Well-Known Member
How would you explain the powers that he has?
icemastertron said:OK, if this has been done somewhere else, sorry.
But I want to do this because I thought of something interesting.
You see, what if Thor is not real? I mean, the team thinks that he's just someone who thinks he's a Norse God. But what if the only reason he exists, is because someone else thinks, or belives he exits. (Again, if someone else mentioned this, sorry. Not taking the spotlight away from you on purpose).
For those who read the Earth X and the other books, Loki finds out that he doesn't really exist. He's not a real god. He's only there because people belive him to actually exist, but doesn't. So what if Ultimate Thor is just like this too? I thought of this since like Thor said to the fellow Asgardian in the restaurant, he quit the Ultimates because he got what he wanted.- the fame. He's now known throughout the world. So with more people beliveing in him, guys get me?
And maybe this can be the reason why Thor thought he was talking to someone too. The people who belive, may not belive this guy to be true or something. So Thor may think he is, but not the belivers.
Am I just rambling stupidness here? Tell me what you honestly think.
mutantfreak said:What if Thor is crazy and his power comes from his craziness? Kind like Gladiator, Shiar imperial guard, whose powers comes from his self-assurance. If he believes he can do it them he can.
This is almost the opposite of Icemastertron theory… …not really.
Guijllons said:If he is a norse god, then he would have been around a lot longer than just these few years, so if anything, the spirit or essence wouldn't have always been with this personification of thor all through his life, because what is the use of a childs body to a god.
However, I really don't like the idea of an essence or spirit in the UU
Guijllons said:If I really believe i'm a norse god does that mean I can shoot lightning out of my nuts? i think not.
mutantfreak said:Yeah, I agree that Ultimate Thor should be left a mystery. But If he really is a God, how come he didn't know that until he was twelve? Maybe Loki has something to do with it...
UltimateE said:Twelve - around the onset of adolescence, when mutant abilities manifest...hmmm....
Guijllons said:Ok, on thor, he's a guy with 'a big scary hammer' he says that he didn't realise he was a god until he was in the mental institution. where did he get the hammer from? Is the hammer the source of his power? and if so, how? I'm loathe to believe that thor is actually a god, but if there something in norse mythology about the ownership of thors hammer? i'm sure there must be and there may be some clues that could develop from that.
Seldes Katne said:Also, if I might point this out, the age at which Jesus was found by his parents in the temple, discussing religious matters with the scribes and rabbis. This is one of the earliest hints in Jesus' life that he might indeed be the Son of God. This and the fact that Thor apparently suffered his nervous breakdown at the age of 28 or 29 ("just short of his 30th birthday", according to Bruce Banner), and several other behaviorisms, provides strong parallels between Thor and Jesus, who is one of the most prominent examples of a God born among men. Jesus started his public life of preaching at the age of 30.
You should see her ENTIRE theory! It's long, but she has so many interesting things that match up, that's it's just like "Wow!" :wink:UltimateE said:Very interesting...great pickup....