu for a new edition of Superman II, I had to fill in for my friend's street band by singing into a cup of coffee, earned the ire of some asian guy with a shaved head who was then questioned by the cops while I quickly walked off, took Ecstacy at some club on the way home then horrifiedly thought of its permanent effects on dopamine levels and spit it out(in the dream it was a lozenge-type thing in the shape of an opaque shard of dark blue crystal), no harm done.

When I got home I crashed on the basement couch and woke up a short while later because I suspected the asian guy from earlier would try to break in and get revenge. Sure enough, he and several accomplices were. I called the police and told them to hurry over as fast as they could. In the meantime the gang cornered me with guns. The leader was a guy in a suit with a drum-mag shotgun. The other two had snub nose revolvers. After a few minutes of them taunting while I could hear my family being harassed upstairs, I grabbed one of the pistols and shot all three of them, killing the guy I'd taken the gun off of and wounding the other two. The other pistol guy shot me in the shoulder and I shot him several more times, killing him too.

The leader then bashed me on the side of the head with the shotgun and I kicked his legs out from under him. We wrestled on the floor for a second before I managed to turn the gun on him, which seemed more like a nerf gun at this point but was apparently still effective because the shot under his chin went right through his head.

Finally the police showed up and asked what the hell was going on here, then mentioned something about having been looking for these guys all over town, and then I woke up.
So last night I dreamed that there was this musical pieces on a giant paper, four of them, that connected together and was life-or-death important to make sure it was in the right hands. Eventually I was in Thailand where the 2nd piece was found. I had to head back to either the U.S. or Canada to find the third. But the funny thing is, to do that I got a passport in Thailand.

...How was I allowed to go to Thailand in the first place?!
I dreamt that I read Ultimate Comics Thor #1 (which I still haven't actually read) and it made no sense whatsoever. It was 22 pages of an Iron Man-type character and an Iron Woman-type character bonding/meditating/doing something in a giant ball of energy. I didn't understand it at all so I took to the boards here. The first post was from my friend from college who said it made no sense. Then there was a post from Joe Kalicki that explained the issue and praised its genius, except that his explanation made even less sense than the issue. His post was basically a series of random numbers, symbols, drawings and letters.

I blame Jonathan Hickman.

As we all know, you can't read in a dream:


I should say, that when you try to read in a dream, you DO read but it's weird. You look at the page and get the meaning of what's in the page. But if you try to focus on the individual letters, you'll notice you absolutely can't. So you might read a word that says "GAMES" and understand it means 'games', but if you actually try to read it, letter by letter, you'll realise it's a shifting mass of indistinguishable letters, closer to "GZ?REJ" and it doesn't work.

Also, I have dreams like this, and I love them because they make so, so much sense in the dream and then absolutely none when you wake up. I love that dichotomy.
Over the past few years, I've gotten better and better at reading in dreams to the point where I can do it perfectly now, including abstract things that can't just give you the "meaning", letter by letter accounts, consistent lists of ingredients on things including percentages, and translation from French to English(as well as I can in waking life).

As we all know, you can't read in a dream:


I should say, that when you try to read in a dream, you DO read but it's weird. You look at the page and get the meaning of what's in the page. But if you try to focus on the individual letters, you'll notice you absolutely can't. So you might read a word that says "GAMES" and understand it means 'games', but if you actually try to read it, letter by letter, you'll realise it's a shifting mass of indistinguishable letters, closer to "GZ?REJ" and it doesn't work.

Also, I have dreams like this, and I love them because they make so, so much sense in the dream and then absolutely none when you wake up. I love that dichotomy.

It's funny, after seeing that episode way back I have been able to make out words and letters
I dreamt that Conan's first show was a complete and utter bomb. To open the show, he brought out the Masturbating Bear which proceeded to take a giant **** on the stage.
I dreamt that I was watching a trailer for an official Benjamin Button sequel oddly titled The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button: More Adventures. It was completely CGI and seemed to be focusing on bringing out the more Pixar-y elements of the story, and involved both Daisy and Benjamin coming back to life and living a whole extra life backwards(Benjamin going from old to young again for some reason) with all their memories intact, but most of the focus was on Daisy, who looked like Nicole Kidman caricatured by Dreamworks. There was all this amazing stuff with her vision and sense of smell getting better and remembering what it was like to dance as a teenager, and she cried with joy, and I legitimately cried too. And it was just the trailer! It was better than UP.
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Remember this scene in Order of the Phoenix? I had a dream a few nights before seeing Deathly Hallows where they decided to really play up that sort of thing in the new movie, with Harry constantly thinking he sees Voldemort in increasingly ridiculous places and other people thinking he's crazy. Eventually there was a scene of them eating breakfast at the Burrow and Mrs. Weasley walks up with a pot of porridge and Harry looks at her and its Ralph Fiennes Voldemort wearing an apron, a cheap red wig and lipstick saying "ere's your breakfast dearie" in a Monty-Python-guys-in-drag type of voice. Harry freaks out and everybody asks what's gotten into him. It was crazy.
I dreamt that I read Ultimate Comics Thor #1 (which I still haven't actually read) and it made no sense whatsoever. It was 22 pages of an Iron Man-type character and an Iron Woman-type character bonding/meditating/doing something in a giant ball of energy. I didn't understand it at all so I took to the boards here. The first post was from my friend from college who said it made no sense. Then there was a post from Joe Kalicki that explained the issue and praised its genius, except that his explanation made even less sense than the issue. His post was basically a series of random numbers, symbols, drawings and letters.

I blame Jonathan Hickman.

Was Deadpool in it?
I had one last night where after all this weird documentary stuff about this farm area, we got to one farm where there was this naked old lady glaring at the camera crew as we went by. I thought "Wow, what a *****". We got out and went into the farmhouse where it turned out the old lady was possessed by a demon of some kind. We got into a fight, which resulted in the demon turning into this blob-like mass on the floor, with old TV images on it. It was about to charge me so I started thinking of something positive - Big Bird, who's friends with everybody. I focused on this successfully when we collided, defeating the demon and causing me to wake up.

This plot continued when I went back to sleep, involving the funeral for some rich guy with a lot of adults attending it. The other people who'd been at the farm and I were keeping an eye open for lingering signs of the demon, like weird bad luck and stuff. I talked to some woman at the after-funeral luncheon who said she suspected that the rich guy's wife and heiress might've murdered him, possibly by poisoning. The heiress then pulled up in the back of a limo in funeral garb, and I suspected she might be possessed by or in league with the demon. She was played by Lara Flynn Boyle from her MIB 2 days, and looked reeeally hot. I was still working on the case when I woke up.
It seems like none of my dreams are very eventful. The majority of the time, nothing really happens in them. The last interesting dream I had was of a future Gotham City that actually looked like Reign of Fire or something with all kinds of dragons flying around. Only, in the dream I was actually reading about it in a DC handbook, so it didn't really happen. I think I was inspired by HR Giger's x-shaped Batmobile design, which was basically two black spikes crossing each other giving it kind of a medieval look (hence the dragons and whatnot).

Last night I dreamt that Doctor Octopus' real name was actually Haddus Octen. And once again, I was reading about it in a handbook.
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