Ultimate Vision Mini (Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

Anyway M.O.D.O.K. is one of the best villains since Ultmate Mad Thinker was introduced. Wait... Same creator? Carey should never leave the Ultimate Universe.

I can agree there fully.

The little plastic girl didn't bother me so much. There was no point to having her there, sure, but she herself wasn't so annoying (keeping in mind a comparison to some of the younger characters I've seen in this specific medium before).
Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

What does Ultimate MODOK look like?
Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

I like this mini although we know it's in the past and the world is gonna be fine and falcon lives to appear in Ultimate Annual #2, we still don't know what happens to vision or moduk..like if vision leaves at the end and we never see her or gah lak tus + silver surfers again...or do we?...maybe there is a silver surfer in the gah lak tus module and that's the one due to appear in F4...I think this mini could still have some twists.

I think it would be very cool if there was something from this arc left over like some vital part of the gah lak tus module the government got and which then became project pegasus (the thing bendis keeps name dropping, and ultimate quasar is involved)....they could almost go anywhere if they got into that position...probably won't tho.

Moduk is pretty cool, but I can't believe people thought the tinkerer was good..I thought Thinktank and X4 are the worst Fantastic four arcs..if not some of the worst in UU. I find Carey hit and miss, i didn't really like his F4 run but now i quite liked God war once i got into it.
Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

Moduk is pretty cool, but I can't believe people thought the tinkerer was good..I thought Thinktank and X4 are the worst Fantastic four arcs..if not some of the worst in UU. I find Carey hit and miss, i didn't really like his F4 run but now i quite liked God war once i got into it.

I agree about those arcs, but I think the Thinker is a better character than those were stories.

For some reason I just really like Mike Carey's Ultimate work. Elektra wasn't great, X4 wasn't great, I overall didn't care for God War. But the latest UFF and the second annual were spectacular and even through the worse stuff he had a good sense of all the characters and they had good dialogue.
Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

If it weren't for me having to collect every Ultimate Universe comic (besides Ultimate Iron Man 2, blecch) I would be dropping this now. Issues two and three were pretty bad.
Re: Ultimate Vision #3 discussion (spoilers!)

Remove the little girl, and Ultimate Vision is a nice mini.
Far better than X4 anyway, it's hard to be worse than that ....