Ultimates 2 #7 discussion (spoilers)

How would you rate this issue?

  • *****

    Votes: 21 43.8%
  • ****

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • ***

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • **

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • *

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
icemastertron said:
Hey! Who gave this a ONE-STAR?! Show yourself and post why!!!! :x

I know who it waaaaaaaaas. :D

I will not say anything - s/he can say if they want.
icemastertron said:
I'm not really mad. But I am curious as to why such a low score... :(

Me too. Nothing wrong with rating it what you feel it deserves...I just wonder what about it made it 1-star worthy.
ProjectX2 said:
Star Wars. Uh, I mean Scarlet Witch.

star wars huh...

Moonmaster said:
Did anyone notice the line "That'll be Wanda back for her purse. Poor girl was so tipsy going out that door she could hardly string the words together for their disappearing spell." Spellcasting? Another one of SW's[Star Wars] abilities? Hmmm....

it fits in perfect :D
[Ron Burgandy's voice]Have the courage to say something[/Ron Burgandy's voice]
The MW posters had the same guesses as us, and from the mod that have seen just about all of issue 8:

Mark Peyton said:
This is me saying this and not Millar on autoplug - no one's guessed the traitor right. NO ONE. Can't wait to read the whole thing.
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You know, it could well be Captain Britain you know.
Didn't he have a poster of Captain America on his wall while at uni? That means he believed in America. He's one of the super people, he fits all criteria I think.
And, we don't really know him. He could well be a psychopath that could gun down kids.

This is my official vote.. IF he does fit the criteria (which I think he does until Bass poo-poos me)

The Wolf IS Captain Britain.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I wouldn't doubt that he's telling the truth but that also means that it's not one of "The super-people" he's contradicting himself. Otherwise I definitely wouldn't hold my breath on that, he's probably lying just to keep the juices flowing.
I doubt he's lying. But that's just me. I mean, they saw it, and along with Millar, they tease just to get a rise out of it, but they dont lie to do it.

Again, just me.
I'm sure that every character has been mentioned, but simply suggesting a name and hoping that Millar will fill in the gaps on his board isn't going to impress anyone. It's all about the theories, and so far, no-one has guessed that correctly. Nor close, it would appear.
Guijllons said:
You know, it could well be Captain Britain you know.
Didn't he have a poster of Captain America on his wall while at uni? That means he believed in America. He's one of the super people, he fits all criteria I think.
And, we don't really know him. He could well be a psychopath that could gun down kids.

This is my official vote.. IF he does fit the criteria (which I think he does until Bass poo-poos me)

The Wolf IS Captain Britain.

Poo poo Guij, poo poo.

The reason he's not in the running is he's not even part of the Ultimates, but the Union. I don't see how he can betray a team he's not a part of.

That said, the only reason to suspect him is because it's completely and utterly unpredictable as it has no bloody point other than "ooh, you'd never have guess". He actually does fit, however, especially when you consider than the Captain's powers are created by his suit, which would imply why he would use a gun when in a trenchcoat... Also, it ties up with a supposition I had that Captain Italy's security leak meant that the traitor was messing things up for the Union as well... crap. Captain Britain does actually fit. But then, so does Captain Spain. And France. And Italy. And ****ing Captain Finland.

I'd be supremely pissed if this was true since... Cap Brit didn't exist until #2, the issue AFTER the Hulk is outed to the press. I'd find this an unbelievably cheap reveal and since Hitllar have said this has been planned since Volume 1, I find it hard to believe it's anyone from the Union. It would be like finding out its one of the Giant Men or the Reserves.

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