Marvel and DC put out so many but I would never say they're flooding the market. How are you supposed to keep readers if the book they read just ends and not due to sales? It's a pretty bad business strategy if you ask me. Imagine if Marvel just ended Spider-Man. No relaunch or anything. Just didn't have a Spider-Man book for five years. They'd lose so many readers.
Wow. Horrible comparison. First off, Marvel and DC putting out so many books is a perfect example of flooding the market. It's also why so many of the books get cancelled and they try new stuff, of which a lot of that also gets cancelled.
You keep readers by consistently releasing quality stories with great artwork, just as Valiant does. They've built up an extremely loyal following that reads all or most of their titles (especially simple since they keep the line at 9 or 10 books per month maximum). They introduce new characters occasionally and try them out. It's actually perfectly logical.
Also, the Spider-Man comparison makes not a lick of sense. Spider-Man is one of Marvel's top characters, arguably THE top character. Valiant has their own top characters, of which Quantum & Woody certainly don't qualify as. Nor are they taking a break for five years. It's 5 or 6 months at most (less if you factor in The Delinquents mini that Q&W appear in with A&A).
The Spider-Man analogy is also massively flawed when you consider they did "get rid of Spider-Man" for a year or so through the Superior/Dr. Octopus body switch thing. How many readers did they lose?
Valiant has openly said they want to keep the line small to help build readership. It makes it easier for new fans to get into the universe by keeping it at a point where if they like a series, they can buy old back issues and trades, and likely be motivated to check out the other series the same way. And it's been working. Valiant issues and trades consistently sell out, requiring second, third, fourth, and fifth printings of the issues. And the trades are all now up to second or third printings as well.
Seems to me they're doing it right.
They're not stupid. Trying to compete with the juggernauts that are Marvel and DC in a "publish as many books as you can" capacity right out of the gate is stupid.
DC did that. Not a rare gold issue, but they sent the kid some comics and a letter (where they lied about their movies making the most money but that's beside the point). Marvel created a character for a kid with a hearing disability and other things like that. It's always nice to see.
Not the same thing. Valiant does this thing literally on a weekly basis. Can't say that for Marvel or DC. It's nice Marvel and DC occasionally do those things, but Valiant regularly does it. Valiant has shown they both respect and appreciate their fans, it's hard to see Marvel or DC really having the same appreciation. It's more that they take their fans for granted, in many respects.