Ultimate Vision Mini (Spoilers)


#1 reason not to join UC
Nov 30, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Didn't hate it.

Vision prepares to leave while everyone else is celebrating the victory of Gah Lak Tus. Sam comes up to the roof and they give their farewells. Vision says she's been there too long already and is going off to other worlds to teach them how Earth defended themselves. Sam thinks it's a good idea to leave before Fury makes her "property of the military".

Vision takes flight.

A.I.M. is tracking her and send a signal out in space to grab her attention. She immediately turns around and phases through the space station A.I.M. is stationed in. Modok (Tarleton) greets her. She's concerned about the frequency but Tarleton gives her a short tour of the station first. He explains he's all about improving humanity and shows off his experiments. Twins who are psionically linked in hopes for the first psionic internet, a toddler made of plastic that Tarleton created to prove he could bring life from inorganic materials but the toddler can not grow past age 6, and something else I'm missing I think sorry I forget. He reveals that he himself is mostly machine (from the nipples down).

He then reveals the newest addition. A Gah Lak Tus drone that's damaged and nonoperable. He explains that he wants to study it so he can teach it a self destruct command in hopes of annihilating Gah Lak Tus if it ever comes around again. Vision cautiously agrees to help reactivate it. They hook her up to it and the transfer of power begins. It begins to get crazily out of control and Tarleton reveals he doesn't want to stop Gah Lak Tus but control it. Vision breaks free but Tarleton already has a bit of control of the drone and blasts Vision breaking *chokes on the word* "her" in half. He then radios an A.I.M. station on Earth telling them "Game On."


Would've given it a four but Vision's still a chick. Pretty good stuff though.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Didn't hate it.

Vision prepares to leave while everyone else is celebrating the victory of Gah Lak Tus. Sam comes up to the roof and they give their farewells. Vision says she's been there too long already and is going off to other worlds to teach them how Earth defended themselves. Sam thinks it's a good idea to leave before Fury makes her "property of the military".

Vision takes flight.

A.I.M. is tracking her and send a signal out in space to grab her attention. She immediately turns around and phases through the space station A.I.M. is stationed in. Modok (Tarleton) greets her. She's concerned about the frequency but Tarleton gives her a short tour of the station first. He explains he's all about improving humanity and shows off his experiments. Twins who are psionically linked in hopes for the first psionic internet, a toddler made of plastic that Tarleton created to prove he could bring life from inorganic materials but the toddler can not grow past age 6, and something else I'm missing I think sorry I forget. He reveals that he himself is mostly machine (from the nipples down).

He then reveals the newest addition. A Gah Lak Tus drone that's damaged and nonoperable. He explains that he wants to study it so he can teach it a self destruct command in hopes of annihilating Gah Lak Tus if it ever comes around again. Vision cautiously agrees to help reactivate it. They hook her up to it and the transfer of power begins. It begins to get crazily out of control and Tarleton reveals he doesn't want to stop Gah Lak Tus but control it. Vision breaks free but Tarleton already has a bit of control of the drone and blasts Vision breaking *chokes on the word* "her" in half. He then radios an A.I.M. station on Earth telling them "Game On."


Would've given it a four but Vision's still a chick. Pretty good stuff though.

I agree, I liked it as well, and was surprised I did. The only complaints I have are Sam's apparent crush on Vision (its just stupid) and the fact that there were 22 story pages, and 25 advertisement pages, not counting the inside covers!! Is that a bit overboard or is it just me?

Anyway, I give it a 4/5...good thing I'm not letting the crazy amount of ad pages influence my vote on the story/art, otherwise it'd be a "2".
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

The only complaints I have are Sam's apparent crush on Vision (its just stupid)

I haven't read this yet, but if Scarlet Witch can have a crush on 616 Vision (And Ultimate Ultron, apparently), why can't Sam have a crush of Ultimate Vision?

Anyways, sounds promising.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Because robo boobs is weird. But really the UU should get away from crap like romantic robots. And that Scarlett Witch scene in the UU was just a little nod/joke nothing serious
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I haven't read this yet, but if Scarlet Witch can have a crush on 616 Vision (And Ultimate Ultron, apparently), why can't Sam have a crush of Ultimate Vision?

Anyways, sounds promising.

Besides it being plain stupid? For one, Millar was obvious and over-the-top with his portrayal...Carey's writing Sam with a completely serious and unsatirical tone. I realize with comics a certain amount of suspension of disbelief is required, but someone being interested in an alien robot is just too wacky for me.

Because robo boobs is weird. But really the UU should get away from crap like romantic robots.


And that Scarlett Witch scene in the UU was just a little nod/joke nothing serious

Agree again.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I really didn't like this at all. The set-up isn't all that intriguing. Modok is a completely uninspired ultimization. The interaction between Sam and Vision is flat as hell. And worst of all, the Vision has absolutely no personality. I can't stomach a book where I have zero interest in the protagonist.

They didn't hook me. At all. This book sucks.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

It was alright, but I doubt it can keep my interest for a few more issues.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I'm really surprised to hear people say they liked it. I was pretty certain the best people could say about it was, "At least it was better than Ultimate Power."
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Besides it being plain stupid? For one, Millar was obvious and over-the-top with his portrayal...Carey's writing Sam with a completely serious and unsatirical tone. I realize with comics a certain amount of suspension of disbelief is required, but someone being interested in an alien robot is just too wacky for me.
This I completely agree with. I was grossed out by the fact that Sam's interested in Vision. I mean if it says anything about the character of Sam Wilson, it's that he's desparate and lonely. Falling in love with a robot that you consciously know appears as a woman only to adapt when "she's" actually been in the form of a male/neutral is just weird. And know one falls in love talking about technology and the end of the world which is all they've had time for and Vision didn't even show any signs of emotion.

Still I liked the issue. I agree Modok's ultimization was lame but only physically. As a character he could be interesting but to change a giant head into a cyborg isn't a stretch.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I really liked this issue. I mean, I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

It's hard tech-sci-fi that we're not getting anywhere else in the Ultimate Universe. As opposed to the aliens/dimensions sci-fi of UFF.

Mike Carey is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. I'm tempted to go get Crossing Midnight now, and I'll probably start picking up X-Men at the start of the next storyline.

And yes, Sam's line about falling for the wrong girls could be creepy, but I think he was just joking with himself because Vision would be his idea of a perfect woman, but he knows she isn't really. . . a she.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Hmm.. This sounds like it might be OK.

I won't buy it because of the art, but I plan on downloading it. Thanks for the review MWOF, my interest is piqued (despite the fact I hated the preview).
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

The art didn't interest me and I never read "Ultimate Nightmare" or "Ultimate Nick Fury runs around and acts like Sam Jackson" so I probably won't buy it. Bittorent is always an option.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

it was actually really good

better than most ultimate books coming out recently

hope they can keep it up
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

it was actually really good

better than most ultimate books coming out recently

hope they can keep it up


I guess it was just really good for an Ultimate title (a mini at that!), lately speaking anyway. Sure, Ultimates itself is always a sure thing, but the other titles have been severly lacking lately, as have the vast majority of the Ultimate mini-series. I was just pleasantly surprised by this first issue. Nothing revolutionary or exceedingly deep about it at all, just a fun, competently interesting read.

I must admit my grading scale definitly has an Ultimate curve of late.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I really dug the beginning of this. Carey is one my favorite writers.

What I got out of Sam's comment was that he was half-joking. Not that he was seriously in love.

Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I really dug the beginning of this. Carey is one my favorite writers.

What I got out of Sam's comment was that he was half-joking. Not that he was seriously in love.


Isn't funny when people call other people the very samething those people call them?..
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