Ultimates V2 #9 discussion (SPOILERS!!)

Dr.Strangefate said:
Pymples should be the abreviation for Ultimate Pym Particles.


So Ultimates 2 #10 is scheduled to ship on January 18, correct? Barring any delays (which are likely given the history), I suppose thats not too long a wait. Does anyone realistically think this title will be finished before June, 2006?
TheManWithoutFear said:
This is exactly why

A. Galactus never reaches Earth. Which would make more sense than anything.

B. Extinction should take place after this.

I'm starting to believe Extinction will take place before U2 or at most before GTA (but that would be too much to have two world-shattering events occurring consecutively). Why? Because we're still 3 issues away from the conclusion of U2 and Extinction will begin next month. We already know that Millar has plans to totally change the Ultimates by the end of U2 and Ellis won't ruin the surprise by showing the revised Ultimates on Extinction. This is of course unless the Ultimates will show up late within the series and be letting the UFF, Misty Knight, SS and Moondragon take center stage for the early issues.
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Oh this has been bothering me last night. Who was that blonde girl in uniform that screams "Wanda!"?
cmdrjanjalani said:
Oh this has been bothering me last night. Who was that blonde girl in uniform that screams "Wanda!"?
First i thought it was Betsy but then i saw the uniform so i have no idea... Carol Danvers? =P
I really want to see how the Ultimates are going to stop their evil doppelgangers AND the masses of superhumans. They're going to have a hard time on their hands.

That's when I start thinking. Captain America and Thor lead the rest of the Ultimates into battle against Loki and his team. And suddenly, the giant robots start crushing all the superhuman soldiers. They're all wondering what's going on, when Hank comes through the speakers explaining that he infiltrated the traitor's team to destroy them and save the Ultimates. Ultron is a supercomputer connected to all the giant robots, and he brings them under control. As a last act, he sacrifices himself by blowing up all of the carriers...
ProjectX2 said:
I really want to see how the Ultimates are going to stop their evil doppelgangers AND the masses of superhumans. They're going to have a hard time on their hands.

That's when I start thinking. Captain America and Thor lead the rest of the Ultimates into battle against Loki and his team. And suddenly, the giant robots start crushing all the superhuman soldiers. They're all wondering what's going on, when Hank comes through the speakers explaining that he infiltrated the traitor's team to destroy them and save the Ultimates. Ultron is a supercomputer connected to all the giant robots, and he brings them under control. As a last act, he sacrifices himself by blowing up all of the carriers...

Uhhh, wasn't it confirmed Ultron would be fighting against the Ultimates though?
TheManWithoutFear said:
I thought it was her too.

Maybe, but she just showed up on that single panel and looks like she's getting punched through. That would be sad if it was Danvers. That would also be a little unorthodoxed for Millar who seems to avoid showing characters that are outside the Ultimates books. A small mention here and there, but nothing you really need to know.

I would also like to add that you can see aside from the sinister red glow from Crimson Dynamo and Abomination's appearance (then again Hulk doesn't really look like a hero either), the look given to the anti-Ultimates doesn't really scream "evil". Maybe it's because Millar's showing that this coalition of anti-American countries are doing exactly what the Americans did in the Middle East: Toppling a country whose actions are jeopardizing the security of the world (or their own nations). This is also probably why "Red Skull" doesn't have an evil-looking skull mask and Millar makes him look simply like an Middle Eastern-version of Captain America. This may also be the reason why Pym jumped ship. Banner informs him in the earlier issues of SHIELD's plans, and Pym also finally sees the threat of America after "someone's" visit to his apartment.
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cmdrjanjalani said:
Maybe, but she just showed up on that single panel and looks like she's getting punched through. That would be sad if it was Danvers. That would also be a little unorthodoxed for Millar who seems to avoid showing characters that are outside the Ultimates books. A small mention here and there, but nothing you really need to know.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe its just "random female SHIELD agent #7".
cmdrjanjalani said:
Oh this has been bothering me last night. Who was that blonde girl in uniform that screams "Wanda!"?

Huh...good question. Maybe they pointed the word balloon to the wrong person like happened in #5, but then again I don't see anyone who "should" be saying it instead. Weird.

Good pickup.
Has Millar talked about any of the current political views that are so prevalent in this issue? I mean, it's pretty obvious what's being paralleled with today's issues and all, which I think is awesome because Ultimates is certainly the comic to do it in.

I'm just curious if he's said anything because it's so blatantly obvious. If I were teaching a class in comic books in today's world, this type of thing would certainly be a major part.... man... that'd be an awesome class.
Boondock Jew said:
Has Millar talked about any of the current political views that are so prevalent in this issue? I mean, it's pretty obvious what's being paralleled with today's issues and all, which I think is awesome because Ultimates is certainly the comic to do it in.

I'm just curious if he's said anything because it's so blatantly obvious. If I were teaching a class in comic books in today's world, this type of thing would certainly be a major part.... man... that'd be an awesome class.

The political message is obviously prevalent in the Ultimates, but what's impressive is that while it's pretty much saying that Millar's anti-war (or at least the War in Iraq), it does not really side with conservatives or liberals. In fact some message boards have both parties whining about how biased the book is to the other side, while some of the others from both groups applaud of the comic. That's also another reason why I like this book. Sure, it shows that America's military expansion and its role as world police is a bad thing, but it does not go down as political propaganda for liberalism.
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ProjectX2 said:
I really want to see how the Ultimates are going to stop their evil doppelgangers AND the masses of superhumans. They're going to have a hard time on their hands.

