Ultimate Vision Mini (Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I thought it was good. I'll keep reading it. Solid 3.5/5

The art is great - Peterson is very good.

Sam Wilson coming on to a robot sure didn't seem like he was joking, but because the idea is so retarded I will pretend that he was. I hope to God they don't do anything more with that.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I'm still perplexed about why she has a huge rack. I guess breasts get peoples attention on every planet.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I'm still perplexed about why she has a huge rack. I guess breasts get peoples attention on every planet.

Actually that's exactly what it is. The explanation is that (s)he takes the form of whatever the planet's inhabitants are most likely to pay attention to.

Boobs will definitely do the job, even if they're R0808008Z.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Actually that's exactly what it is. The explanation is that (s)he takes the form of whatever the planet's inhabitants are most likely to pay attention to.

Boobs will definitely do the job, even if they're R0808008Z.
If you noticed on issue #0 she's got a huge rack on every planet, pretty much. It's kind of funny.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Sam Wilson coming on to a robot sure didn't seem like he was joking, but because the idea is so retarded I will pretend that he was. I hope to God they don't do anything more with that.

Which is probably a guarantee that they will. Sam as Fury himself described him, he's a techno weirdo like Tony. Vision for all intents and purposes is Sam's ultimate fantasy. Looking like a woman also helps.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

If you noticed on issue #0 she's got a huge rack on every planet, pretty much. It's kind of funny.

Mmm...I don't think so. Maybe on other planets but I specifically remember it showed its first form, which looked like some kind of satellite. I seem to remember other forms shown that were R0808008-less.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

I almost fell asleep reading this. It was that boring.

The Sam Wilson/flirtation thing was so stupid that it was actually brilliant. To make him a man who values intelligence so much that sheer physicality of the relationship means nothing to him.

If it weren't so stupid I'd be in awe of the characterization.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Mmm...I don't think so. Maybe on other planets but I specifically remember it showed its first form, which looked like some kind of satellite. I seem to remember other forms shown that were R0808008-less.

Vision's first form looked like a satellite, but the people of the first world it visited rebuilt it to mimic the shape of the people it was in contact with, and there's a picture of them welding it together and it has roboboobs. After that we see it on two other planets, complete with roboboobs in both cases.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

But doesn't someone get all "omg its a gurlshape now omg" after she reactivates? Just sayin'.

Ultimate MODOK, you guys! This could really be somethin', in contrast to the bitter disappointment Ultimate Power's been so far.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Just picked this up today and after my first read I liked it !!

Way too many ads but the start to the story was decent enough to keep me interested and the artwork was excellent !!

Didn't know that Tarleton was an ultimisation of MODOK but now I do I'm even more interested in this story !!

I reckon Sam has a big part to play in this mini so we may find out more about his cyber perversion but I believe he meant what he said !!

The only thing is will the Vision repair itself to look like a woman again ??
Sam could be onto a loser here !!

Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

But doesn't someone get all "omg its a gurlshape now omg" after she reactivates? Just sayin'.

Ultimate MODOK, you guys! This could really be somethin', in contrast to the bitter disappointment Ultimate Power's been so far.

Yeah, but Ultimate MODOK was kinda. . .meh. I was expecting Tarleton to graft himself to the GLK module or something.
Re: Ultimate Vision #1 Discussion (Spoilers)

Yeah, but Ultimate MODOK was kinda. . .meh. I was expecting Tarleton to graft himself to the GLK module or something.

C'mon its issue one of five !!

Do you want the entire story in one issue ??

That could still happen !! Maybe not..... but it could !!
Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

I didn't see any thread for this, so I thought I'd start it.

I liked this one better than the first one. The plastic girl was interesting, and I liked the discussion of the two trash guys. Ultimate Modok isn't half bad.

It's nothing special and kind of predictable, but it's pretty entertaining so far... I give this issue a C+.
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

I didn't see any thread for this, so I thought I'd start it.

I liked this one better than the first one. The plastic girl was interesting, and I liked the discussion of the two trash guys. Ultimate Modok isn't half bad.

It's nothing special and kind of predictable, but it's pretty entertaining so far... I give this issue a C+.

this was good

very good by comparison

ultimate MODOK is actually becoming cool
