Fredrik Martinsson
Formerly known as Ultimate Warrior
Goodwill said:I really don't think this will come down to something as complicated, though...
No. I don't think so either unfortuly
But it would make a great story if it did.
Goodwill said:I really don't think this will come down to something as complicated, though...
Thanks, HulkSmash. And welcome to the site!HulkSmash said:Seldes Katne, that was a wicked sweet read.![]()
I'm hopeing Thor's actually The Thor or a reincarnate of... I also like that theory about him dying. I love Thor but to me it would would propel his Ultimate Character to even greater greatness. Can't wait to see what happens...![]()
Seldes Katne said:The essay seems to have been well received. (And imagine my surprise at finding it reproduced in its entirety on the boards at :shock: )
Seldes Katne said:Consider, also, that if Thor is indeed a reincarnation of the original, what's to say he couldn't reappear again at some point in the title if he does die in an upcoming arc? In a sense, he's done it once already by appearing here after his death in the Ragnarok (if he is indeed who he claims to be).
Yes, they did, thank you. (I notice your name was involved as well. :wink: ) Although, since I'm not registered there, I'm curious as to how they knew my gender....TheManWithoutFear said:Hmmm... did they give you the credit for it?
Seldes Katne said:Yes, they did, thank you. (I notice your name was involved as well. :wink: ) Although, since I'm not registered there, I'm curious as to how they knew my gender....
TheManWithoutFear said:Thing is I posted it at Comixfan? Where did you see it?
Seldes Katne said:It's all right, MWOF, I'm not offended. If anything, I'm flattered that you thought enough of it to post it, along with some very nice comments.It was on the Ultimates Thread at the ComiX-Fan boards: Essay I visit there once a day or so, just to see what's being discussed. This morning, it was my essay.... :lol:
leather_w0lf said:Now, yes, it's no joke that Loki is turning the Ultimates against him, right down to his allies on the team. The Entity he has aligned with is Galactus.
leather_w0lf said:(Crossovers with X-men in Nightmare, Fantastic Four in Secret and The whole UU in Arrival.). It's what all this is coming too.
leather_w0lf said:The current Spiderman story arc is building up to the Ultimate Arrival Event.
leather_w0lf said:And one more thing - look for Valkyrie to show up in issue 6 of Ultimates, another Asgardian(?). Dani is a Valkyrie, not a human thinking she one . . . heh heh heh, but I bet Millar takes her on the same ride as Thor.
UltimateE said:Galactus (616 and I'd assume Ultimate) is not inherently good or evil, and has nothing to gain by turning the Ultimates against Thor.
I don't think so - crossovers are never handled this way in the Ultimate books.
I really doubt it.
leather_w0lf said:This story that is running right now in Ultimate Nightmare (Ultimates crossover with X-men), then into Ultimate Secret (Ultimates crossover with the Fantastic Four) and then into Ultimate Arrival (The entire Ultimates universe with the entering of Ultimate Galactus) is 100% tied into all the books running right now in the Ultimate Universe.
leather_w0lf said:The Ultimates 2 series right now, Thor is told by Volstagg that Loki has escaped and allied himself with "something even you can't match" and "if our wise men are correct, he 'll assemble the super people against you, too."
That will happen in issue 4 & 5. The Ultimates get their a$$es kicked by Thor.
Which leads into issue 6 and the Ultimate Defenders and Valkyrie. I goofed by calling her Dani. This Valkyrie is the old school Valkyrie not the New Mutant Valkyrie wanna-be (I recently re-read the Asgardian Wars graphic novel and it was stuck in my head). The old school Valkyrie in the Defenders is a true blue Valkyrie from Valhalla.
leather_w0lf said:The current story arc in Ultimate Spider man has Spider man and the Ultimates facing the Hobgoblin. There is your Spider man and Ultimates Crossover.
leather_w0lf said:Right now the story arc in Ultimate Fantastic Four is being written by Millar. And it's a journey in "space" throught the N-Zone coming to a meeting with Ultimate Annhilus and leading to the Ultimate Arrival mini, once again.
leather_w0lf said:As I said before, I odn't read Ultimate X-men but I owuldn't be surprised if their current story line is leaning towards some big nasty apocalyptic event or occurance.
leather_w0lf said:With all characters in the Ultimate universe being in Ultimate Arrival, all indications are that Marvel is tying all their titles onto the Ultimate Arrival mini series like they do in 616 and their is presedence for this when they did and issue tying Ultimate Spiderman to the Ultimate Six mini (Ultimate Spiderman, issue 46).
leather_w0lf said:Nick Fury has no idea what he's up against or who is manipulating him. He's in the hands of a god of evil and mischief and don't even realize it. All current indicaors point to Jarvis being Loki. In issue 3 he's dusting floating vases . . . hmmmmm.
leather_w0lf said:Thee is also the theory that Loki is as visible to the people around as Volstagg was to those folks in the coffee shop . . .
And some have said it's possible that Fury is Loki, too.
leather_w0lf said:Thor is an earthly manifestation of a god. He's a person that grew up here on earth and became possessed by the essense of the diety, something made possible by his nervous breakdown. He's the real deal spiritually, human physically. The whole deal with Fatso in [the] bar was that the "humans" couldn't see him, but Thor could. Volstagg was a spirit in essence that only Thor could see.