That's when I start thinking. Captain America and Thor lead the rest of the Ultimates into battle against Loki and his team. And suddenly, the giant robots start crushing all the superhuman soldiers. They're all wondering what's going on, when Hank comes through the speakers explaining that he infiltrated the traitor's team to destroy them and save the Ultimates. Ultron is a supercomputer connected to all the giant robots, and he brings them under control. As a last act, he sacrifices himself by blowing up all of the carriers...

that is so money.
Ok, I've read it now.
Usually after an issue of the Ultimates I have a hundred Whys and Hows. Not this time.
I know it was an action issue but it really felt empty in regards to dialogue. And despite all that happened in the issue, the trisk being half destroyed, Fury losing his arm, Widow being confirmed as the traitor, the 'bad' guys being revealed, I don't think an awful lot was achieved. The issue feels like a marker for the next stage of the story to open on. Everything changes, but we knew it would anyway, we knew that America's enemies were going to fight back, we knew they'd do it in the same manner as America has treated them.
Pretty pictures, great cinema, but nothing to really drive the story forward.
Certainly the fastest issue of the Ultimates I've ever read. Still good though.
The idea of Darth Red taking the super-serum even though he knows it will kill him is great, and I really like the idea that he's not even an anti-hero, he's a straight up hero who happens to be on a different side.

I understand that he has a sword to counterpoint caps shield, but did they have to make it a two-bladed red thing? A scimitar (maybe made of adamantine) would have been way less evocative of star wars and would have also made reference back to the fact that he is middle eastern etc (plus scimitars look wicked-cool)

So if that chick is really grey gargoyle thats cool, but i just had this image of Hank as giant man stepping on her, crushing her and being frozen as a statue somewhere symbolic.
Ok, just gone through a few old Ultimates issues, looking for any foreshadowing that points to Widow as the traitor.

Am I missing something? I can't see owt. I can see PLENTY that fingers Tony though.

So anyway, the big reasoning behind Widow being the traitor was.. because she's Russian, effectively.

If this traitor thing is as clear as all that we've seen in this issue, then why did Millar even make a secret of it? Perhaps it would have been more enjoyable to watch her go through the motions of being a traitor and leave us wondering how she's going to get caught.
Well, after Ultron kills all the enemies, he turns on the Ultimates. :D
Guijllons said:
Ok, I've read it now.
Usually after an issue of the Ultimates I have a hundred Whys and Hows. Not this time.
I know it was an action issue but it really felt empty in regards to dialogue. And despite all that happened in the issue, the trisk being half destroyed, Fury losing his arm, Widow being confirmed as the traitor, the 'bad' guys being revealed, I don't think an awful lot was achieved. The issue feels like a marker for the next stage of the story to open on. Everything changes, but we knew it would anyway, we knew that America's enemies were going to fight back, we knew they'd do it in the same manner as America has treated them.
Pretty pictures, great cinema, but nothing to really drive the story forward.
Certainly the fastest issue of the Ultimates I've ever read. Still good though.

Exactly. It's not bad, as you say, but there's not much to it. It feels big, momentous, but a set-up and not a pay-off. I think the fact we've waited 9 months for the traitor's reveal (and it was anti-climactic) followed by the continious delays for this issue and the fact that we're not sure when #10 will be out (everyone is doubting the Jan 28th) hampers the enjoyment of the issue. Again, there's nothing wrong with the issue itself, but Millar and Marvel's desperate and failed attempts at hype, coupled with the title's haphazard scheduling, has started to tarnish this series.

Thankfully, that tarnishment is temprorary and is officially gone forever once the final issue is out. Even if that's seventeen BILLION years away. :)

Terraneaux said:
The idea of Darth Red taking the super-serum even though he knows it will kill him is great, and I really like the idea that he's not even an anti-hero, he's a straight up hero who happens to be on a different side.

I think that rocks - if that turns out indeed to be the case. We don't know yet.

Terraneaux said:
I understand that he has a sword to counterpoint caps shield, but did they have to make it a two-bladed red thing? A scimitar (maybe made of adamantine) would have been way less evocative of star wars and would have also made reference back to the fact that he is middle eastern etc (plus scimitars look wicked-cool)

I too thought that a scimitar would be cool - but the last time an Arab used a scimitar was a 100 years ago. I prefer the lightsaber. :twisted:

Guijllons said:
Ok, just gone through a few old Ultimates issues, looking for any foreshadowing that points to Widow as the traitor.

Am I missing something? I can't see owt. I can see PLENTY that fingers Tony though.

So anyway, the big reasoning behind Widow being the traitor was.. because she's Russian, effectively.

If this traitor thing is as clear as all that we've seen in this issue, then why did Millar even make a secret of it? Perhaps it would have been more enjoyable to watch her go through the motions of being a traitor and leave us wondering how she's going to get caught.

EXACTLY. It's just stupid. In fact, having us know well in adavance Widow is a traitor would've added to the sense of impending doom and allowed Millar to set-up the Masters of Evil so that he didn't have to have all his villains have a roll-call at the beginning and end of #9.
Bass said:
I too thought that a scimitar would be cool - but the last time an Arab used a scimitar was a 100 years ago. I prefer the lightsaber. :twisted:

I'm starting to wonder if it's some sort of staff rather then a lightsaber. I mean, a lightsaber in the Ultimates!? That's. . .out there, no matter how wicked cool it would be.

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