Ultimate Vision Mini (Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

I just like Carey's science fiction bull****. He's very good at it. At first when I saw Gah Lak Tus go all organic I thought it was too similar to the spikes from Hulk (and it is) but seeing how deadly it makes Gah Lak Tus to assimilate like that in order to destroy is pretty right on. Tarleton being corrupted is predictable but I didn't see it coming. I dunno, I really liked this too.

Vision's still a chick though...

I can't give an accurate summary. Does anyone have the issue?

Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

My shop didn't get this in so can somebody post a summary?
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

This issue was all over the place. It was a letdown after the excellent first issue.

I hope they can work Falcon back into it somehow.

I'm at work and don't have the comic with me, so I can't do a write-up on it. Sorry.
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

Eh, I enjoyed it. Basically (I'm going from memory here, so any who have the issue on hand might need to fill in some gaps), Vision somehow contacts the plastic girl Dima and gets her help to repair herself (Vision) after the conclusion of last issue. Tarleton/MODOK uses the Galactus module to hold the world ransom, in an effort to create his own utopia (though its anything but). The Galactus module releases some kind of biological agent or toxin which infects some of the crew members, turning them into spiky, Galactus-goblin things. They begin to attack the station.

Thats pretty much it. The important stuff, anyway. It was a decent read. Definitly better than most of the other Ultimate books coming out recently. Characterization and dialogue were both well done, and the art work did a decent job of moving the story along and making it a bit more interesting. I give it a 4/5.
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

This is alright, but I still think Vision is stupid. I don't care about what happens to "her".

And those monster Galactus people are just weird.
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

Seriously---I think this is the only Ultimate mini that I will not follow.

The book is just so boring. I'd rather read Ultimate X4 again. I literally wanna fall asleep with each passing panel.
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

Seriously---I think this is the only Ultimate mini that I will not follow.

The book is just so boring. I'd rather read Ultimate X4 again. I literally wanna fall asleep with each passing panel.

Wow...I like this much better than X4. To me its 100 times more interesting than that mini. At least this has more going for it than only being a "versus" book.
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

Wow...I like this much better than X4. To me its 100 times more interesting than that mini. At least this has more going for it than only being a "versus" book.

See? So now you have an idea of how bored I am with this mini. I'm serious. I like Carey---but holy **** is this boring.

You need more pep

Is that all? Whew. And here I thought I needed more cowbell............
Re: Ultimate Vision #2 Discussion (spoilers)

Everyone needs more cowbell, its a common truth

So true!



Play it baby!
Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

did any one else pick this up? i thought it was pretty good, Ultimate M.O.D.O.K. is pretty cool! this is definatley the best Ultimate Mini in a good long time

Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion

As I recall (it's been so long. . .) issue 2 wasn't very good. But issue 1 was great. This was somewhere in the middle. Definately Peterson's best work so far.
Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion

Can't do a summary because people start threads without marking spoilers...

I hate little children. I hate that plastic punk she's got carrying around with her now.

Anyway M.O.D.O.K. is one of the best villains since Ultmate Mad Thinker was introduced. Wait... Same creator? Carey should never leave the Ultimate Universe.
Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

I wasn't thrilled by the issue. No real complaints, though I could have done without the little girl.